Fitness App Development: Features, Trends And Costs in 2024

Fitness App Development: Features, Trends And Costs in 2024

Around the globe, people are thinking about their health and fitness so intensely that the fitness app development market is touching the sky. Countries Like the USA and the UK are at the top of the list of user engagement and  Downloading Fitness Apps. As per the sources and Statista, the Fitness Apps business achieve revenue of $6.86 billion by 2024.

The biggest boost has come due to COVID-19 due to the awareness of fitness and wellness. Fitness applications are becoming more popular as a convenient method to establish daily goals, exercise routines, make a personalized training program, check fitness metrics such as BMR, BMI, and water retention. Furthermore, Fitness App Development provides users with nutritional information regarding their daily food consumption, such as fiber, carbohydrates, iron, and protein.

This Fitness app development market is growing day by day and no surprise investing in fitness app development gives so many benefits to your business and individuals in today's digital environment. Just grab this boosting market and make your business in health and fitness apps, if you thinking about the cost of Fitness App development, features in Fitness Apps, and what trends to cater to in building Fitness app development. So, in this article we will go over all of the important elements of fitness mobile app development, helping you make informed choices and developing effective tactics.

Read About: Top 14 Fitness App Development Companies in USA 2024

What is a Fitness App?

A fitness app is a smartphone application that allows users to monitor their fitness progress, such as exercises, diets, and general health. It works on smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices like smartwatches and fitness trackers to help you establish exercise goals, measure your progress, and be motivated and supported along the way. Fitness applications may be utilized by individuals of various fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes. They may be used to help people lose weight, gain muscle, enhance cardiovascular health, or just keep active.

Types of Fitness Apps

Before we get into the many components of fitness mobile app development, it's important to understand the various types of fitness apps that people search on Google. Fitness and health apps usually concentrate on health tracking, diets, stress management, workout routines, and nutrition. As a result, fitness applications may be produced in a variety of areas. Below we mention some types of fitness app development that you can use:- 

Activity Tracking Fitness Apps

Activity Tracking is one of the most used models of Fitness App. In this model sensors and GPS technology are used to monitor and measure physical activity levels, distance traveled, steps taken, and calories burnt. Google Fit and Fitbit are the best examples of Activity Tracking Fitness Apps.

Workout and Training Apps

This type of Fitness app development service provides you with a wide range of workout routines and training programs and engages its users with various objectives and fitness levels. Nike Training Club is the perfect example of the Workout and Training Apps model. 

Nutrition and Diet Apps

Fitness App Development Company uses this model for the subscription revenue model. In this type of Fitness App service providers help users to monitor their nutritional intake, record meals, calculate calories, and obtain personalized nutrition recommendations from expert fitness trainers. MyFitnessPal and Lifesum is a perfect match for Nutrition and Diet fitness Apps.

Yoga and Meditation Apps

In the list of Types of Fitness App development, the next fitness app model is Yoga and meditation apps it provides guided breathing exercises, meditation sessions, Yoga, and relaxation methods to boost mental health and stress reduction. Headspace and Calm are the two most famous Yoga and Meditation Apps in the global market. 

FemTech Applications

FemTech applications like Flo Health and Clue target women's health issues by providing solutions for pregnancy, menopause management, reproductive health, and menstruation tracking. In this era of health consciousness, this Fitness App Development business model is a boost in your revenue. 

Personal Trainer Apps

One of the most used fitness app models is Personal Trainer Apps. Athletes worldwide use this model to train their bodies from any point. In this type of health app development users with qualified personal trainers for virtual coaching sessions, accountability assistance, and customized fitness regimens. TrueCoachconnect and Trainerize are the perfect examples of Personal Trainer Apps.

Mood-tracking apps

One of the high-tech models of fitness app development is the mood-tracking app. In this type of application, users can enable to monitor and evaluate their emotional state. Users may keep track of the elements that affect their mental health and find services for dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression. The perfect examples for this model are Moodpath and Daylio. 

Read Also: Fitness App Development Step-by-Step MVP and Costs 2024

Key Features Of Fitness App 

Key Features Of Fitness App

Every user wants different features in their Fitness and health application. So the Fitness App Development Company designed the application in that manner which fulfills the needs of every user by adding diverse features. Here is the list of essential features of the Fitness App that everyone should add to enhance user experience.

1. Personalized Profiles

Users may set individualized profiles, which is a critical component of any health and fitness app. These profiles enable the customer to provide vital information such as their height, weight, age, and fitness objectives. Apps that utilize individual measurements may give individualized training programs, progress monitoring, food suggestions, increasing user motivation and dedication to their fitness objectives.

