How Much Does It Cost to Build a Job Portal Like Bayt 2024

How Much Does It Cost to Build a Job Portal Like Bayt 2024

The job market encounters various challenges, such as shortages of talent, intense competition, and constantly evolving market demands. However, here, we can explore and gain knowledge on how to build a job portal like Bayt. 

Bayt overcomes the limits of conventional recruiting by offering organizations a new talent pool. Bayt uses innovative search algorithms and a vast network of pre-vetted experts to speed the recruiting process, minimize time-to-hire, and lower the cost of developing a job portal app by attracting top talent. This enables organizations to make data-driven choices and find the best match for their shifting requirements, giving them a competitive advantage in today's dynamic employment market.

However, the dilemma for businesses is twofold: the intricacy of the approach necessary and the expense of developing a job site like Bayt. Typically, the cost of developing a portal like Bayt depends on criteria such as UI/UX design, location of the hired development team, features to be incorporated, and so on.

This blog intends to shed light on many elements of job search portal creation, providing companies with insights into creative ways that might open up new potential in this field.

Also Read : Job Portal And App Development: Cost, Features, And Ideas 2024

How to Create a Job Portal App Like Bayt 

Developing a job portal app like Bayt requires a thorough process, extensive research, and a variety of vital components that allow organizations to produce an engaging and successful application. Let's begin the process!

Define Goals and Features

Begin by identifying the job search app development goals and objectives, which may include easing job searches, connecting companies with applicants, and delivering value-added services. Based on user requirements and market research, determine essential features, such as job search filters, resume upload capability, messaging, and job application tracking.

Create a Team

Form a qualified and experienced development team that includes designers, job portal developers, QA engineers, and project managers. Collaborate with domain specialists who are experienced in job portal app development to achieve a thorough grasp of user needs and industry best practices. You can hire remote developers to build a job portal app, or you can also partner with a job portal development company and hire mobile app developers from them.

Secure Data and Communication

Prioritize data security and encryption techniques to safeguard sensitive user information, such as personal information, resumes, and communication channels between employers and applicants. To ensure confidentiality and integrity, it's crucial to implement secure authentication procedures and SSL/TLS encryption for data transfer.


Begin the design process by producing wireframes and mockups of the app's layout, navigation flow, and user interface components. Focus on developing a user-friendly and intuitive design that improves the job search app development and application experience. You can hire mobile app developers from a job portal development service provider. With the partnership of the job portal app development solution providers, they make sure that they give you the best design for your app, which definitely gives you an upper hand in creating customer attraction.   

Regulations & Compliance

Ensure adherence to applicable rules and industry standards, such as data protection laws (e.g., GDPR), employment requirements, and security standards. Implement procedures to protect user data privacy and provide transparency throughout the job application process.


Use agile approaches to develop and enhance features based on user input iteratively. Collaborate directly with the development team to build robust backend systems, integrate APIs, and guarantee consistent functioning across all platforms.

Testing and Refinement

Throughout the development process, do thorough testing to discover and resolve any bugs, problems, or usability concerns. To verify that the app satisfies quality requirements, do functional testing, device and browser compatibility testing, performance testing, and security audits. Gather input from beta testers and stakeholders to improve the user experience and feature functionality. One of the most essential parts of building a job portal like Bayt is testing. For this, you can hire a job portal development company to make sure that your app is bug-free and does not cause problems for the user. JPLoft is the perfect choice for you, as we are one of the most renowned mobile app development companies, and we specialize in job portal app development services. 

Application Deployment

Prepare the app for launch by finishing app store listings, installing server infrastructure, and implementing analytics and monitoring tools. Follow platform-specific standards for app submission and approval procedures on app marketplaces (such as the App Store and Google Play Store). Deploy the software in production environments and guarantee a smooth deployment to users.

Ongoing Maintenance

After app deployment, offer continuing maintenance and assistance to fix any post-launch problems, integrate feature upgrades, and improve performance. Monitor app performance data, user comments, and market trends to find opportunities for development and innovation. Regularly upgrade security measures and compliance methods to reduce risks and maintain long-term sustainability.

