How to Build a Fitness App Like MyFitnessPal

How to Build a Fitness App Like MyFitnessPal

Nowadays, if someone wants to make drastic changes in their lives—such as learning to meditate, increase muscle mass, or eat a healthier diet—they don't need to join a gym or visit a nutrition expert. Today, installing an app and adhering to the directions is easy. This is why health and fitness apps are booming more than ever before.

Straits Research shows global fitness app sales are predicted to grow to USD 30.63 billion by 2030. That means they will rise at a compound annual rate of 21.5 %. Such a considerable increase isn't surprising. Due to AI, Machine Learning, and other advanced technology, fitness apps now provide an entirely personalized experience and can tailor workout sessions to suit every user's preferences.

Here, you'll learn how to create an exercise app with the best chance of success. In this blog, we go over the most essential features of fitness apps and a step-by-step guide for developing fitness apps.

Types of Health and Fitness Apps

Nike Training Club, where users can access exercises for athletes, is one of many fitness applications. Fitness apps can help with many issues, such as choosing the proper workout or getting sports off the back burner. The effectiveness of the app is dependent on the issue. We've identified different kinds of fitness and health apps and would like to inform you about each. Let's go!

Workout Planning

Fitness apps can be classified according to their training style, which includes exercises that build endurance, strength, or mobility. The primary function of a personal trainer app is to instruct users on how to perform the exercises correctly, and that's why audio or video is essential.

A great example of a workout application - Freeletics

Most workout apps are primarily used by those who have paid their debts using the wrong exercise method. They cannot imagine working out without a fitness watch or wearable device. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate the ability to synchronize with wearable devices within the app.

Food and Nutrition

Nutrition and diet apps can help you monitor your eating habits, track calories, and stay hydrated. Who could imagine a diet application that doesn't offer users the opportunity to set goals, track calories, and discover the best diet recipes?

Usually, diet & nutrition apps include:

    • Table of food information for the user to get information on protein, calories, carbs, and fats in an item;

    • A calorie-counting calculator allows you to calculate your daily calorie intake based on body characteristics such as gender, age, height-to-weight ratio, etc.

    • Food diaries allow users to record information about food items consumed during a diet.

A great diet and nutrition app -- MyNetDiary

Tracking of Activity

Consumers have purchased smartphones more frequently in the past few years: Apple Watch, Xiaomi Mi Band, and SmartWatch. With these gadgets, users can track their steps, heart rate, and even stress levels during the day! These apps are used not just by elite athletes but also by those who are looking to track how they are doing with their health. Consider the possibilities for your fitness program and then add sync to a wearable device, and users will be grateful for it.

A very well-known fitness brand is Google Fit.

Habit Tracker

Regularity is the key to success in everything! The habit-forming fitness and health apps assist users in breaking bad habits, developing new ones, and slowly getting into a healthier routine. Effective habit trackers usually have features such as customizable goals, visual representations of progress prompt reminders, daily streak-counting, and the option to change goals without losing previous information. These elements help keep users accountable, motivated, and updated on their progress towards forming healthy habits.

A convenient method to track your routines -- Highly Productive

Also Read: Fitness App Development: Features, Trends And Costs

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation apps are now essential instruments for those who seek peace and harmony in their daily lives. These apps provide a wide range of options for health and wellness through mindfulness and cater to users at all levels. They essentially provide an array of curated yoga and meditation sessions that are accessible at any time and from anywhere.

The most common mindfulness and yoga app development comes with numerous content that include:

    • Yoga flow guides for different levels of skill and types;

    • Meditation sessions, which range from simple meditation exercises to more deep experiences;

    • Breath exercises, relaxation methods, and breathing techniques

    • Progression tracking, as well as individual practice suggestions;

    • Educational content about the yoga philosophy and mindfulness practices.

Fundamental Feature Of Fitness App Development 

Typically, fitness and health applications are less valuable. Users will need to download additional items to meet their individual needs, such as fitness tracking, workout, and nutritional apps. Gym Management Solutions can serve as lifesavers for those who want to develop a fitness application that provides users with everything they need.

The basic functional scope of the development of adaptive fitness applications comprises:

Profile and Personalization

Profile information and the possibility of customization are among the most essential features for fitness app development. Personal data and user preferences or settings enhance customer experience and service effectiveness.