2. User Registration/Login

This feature allows users to establish personal profiles and access the app using their email address, phone number, and social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, or other special platforms.

3. Activity Tracking

Vital activity monitoring is a critical component of fitness wearable app development. This functionality should work smoothly with a variety of wearable devices and smartphone sensors to track important user data including Counting steps, distance covered, heart rate, calories burnt, and active minutes. With accurate and real-time monitoring users can analyze their progress and make modificational steps to keep fit and achieve their goals. 

4. Workout Plans & Guides

One of the most important key features is to provide users with a predesigned set of exercises as well as the freedom to develop their training programs, which cater to various fitness levels, preferences, and user goals. Furthermore, you can ask your  Fitness App Development Solutions providers to integrate visual content in your app such as images, 3D animated models, and video representations of the workout plans by which users also know what was the correct way to do it, boosting safety and effectiveness of the workout. 

5. Nutritional Plan and Recipe Database

For the best fitness app development this feature is a must to use for monitoring food consumption and offering nutrition advice. Users should be able to track their food, snacks, and hydration levels. Furthermore, integration with food item and recipe databases may help to promote healthy eating habits and achieve weight management objectives.

6. Integration of Wearables

Wearable integration in fitness apps is one of the key factors that you should use to give smoothness and improvement of your application. You can make your application stronger with wearables like fit bands and smartwatches. Furthermore, connectivity with third-party applications and services enables users to consolidate health data, encouraging a holistic approach to wellness and simplifying data-driven choices.

7. Progress Monitoring and Analytics

Enabling users to monitor their progress and view their accomplishments over time is critical for motivation and accountability.  Fitness App Development Services should provide extensive analytics and progress reports that include data like weight loss/gain, body measurements, fitness milestones, and goal compliance.

8. Social Media Sharing

Integrating social networking networks into your app is an important feature since it enables users to share their accomplishments with family and friends. Users are inspired and encouraged to adopt a better lifestyle when they share their accomplishments with the worldwide community. Businesses may obtain new customers, raise brand recognition, and establish credibility via their recommendations. This feature is in demand by the businesses to  Mobile App Development Company to integrate this model for their marketing. 

9. Alerts and Push notifications

This is one of the best features that every Fitness App Developers should integrate into the Fitness application. The use of push notifications improves user engagement by delivering timely information and reminders for planned exercises, progress milestones, or alerts to keep them hydrated and consistent in their fitness path.

10. Audio/Video Player

The addition of an audio and video player enables users to access exercise playlists, instructional videos, and guided sessions inside the app, which improves the entire user experience. Audio and video elements improve a variety of fitness activities, including yoga, exercise, jogging, and meditation.

Also Read: How to Create a Fitness App That Fits Users Needs in 2024?

Cost of Fitness App Development 

The Cost of Developing a fitness app depends on various aspects which include UI/UX design, functionality, app complexity, regulatory compliance, suitable platform, location, competence of the development business, and so on.

A Normal and simple fitness app with essential features such as exercise tracking and nutrition monitoring for a single platform (iOS or Android) may cost between $25,000 and $100,000. The more functional program with extensive functionality like the connection with wearable devices, social features, customized coaching,  robust analytics, and customer support might cost around $1,00,000 to $2,50,000 or more depending on the features you choose. It is critical to examine the features and functions that are compatible with your app's goals and budget. Additionally, frequent upgrades and continuous app maintenance add to the total fitness app creation cost.

Fitness App Developer


To keep fitness app development expenses low, consider using a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). MVP will let you release your product with restricted functionality, get user input, and secure investor backing, allowing you to launch the full product with advanced functions. If you want to Hire a Dedicated Developers team you can rely on JPloft. We are a Mobile App Development Company and deliver over 1100+ projects worldwide with our expert Fitness App Developers we can help you to build your dream into a profitable business. 

Key Developing Stages of Fitness App

Understanding the Fitness App development stages can help you to lower the cost of fitness app development through the Fitness App Development Solutions. Let's take an example you can avoid unnecessary expenses that were not used at that time also you can reduce the mistaken expenses by knowing the different stages of development. 


In this stage, your mobile app developer's team does preliminary market research to establish whether or not your fitness app concept is achievable, and if it is not what next step may be taken to make it so. You will collaborate with a product manager, designer, and project manager to:

  • Consider the logic of your fitness app.

  • Create a sketch of your target consumers.

  • Create a vision for your app that includes issues, solutions, needs, competitors, acquisition channels, your app's distinct value proposition, and income streams.

  • Create a table containing epics and prospective user tales.

  • Create a list of epics depending on the primary functionality of your project.