Businesses that follow this organized development approach may efficiently create an app like Bayt that satisfies user expectations, complies with laws, and provides value to both employers and job seekers.

Also Read :  Job Portal App Development: Build an Advanced Job Portal Websites

Features to Develop an App Like Bayt

When searching for Glassdoor job portal development costs, you should prioritize the job portal app features that you want to include in the platform. Features improve your application's scalability and usability, increasing its chances of success in the recruitment market.  Here are some of the essential aspects of your employment portal software development.

Profile Creation

It is an essential element for all forms of recruiting app development. It enables users to create their own identity on the app by entering their names, contact information, profile photo, CV, and other pertinent details. It is a step-by-step guide for successfully registering on employment portal applications such as Glassdoor.

Data Security

The first and most important element of any effective job portal software is a secure database that holds all of the users' sensitive information. A strong security database safeguards users' data from possible cyber theft while also ensuring the portal's integrity. Thus, secure database integration is the key component for handling sensitive data smoothly.  Security is one of the major concerns in app development. You can use blockchain security in your job portal development services by hiring a job portal development company or hire a remote developer. JPloft is the perfect match for you, as they are one of the best app development companies in the market, and they have highly skilled blockchain developers

Job Search

It is the foundation of any job portal software, helping job seekers identify suitable opportunities based on their talents and location choices. The search algorithm should enable job searchers to select results based on specified criteria. We recommend including a search suggestion function that auto-suggests the most appropriate possibilities when applicants type the initial letters of a firm or employment opening into the search field.

Document and CV Upload

Uploading documents is an essential function when creating a job portal, such as Glassdoor or any other job board. This option may save consumers important time filling out the same information again and again. It enables users to submit resumes, academic diplomas, conference images, and notable accomplishments that demonstrate their abilities. Here, it is critical to provide different options for attaching a document, such as uploading from the system, importing from other sources, or creating one inside the portal.

Resume Builder

Not everyone is adept at complimenting themselves, whether in writing or in person. Some professionals, particularly those who are inexperienced, are not experts at creating a CV that would capture the attention of potential employers. As a result, you should consider providing recommendations, virtual support, or just a resume-building service via your employment site.

In-app Chat 

It is one of the most critical job portal software features, ensuring a seamless connection between businesses and job seekers. Employers and workers may use in-app chat to share information and organize an interview round to move the recruitment process forward. The in-app chat feature is one of the trendy features in app development solutions. You can integrate. in-app chat features into your job portal development services to enhance the user experience. For this, you can hire dedicated developers from JPLoft, as we are one of the most popular mobile app development companies in the world right now. 

Company Reviews

One of Glassdoor's most notable features is the firm review area, which allows workers to discuss their experiences working for a specific firm. It enables job seekers to make educated decisions based on the company's work culture, wage range, and employee satisfaction level.


Often, a candidate is unsure about the organization or job he or she is considering. In such cases, giving the customer the option to save the job ad and apply later would be quite beneficial. It will enable users to contemplate applying for the post later without fear of forgetting the facts. This function is also valuable for companies since it allows them to preserve applicant profiles.

Interview Tips

Glassdoor provides insight into probable interview questions for numerous professions across many sectors. This information enables potential workers to better prepare for job interviews and negotiate with new companies. 

Career Advice

Online job sites can provide job seekers with valuable career guidance and learning tools. Glassdoor, in particular, offers concrete advice on resume writing and job search methods, all of which may help job seekers increase their chances of obtaining their ideal job. The career advice feature is one of the vital features in the job portal development services, and with this, you can get the loyalty of the users. 

User Interface

One of the most essential elements for attracting new candidates and keeping them for a longer period of time is an easy-to-use and visually attractive interface. As a result, the employment site should be easy to use and responsive enough to function across different devices.

Job Alerts

This tool enables candidates to get alerts when a company announces new job positions that fit their criteria. For example, when a user adds information about their profile and preferred location, Glassdoor sends them an email with the postings that best match their qualifications. It relieves the candidate of the worry of seeking a job offer on their own. This functionality should be adjustable so that users may choose the types and frequency of push notifications they wish to receive.

