Android App Developers Skills Should Know Before Hiring

Android App Developers Skills Should Know Before Hiring

Smartphones have revolutionized our access to information and services by placing them within reach on handheld devices. They have become an essential component of daily life; Android apps connect people across the globe in exciting new ways as more companies seek to Hire Android Developers globally.

Android applications demand a thorough knowledge of both programming and design aspects. Experienced Android app developers possess an in-depth knowledge of various related concepts to create successful apps.

This blog highlights the top ten Android developer abilities you should prioritize when recruiting an Android developer. To properly assess these talents, we must first gain an understanding of Android application development and app developers' responsibilities.

Let's start at the beginning. 

What is Android App Development?

Android, an open-source platform designed for smartphones and tablets created by Google using the Linux kernel, rapidly gained prominence within just ten years of release, becoming the world's most widely used operating system—estimated by some estimates as having over 4 billion customers (in 2023).

The Android Wear operating system makes the platform accessible on various smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices. Today's businesses and brands need innovative Android apps to increase their appeal, creativity, and reach.

Certain Android versions feature incremental innovations or changes over time; these are those versions:

    • Android versions 1.0 & 1.1

    • Android version 1.5: Cupcake

    • Android version 1.6: Donut

    • Android versions 2.0 to 2.1: Éclair

    • Android version 2.2: Froyo

    • Android version 2.3: Gingerbread

    • Android 3.0 to 3.2: Honeycomb

    • Android version 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

    • Android versions 4.1 to 4.3: Jelly Bean

    • Android version 4.4: KitKat

    • Android versions 5.0 and 5.1: Lollipop

    • Android version 6.0: Marshmallow

    • Android versions 7.0 and 7.1: Nougat

    • Android version 8.0 and 8.1: Oreo

    • Android version 9: Pie

    • Android version 10

    • Android version 11

    • Android version 12(latest version)

Android development involves designing, building, deploying, and testing mobile applications using the Android Development Kit or SDK in Android Studio, which supports various operating systems.

Also Read: Android App Development Tools for Building Successful Apps 

One of the key characteristics defining Android application environments is that they were traditionally developed using Java programming language; however, modern development tools from Google, such as Kotlin, now also support Android app creation using these languages and many more! Although traditional approaches, such as using only Java, might work better for some apps, other methods, such as C ++ or others, may work as well if desired.

Top Android App Developer's Skills to Consider Before Hiring

If you own a business and are planning to hire Android app developers, be sure to consider the following abilities. They will assist you in hiring the most skilled Android developers for your app. Let's dive into the most essential capabilities.

Strong Grip on Programming Languages

Hire Android app developer who knows the basics of programming languages like Java, Kotlin, XML, and Firebase. Developers who lack these skills fail to create an app that will be successful on Android. You might be thinking about the programming languages employed during the development. Right? Here's a list.

    • Java: The ability to master Java is among the most essential skills any developer should possess. A solid grasp of Java programming can help developers create complicated Java syntax and structures. Therefore, ensure that when you employ Android developers, they are proficient in OOP and other ideas.

    • Kotlin: Kotlin is a great choice for developing efficient Android apps. It works the best because it offers incredible benefits to the Android platform. Kotlin is amongst the most popular programming languages utilized in the development of Android apps, which is why each Android app developer needs to be familiar with It. If you plan to hire an Android app developer, be sure they're proficient with Kotlin.

    • Firebase: Every company would like to build a quality Android app that can help it grow and make money. That's where Firebase is a key component. By integrating Firebase, an Android developer for hire can access a variety of features that make it easier. Furthermore, the Firebase indexing feature helps the Android application appear in Google SERPs.

    • XML: Although the principal Android application development programming is carried out with Java, XML is required for other purposes. It provides the layout for Android mobile apps and also encodes.

Understanding Android Design

The unique design of the application is among the main reasons for its success because it attracts users to the app. The design of the Android application enhances the overall appearance and feel of the application.

Most users do not want to use an app with an unappealing appearance and many mistakes. Hire Android app developers who know the basics of Android's design.

When you look for Android app developers to hire, check this talent aside from the focus on development.

Cross-Platform Expertise

With the growing use of smartphones, users are separated according to the operating system and platform, i.e., android and iOS.

Tech giants like Google and Apple are attempting to connect the dots between various OSs by utilizing cross-platform applications and frameworks. It is, therefore, crucial to recruit Android app developers who are proficient in the development of cross-platform apps.

If you have difficulty finding Android app developers, it is recommended that you consult an experienced Android app development company. They will find the best cross-platform experts.

Adaptive to Changing Environment

Android development standards are evolving, which means developers must be able to adapt to the ever-changing environment.

Furthermore, Android app developers should be eager to improve and implement their techniques in creating custom Android apps. Examining this ability will allow you to hire committed developers who will meet your Android app project's requirements.

This will allow developers to adhere quickly to the specific project specifications while allowing companies to continue their work.

Database Technologies

Mobile databases comprise structured data designed to meet development requirements. That's the reason every Android app developer should possess an in-depth understanding of the most recent database technology, as it can provide numerous benefits like the following:

    • Secure: Databases provide complete security against cyber attacks on Android applications. In DBMS, multiple user logins are available, which must be approved by the administrator or the owner.

    • Accessible: The incredible DBMS's Data Query Languages help Android app developers search their app's database with the click of a finger. This means that the data is readily available in databases.

    • No hassles with updates: DBMS contains data manipulation language, allowing the user to update the application's database simply and easily. This means that you can enjoy easy updates if the program is familiar with database technology.

SDLC Understanding

Each Android developer must understand the reasons behind the development process and corporate decision-making. You must ensure that the professional you select is adept at identifying crucial components and features and designing the development process smartly.