If you are planning to build a fitness app that includes paid subscriptions or content on demand, you must incorporate at least one payment method. The user's profile also requires the storage of billing data.

If you are thinking of ways to make a fitness app more user-friendly, it's an excellent idea to offer registration options on some of the top social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or others.

Push Notifications & Reminders

Notifications from push notifications are paramount in apps that aid in training for sports competitions. If you are thinking about the best way to create an app for fitness, you will see a wide variety of notifications about an appropriate workout or meal time. In addition, reminders assist users in determining when to change their exercise or stop it. You could also develop a fitness application and send notifications to wearables like the Shock does.

However, allowing users to choose the frequency of their reminders is vital when deciding how to make fitness apps user-friendly.

Goal Setting

Motivation is essential to establishing the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. Thus, creating landmarks can help individuals define their path toward their goals.

Healthy Eating and Calorie Control

A healthy diet is not less important in developing cool fitness apps. Healthy eating features include calorie and eating program calculators, recipe suggestions, food checkers, and more.

All exercises or workouts yield lesser results if a person's diet is unhealthy. When you design an app for fitness that you use, you will be able to incorporate tools that offer users guidelines on what foods to stay away from or eat. These lists of grocery items are based on user preferences and desires, whether they're looking to lose weight or increase their muscle mass.

8fit is an example of how you can create fitness apps, grocery lists, and diet plans.

Workout Plan

If you design an app for exercises or to track progress, users require different training programs created by expert trainers. This feature provides a variety of options with different difficulties or targeting various activities. Workout programs typically focus on the user's goals as well as their performance.

Journal Record

Knowing what you're doing on the path to your goals is essential when executing any exercise program. Hence, keeping reports helps you track your results in detail, becoming a sports diary application based on useful statistics or photos.

Wearables Support

Wearable support is crucial for Android or iOS fitness tracker apps because it boosts engagement. With fitness tracking apps on Apple Watch, customers are more likely to get notifications on time and quickly engage with the app when they are in a non-convenient situation.

Additionally, when developing a fitness application, you should consider connecting it to devices such as televisions so that users can view and follow the workouts downloaded on a large screen.

For instance, Yoga Studio is an example of creating an exercise app that syncs with TVs using Chromecast, AirPlay, or Apple TV.

Payment Gateway

Payment options can be essential when deciding the best way to build a fitness app. They can increase an application's profits, as customers can easily purchase high-end services, make purchases, join other services, and more.

Other Features To Make a Fitness App that Stands Out

What can you do to make your fitness app stand out? Adding more features to your app is one of the first things that pops into your mind. The critical part is analyzing your user base or conducting surveys that can aid in deciding how to make your fitness app more enjoyable and enjoyable.

When developing a fitness application, you should consider some sophisticated features that will usually draw the users' attention. Find out more about them below.

Various Social Media Features

In the realm of fitness apps, ensuring a positive user experience is vital. If you're trying to develop an exercise app that will keep users interested, incorporating social sharing features could be a good idea. Certain sports apps, like Strava, have gained fame due to their vision to develop an exercise app that could serve as a social media platform for athletes as well as a fitness app in itself.

Additionally, it is essential to use tools to share results or other data from users' profiles with the help of well-known Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms.

Educational Content Features

If you are thinking of ways to create a fitness app that is educational, encouraging, and fun, you could offer users videos or audio exercises as well as tips for living a healthier lifestyle or positive thinking. In addition, teaching users how to eat is a prevalent feature when designing an app for fitness.

Let's examine some tips for teaching elements:

    • To create a successful educational fitness app that connects tutorials and other resources to the user's achievements within the app.

    • Give consumers small-sized tips through blogs, videos, or audio.

    • Develop a fitness application that teaches tools based on the target public.


To engage the public, they can develop a fitness app with a motivational game that can become part of users' daily lives. The feature could include competitions, rewards when attaining objectives, status badges, or other entertaining and inspiring tools.

Symbiosis With Other Apps

Nutrition App Development company might overlook this aspect; however, that doesn't mean it's less important. The synergy lets users view the progress made based on multiple fitness and health apps. If you're looking to please your clients, you can create a fitness application that links health services that draw data from apps and devices that your customers use.