Salary Insights

An employment platform like Glassdoor gives typical pay for different positions, sectors, and enterprises. It enables job seekers to negotiate greater perks and compensation. This feature is precious for those searching for their first job or thinking about changing careers.

Payment Plan

At times, both recruiters and candidates need access to the job portal's key capabilities, which enable them to boost exposure, create a professional resume, download more resumes, and submit limitless job listings. So, ensure that your job site includes a broad range of payment integration options, allowing customers to choose their preferred payment form depending on convenience. To integrate third-party APIs, you can hire mobile app developers from JPLoft. Our developers are highly skilled and knowledgeable about integrating APIs. 

Integration of Social Media

The number of social media users has been steadily expanding over the last several years. According to Statista, the total number of social media users in the United States will reach $331.09 million by 2028. In a world where more than half of the population uses social media, combining your employment site with social networking platforms is a more favorable feature. It will enable candidates to publish their job advertisements and recruiters to promote their vacant positions. It will also allow users to log in to the site using their social media credentials and connect to their networks.

Advanced Analytics

Advanced analytics is one of the most popular features of job portal software. It enables recruiters and job seekers to monitor the success of their job postings and searches. It gives useful information on job seekers' and recruiters' behavior, the quality of job applications, the success of job ads, and so on. 

Job Invites

It is one of the most appealing advantages for businesses since it allows them to send job invitations to the appropriate people. This tool enables users to arrange interviews via text messages or phone conversations to continue.

Resume Filtering

Using this tool, recruiters will not lose important time going through resumes that do not meet their standards. They may quickly filter the resumes in the website's database and contact the appropriate prospect for further processing.

Job Filter

When creating a job platform comparable to Glassdoor, provide the most versatile filtering choices. In layman's words, each component of your employment portal should enable customers to narrow their search, simplifying and increasing their experience with the program.

These are some of the critical factors that influence the total cost of building a job platform like Glassdoor. However, you might explore a variety of additional features to tailor your application to your project's needs, budget, and other important considerations. By integrating these basic and advanced features in your job portal development solution, you give your user an enhanced experience and user accusation in your job portal app development services. For this, you need to partner with a well-known job portal development company like JPLoft. 

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How Job Portal App Services Make Money?

When it comes to creating an employment site like Bayt, company owners must constantly evaluate how it would benefit them financially. Businesses may employ a variety of monetization methods. Tactics to increase earnings. So, before you begin the recruiting app development process, you should understand the various techniques for monetizing the platform.

Freemium Plans

One of the most typical methods of monetizing job portal software is using a freemium model. In this plan, customers may use the basic version of the job portal for free, but they must purchase the premium subscription to access the job portal's additional features. LinkedIn is one of the most remarkable instances of monetizing the site by offering premium plans to customers.


One of the most profitable methods for owners to generate money is to show advertising on job portals, such as sponsored ads, display ads, video commercials, and so on. Advertisers may pay for impressions or clicks, and the advertising can be tailored to a particular set of candidates based on their job choices, profile, and geography.

Paid Job Postings

While many recruitment applications provide free job postings, famous job portals such as Bayt charge a high fee. It all depends on whether you want your employment portal software to be free or paid for by users. You may charge a recurring fee for each job placed for a certain period of time or a one-time fee for all job postings.

Data Services

You may also create income by selling the data to other parties, such as market research organizations, HR analytics firms, and so on. But, before you sell data to third parties, ask the firm that provides employment portal creation services to include a unique feature that requests users' permission to sell their data.

Job boards like Bayt generate money via a variety of monetization tactics. These tactics assist job portal owners in maintaining their operations while also providing value to job seekers and recruiters in order to remain competitive in the recruitment industry.

Also Read : Cost To Build Job Portal Apps Like Indeed In 2024

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Job Portal App Development Solution?

Businesses commonly face cost-related challenges while developing robust employment portal mobile applications. The development costs for an app comparable to Bayt vary depending on several aspects, including feature complexity, technology improvements, UI/UX design, and the location of the development team. A reasonable price for designing a bespoke employment portal app is between $35,000 and $350,000 more; it all depends on the features and tech stack. 