Also Read: Top Android App Development Trends

In this way, they can build an Android app that is entirely in line with the requirements and needs of the business. Like every other skill, cross-checking and the skills before you Hire Android Developers is a must before you start hiring.

Smart Android Testing

The process of developing an Android app continues beyond development. Many more tasks must be completed to ensure the app's success.

Yes, that's right! In addition to development, Android app testing is another essential aspect to pay attention to. Testing the depth of your application is crucial to ensure the app is error-free.

If you decide to hire Android app developers or seek out a reputable Android app development firm, Ask the experts if they can test your app correctly.

The experts must be acquainted with the basics of testing and, therefore, look over the test with a keen eye to identify all mistakes and bugs.

Soft Skills

It's one of many factors to consider when hiring Android app developers. Android developers must also have specific soft skills like communicating with customers.

    • Communication: A committed Android developer must adhere to a transparent communication method and possess incredible communication abilities. Sometimes, miscommunication can lead to project failure. Ensure that the developer you hire is willing to communicate easily with you and provide regular updates to the app.

    • Problem-solving: Creating an Android application can be difficult for business owners, and everyone ought to admit it. The developers have to be problem solvers, and only then can they begin to develop Android applications with success.

    • Team player: An Android app developer must be a great team player, as complicated projects cannot be completed alone and require experts. Occasionally, a project is unsuccessful because the experts fail to work in a team, which can impact the Android app's functioning.

If you plan to hire Android developers from New York or any region, be sure they have these soft capabilities.

On-Time Delivery

Only a few professionals possess the talent to finish the project on time. Remember to test this ability when hiring an Android app developer.

This is why you should look at the reputation of the Android developer or Android app development company to gain an understanding of the process of delivering the project.

One of the most effective methods to accomplish this is to speak with current clients who have used the services for Android app development. This will make you confident of your decision.

The Ability to use Version Control Tools

Once an Android application has been designed, numerous features have to be added, and it is essential to test certain features to determine if they work correctly.

Also Read: Develop an Android App from Scratch

However, let's consider the possibility of adding features that break your Android app's MVP. What should you do then? This is when having a good understanding of using tools to manage version control, such as Git, can be an aid.

Steps to Hire an Android Developer

Whatever method you use to select the next Android developer, don't leave the final choice to the luck of the draw.

The process of determining Android developers' experiences is complex. Follow these steps to hire Android app developers to assist your company in achieving success:

Create a profile for a candidate

Finding top Android developers for your project will require you to know the job in detail. You may work with other hiring companies and HR consultants to learn more about the job, its requirements, and how it will contribute to your business.

Once you have this information, you can create a profile of a potential candidate for the job you want to fill.

Create a technical description of your project

When you have established the position's needs, it is vital to determine the technical capabilities your company needs. It is also essential to decide which soft skills will fit into the company's culture and will help the process of developing apps.

Also Read: Strategies to Reduce the Cost of Android App Development

Compile this data to create an exhaustive job description. If you're not ready to write a professional job description or wish to speed up the process, you can use our mobile developer job description template for apps.

Here are five sections your job description should include:

    • Location, job title, and the type of employment

    • Overview of the company, vision the mission, company overview, as well as the company's culture

    • A complete list of daily tasks

    • Qualifications and skills required for the position

    • Work benefits

Select the Best Job Model

When hiring developers, you have many options. If you wish to have developers join your company permanently, you can select a full-time employment model. Be aware that it is the most costly option.

However, searching for Android developers for hire for temporary employment contracts is possible.

Conduct Tests Before Screening

You can take pre-screening tests to test candidates' knowledge and practical capabilities for employment. Testing for pre-employment is the best method for selecting employees, unlike resumes, which are not as accurate and trustworthy.

You can include online pre-employment tests on your profile page for career development or take a physical test to identify the most suitable applicants for your job. When conducting skills tests, choose an appropriate platform to find the most skilled developers.

For instance, you can use Java testing of coding algorithms to assess Android developers' Java abilities. The exam tests candidates' ability to write simple algorithms in Java.

Conduct interviews with technical experts

Following that, an interview with potential candidates will be conducted based on their scores on the pre-screening test. You may conduct physical or virtual interviews or both based on your company's policy. Interviews can help you learn about your top candidates and select the most suitable one for the job.

Virtual interviews save money and time and allow you to talk with applicants who aren't able to travel for an interview in person.

Physical interviews are ideal for understanding candidates' personalities and assessing their communication abilities. Candidates can also be provided with tests to take under your supervision.

Sign the agreement in its final form, and then the contract

If you've found the perfect candidate, discuss every aspect of the project with the person. If you hire to develop apps in-house, you could give them decent pay and sign an employment agreement.

However, if you're temporarily Hire Android Developers task, get signed non-disclosure agreements in advance. After that, you can discuss the project in-depth and decide on the anticipated length, cost, and working hours.

Make sure your offer considers your employee's worth and the value you want the employee to contribute to your business. Provide attractive compensation plans and bonuses to entice the most qualified candidates. You can determine the typical Android developer's salary to help guide your discussions.



While there are many other aspects that recruiters must consider before hiring Android and mobile app developers, assessing Android developer capabilities is an essential element of the selection process. Mobile-specific apps are necessary across all sectors, including marketing and healthcare. It is not a secret that the demand to hire mobile developers is increasing quickly. It is now essential to assess Android developer abilities before deciding whether you want to hire the developers for your project.

Hire Android Developers who are accountable for developing, designing, and testing software for devices powered by the Android operating system. They should have a wide variety of technical abilities, including knowledge of Android SDK, Java Android SDK, Java, and various programming languages. In addition, they should be able to collaborate with designers and other developers to develop a coherent product. To determine the most suitable candidate, you must take an Android test to assess their ability.