  • Create a concept for your fitness app's navigation.

Idea Validation

Validation of an Idea During the discovery stage, you study the challenges that your app can answer. During the concept validation step, you should evaluate the solutions that your app can supply.  For this phase, you need a project/product manager, Android/iOS developer, UI/UX designer, quality assurance engineer, and backend developer.

UX Strategy

During this stage, your Fitness App Developers are creating a thorough app interface and screen connections. You can hire a Mobile App Development Company or Fitness Application Development Services provider to hire the full app development team for the UX Strategy stage. 

  • Create a high-fidelity app prototype with an interactive UI that demonstrates where all of your app's control components are.

  • Create a preliminary project plan, including tasks and dates.

  • In an information diagram, draw a data structure and its links.

  • In terms of features and functionality, a high-fidelity prototype is the most similar to the finished design.

Design & Development

During the design and development phase, your app's backlog is divided into sprints of two weeks each. A project manager's responsibilities include prioritizing work, tracking progress, and keeping track of the backlog.

  • During the design idea sprint, you may utilize the style guide in any aspect of your project.

  • The app is created during a development sprint, and a project manager organizes the next sprint and writes documentation.

  • During the technical setup sprint, the team specifies the functionality's design, refines documentation, and prepares the technical environment for the next sprint.

Testing and Improvement

In this phase of development, it is needed full engagement of the fitness application development solution team. When you have a completely working fitness app, the testing and enhancement stage finishes, but it may be restarted if you want to make changes.

  • The KPIs for mobile applications are being monitored.

  • Collecting and evaluating user feedback

  • Identifying the problems in an application

  • Fixing faults.

  • Improve the app's functioning.

Revenue Model For Fitness App

Revenue Model For Fitness App

Everyone wants to get revenue from their business and every owner wants favorable outcomes from their business. You may monetize your app in many ways. To earn profit from your fitness app business we mention some top Monetization models for Fitness mobile application development:- 

Paid App or Subscription Model

The subscription model or Paid Revenue model is used to sell premium content of the application, in this users want to purchase your fitness app to use it. You can offer a free trial to users is one of the techniques that you can use to sell your app membership, if users see value in your application there is a strong chance that they will pay for it  or subscribe to continue using it.


Subscriptions provide consistent regular income and attach user interests to your app's long-term worth.


Convincing customers to subscribe requires you to continually give value and quality. There may also be an upfront expenditure in supplying quality material to justify the membership fee.

In-app Purchases 

If you want to develop a free fitness app for the user you may still generate revenue by convincing them to purchase anything in the app, like advanced features like AI-generated Nutrition calculations, smart reminders for intake protein, and other features. The premium versions of your app are only for the user who should pay for it.

Pros: This method may be successful, particularly if you provide quality and compelling premium material. It enables you to appeal to a large audience while also offering consumers the choice to customize their experience.

Cons: To prevent alienating people who are reluctant to pay, strike a delicate balance between providing free and paid content.

Advertisements and Brand Promotions

This revenue model is very useful as this is a B2B model. In this other fitness companies may be interested in working with you to conduct advertising campaigns in your app, for which you may charge a cost-per-mile commission.

Pros: Advertising may be a consistent source of cash, particularly if your program has a significant user base. Advertisers often pay for ad space depending on impressions and clicks.

Cons: Excessive or invasive advertising might degrade the user experience and lead to churn. To keep users engaged, ads must be placed carefully and be relevant.

Free apps

In this fitness app revenue model, your app's basic features are free to use, but premium extras may be purchased. A premium subscription model is another term for this sort of company strategy. Basic elements are free however, sophisticated exercise regimens and personal coaching services are not.

Pros: It helps you to interact with a diverse group of people. The ability to provide free basic functions may attract a large user base.

Cons: You should establish a balance between free and paid content. Ensure that your free products provide value and that premium content is worth the money.

Read Also: Develop Your Health and Fitness App Without Coding With No-Code Fitness App Builder

Wrapping Up 

Fitness app development is also the same just like all other types of app development, which may be challenging. However, effective and valuable if you guarantee that the fitness app of your choice offers the greatest features that will be useful to consumers in the long term. To do so, make sure you can provide customers with individualized training routines based on their unique demands. Your Fitness app is successful and stands out in comparison to other Fitness app developments if your application helps the user to achieve the desirable fitness goal of the user with the help of integrating features. For Integrating or for building a Fitness App you can hire Fitness App Development Company JPLoft is one of the best Mobile App Development Company that always give their best to their clients That is the reason they are trusted with more than 700+ happy clients. The motto of JPLoft is to make your dream come in business together.