Per Hour

Cost of MVP (approx.)

Cost of an App (approx.)





















Also Read : Discover the Best Practices for Developing a Job Recruitment Portal in 2024

Factors That Affect The Cost Of Developing A Job Portal App Like Bayt

Several vital aspects come together in the creation of a job portal app such as Bayt. Each of these variables contributes significantly to the platform's functionality and user experience, determining the total cost of developing a Bayt-like portal. Let's go over these things in depth!

App Complexity

The complexity of job search platform features such as sophisticated search filters, resume processing, and tailored job suggestions substantially influences the cost of developing a job portal like Bayt.

Design requirements

User-centric design aspects, such as an intuitive interface, fluid navigation, and mobile responsiveness, are critical for engaging job seekers and employers. Still, they also increase the cost of developing a Bayt-style job portal.

Development Team and Location

The number and experience of the development team, as well as their location, affect labor expenses. It is critical to recognize that engaging qualified developers knowledgeable about job portal app development may increase Bayt-like job portal development costs while ensuring excellent outcomes.

Third-Party Integrations

Integrating with external services such as payment gateways, background verification tools, and job board APIs complicates the platform development process and may result in extra expenditures.

Compliance and Security Standards

Ensuring compliance with data protection requirements (e.g., GDPR) and installing robust security mechanisms to secure user data are critical issues that may require more work, increasing the total cost of developing an app like Bayt.

App Platform

Developing the program for several platforms, such as iOS, Android, and the web, necessitates additional coding labor, which raises total development expenses. The cost of developing an on-demand employment portal app depends on whether you choose a native, hybrid, or cross-platform strategy.

Technology Stack

To create a job search platform like Bayt, it is critical to emphasize technical progress. Choosing the right technology, such as AI, data analytics, frameworks, and databases, affects both initial job search portal development costs and long-term maintenance costs. Choosing scalable and maintainable technology solutions is critical for future-proofing the app. As a result, completing the required technology increases the expense of developing a Bayt-like employment site.

Quality Assurance

A seamless user experience requires thorough testing to ensure operation across devices, browsers, and screen sizes. Investing in rigorous QA methods increases job search portal development expenses while providing a high-quality outcome.


After launch, ongoing support and maintenance, such as bug repairs, feature upgrades, and server maintenance, are required to maintain the app's performance and relevance in the competitive job market, lowering the cost of developing an on-demand employment portal application. JPLoft is one of the best mobile app development companies, as we deliver 1-year maintenance to our clients who are willing to develop job portal apps like Bayt with us. 

By taking these aspects into account holistically, firms may estimate the cost of developing a job site like Bayt and allocate resources more efficiently.

Also Read : How to Build a Job Portal Web Application - Best Steps 2024

Wrapping Up 

Developing a job portal like Bayt involves navigating various challenges and opportunities in the recruitment industry. As businesses face talent shortages, fierce competition, and evolving market demands, platforms like Bayt provide a valuable solution by offering a vast network of pre-vetted experts and advanced search algorithms to streamline the hiring process.

Developing an app like Bayt requires careful planning, from defining goals and features to assembling a skilled team and ensuring data security. The cost of job portal development typically ranges from $40,000 to $300,000, influenced by factors such as app complexity, design requirements, development team location, and third-party integrations.

To achieve success, businesses should partner with a reputable job portal development company that offers comprehensive services. These services should include robust solutions, such as secure data handling, user-friendly design, and effective monetization strategies.

By investing in the right resources and expertise, including hiring dedicated, remote, or mobile app developers from leading mobile app development companies, businesses can create a high-quality job portal that meets user needs and stands out in the competitive market. Whether you are looking to hire dedicated developers or remote developers, choosing the right team is crucial for delivering a successful and scalable job portal app.

Ultimately, understanding the costs and considerations involved in job portal development will help businesses make informed decisions and navigate the path to creating a successful platform that can thrive in today’s dynamic employment landscape.