Step-By-Step Process to Develop a Fitness App like MyFitnessPal, Nike Training

The process of developing fitness apps demands a strategy that involves multiple steps. Consider these key elements, which work together to create an appealing, well-designed application that users will want to download and use.

Market Study

At this point, it's essential to investigate the market for fitness apps and choose which fitness app you'd like to create. Before starting the development process, it is vital to understand your competitors based on their advantages and disadvantages, as well as how they meet the requirements of their users. Use the information you've obtained to conduct a thorough study, and then decide which you'd like to build.

App's Monetization Strategy with Features and Platform

Based on your market research, it's possible to determine the device on which your software will run. It can be either iOS or Android. If your target market is predominantly Android-based, you must focus on making a minimum viable product (MVP) before looking at iOS in the near future. It's recommended that your app be made available on both platforms. 

At the same time, the cost will be doubled due to the availability of your app on two platforms. This will allow you to increase the number of users. So the investment you make is well worth it.

The next thing to do is to think about ways to make money using this app. You can choose one of the strategies mentioned or combine them when you think it's appropriate.

You're conscious of the key features that fitness apps should contain. Based on the objective of the app, as well as the requirements of your users, it is recommended that you conduct deeper research and experiment with additional features. These might be the ones that can help you earn customer respect.

A Prototype and the Test for Users

To determine if your app idea is viable over the long term, the most efficient way to test it is to design yourself an MVP first. Since it's an MVP that's a prototype, only the essential features are needed.

The next step is to have an audience you've identified within your target segment. Talk with the MVP. Find out their opinions and then determine the necessary changes to be made. An MVP can help you understand interactions between apps and users and ensure that you don't have to make costly adjustments during the development process.

Choose Your Tech Stack

If your application is approved, you can select your fitness app's tech stack. The selection you make will impact the price of customized health and fitness app development. In addition, depending on the technology stack you choose, the app's capabilities may be enhanced or hampered.

What Technologies Can Utilize To Develop Fitness App

    • Native App

Native apps are created with Swift (iOS) and Java/Kotlin (Android) because these languages are designed to be specific platforms that allow the app access to features of every device and features, resulting in the best efficiency of the app.

    • Cross-Platform

Native apps provide a more satisfying experience, but creating apps with them is time-consuming and expensive. If you are a business looking to develop applications that run on multiple platforms simultaneously, React Native, Flutter, Kotlin Multiplatform, and other frameworks for developing apps are the ideal choice.

    • Progressive Web App (PWA)

Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a web-based software that runs across any device, such as web pages or mobile applications. This stack of technology can be an option if you're seeking to begin on a budget and don't have access to an external device or an operating system.

    • Low Code, No-Code

Several tools are available that enable users to create fitness apps with little or no experience in on demand fitness app development. The downside is that an app developed using these tools only offers limited options and does not give the user a full experience.

Try, then Develop, and then do it Again.

In this stage, the application is designed based on accepted specifications. This procedure involves front-end and back-end development. The front end acts as an interface that users interact with, and the back end is responsible for data storage, processing, and security.

A significant part of development involves fixing bugs and testing. Quality assurance professionals analyze the user experience to determine whether the features work as intended and examine the code for errors.

Download and Keep Your Application Up to Date

When you are close to the end of the process, the fitness app you designed is now ready to be launched in the marketplaces that sell apps.

However, your obligations should not end there. Unexpected problems may occur during operation. In such instances, you must know your app's performance and resolve any issues quickly. Tools that allow you to analyze data include Google Analytics, Mixpanel, etc.

Another factor to consider is that your software needs to have a strong marketing strategy and support plan in place for it to be famous and popular. Promote your application on a variety of media, keep your training current, and be ready to hear feedback.


Over the years, the fitness app market has grown relatively slowly until the outbreak of the pandemic hit. The market experienced a rise of 48.8 % between 2019 and 2020. The market is now awash with ways to go back. Safety for health, the increasing usage of wearable devices, and the advancement of fitness apps that use technology are clear indications that the market will continuously rise for the foreseeable future.

The fitness app market already has strong leaders like Fitbit, Nike Training Club, Strava, and MyFitnessPal. We are convinced that we can develop an extremely competitive and profitable new app. All you require is a competent, knowledgeable fitness app development company so that you can come up with a creative solution that will make your app stand out.