What is Enterprise SEO? Need to Know About Optimising an Website

What is Enterprise SEO? Need to Know About Optimising an  Website

An integral part of every marketing strategy is search engine optimization (SEO). It doesn't matter the size of a business or its website (or, in some instances, websites); an effective SEO strategy can get your content to the correct target audience.

Enterprise SEO, sometimes called Corporate SEO, is a type of search engine optimization explicitly developed to help large business organizations with complicated websites. What exactly is it done, and how does it propel your company to the top of page results for search?

What is Enterprise SEO?

Enterprise SEO is a method of strategic planning that addresses the complicated requirements of enterprises. In contrast to standard SEO practices that focus on small- or medium-sized sites, the enterprise approach is focused on sizing and managing the SEO requirements of massive, complex, large-scale enterprise websites. For enterprises, an online presence isn't enough. They need credibility and visibility with the search engines and their targeted customers.

What makes Enterprise SEO Different From "Normal" SEO?

The primary goal of SEO is to improve Google rankings. Therefore, any business, whether large or small, can gain from SEO. But business SEO can be a different beast from traditional SEO.

We'll discuss each point in greater detail below, but it is imperative to remember that crawl budget optimization should be essential for large corporate websites.

The main difference between these sites is that they require an enterprise SEO tool that tracks crawl budget and zombie abandoned pages, accessibility problems, areas of crawl insufficiency, or bot behavior based on distance from the index based on the size of content, links, the most popular pages, and more.

Let's discover how SEO for these huge websites is different and difficult.


Moving the needle of organic search for large companies requires more than a simple SEO strategy. A more advanced and flexible method of SEO is needed. It requires carrying out several responsibilities regarding the volume of traffic and conversions while handling various issues that could arise.

In enterprise SEO, you have to expand every aspect of your business.

For instance, internal linking is one fundamental aspect of traditional SEO techniques. Just a tiny number of internal links on smaller websites can have a huge impact on their SEO.

However, linking just a couple of pages is not going to help websites with a large number of pages. You must expand it by making a crawl-friendly structure or developing a script to incorporate internal links to the most popular pages on the site.

No wonder enterprise websites demand enterprise SEO tools.

In the end, the size of corporate websites is a result of the presence of fundamental technical issues, which multiply, making it hard for SEO crawlers to spot problems.

Many SEO crawlers need help throughout the entire site, which results in an incomplete or partial audit. However, doing a partial crawl is only sometimes the best option as it can't identify all mistakes, causing SEOs to make several bad SEO-related choices.

Therefore, you require an enterprise-level SEO tool that can track everything from indexation and crawling to logs and provide detailed content analysis at an affordable cost.

Team Buy-In

Whether you're a digital marketing consultant Melbourne that works on behalf of an SEO customer or an internal SEO, the primary goal is to get people to appreciate the importance of SEO. If that isn't the case, your strategies could be squandered and relegated to other business priorities.

At the corporate level, many departmental and stakeholder groups are typically involved in the website's development. Additionally, the majority of enterprise websites are built using a customized CMS. Thus, a change of just a few lines requires approval from multiple parties since every change could affect several areas of the website.

So, even the tiniest SEO suggestion will require approval from various departments and stakeholders, such as development, design, and SEO.

Therefore, your message must be backed by hard-hitting statistics and data to build an argument.

In addition, you should take on further WIIFM (what is on my mind about it). For instance, explain how the changes will affect the metrics, such as the proportion of traffic generated by organic search, the number of conversions, and revenues.

They can help you gain support and convince people to take an interest in enterprise SEO.

More Pages

Websites for enterprises are said to have millions of pages on the internet. This is good for their domain authority; however, the vast number of pages carries the possibility of a variety of SEO-related issues that aren't being addressed.

For instance, thin and duplicate content is the most frequent issue that large e-commerce SEOs face. The reason for duplicate content is numerous technical issues with the site's CMS or other code-related elements.

Furthermore, many departments and teams have added new content to corporate sites, causing the phenomenon of page bloat, which is when a website has many pages that aren't needed.

For instance, a report that's no longer pertinent.

Whatever the reason, problems like duplicate content, orphan pages, and page bloat can hurt the rankings of pages considered a priority and cause crawl and budget-related inefficiency.

This is particularly true for business websites since they have a large number of pages and require a massive budget for SEO crawls. It takes a long time for crawlers to determine which pages to crawl, at what time, and how much resource the hosting company can allocate to crawling.

Keyword Research and Selection

One of the most common misconceptions about corporate sites is that they can be ranked for any search term. This is because the vast majority of websites have high authority on their domains. Additionally, Google favors sites with high DR that have many backlinks pointing to them.

Apple is a prime example. It is authoritative over 97 domains and has millions of backlinks to its site.

You'll be shocked that the site needs to be ranked for smartphones. The majority of organic traffic comes from brand search terms.

So, in contrast to small websites, corporate websites typically concentrate on specific keywords that are competitive and well-known.

Drive Backlink at Scale

Enterprise websites benefit from various link-building opportunities that smaller sites do not.

For example, business websites such as Apple and Amazon have a significant amount of brand names that are not linked.

Compared to larger sites and smaller websites, smaller ones have fewer brand mentions.

Team Members of Marketing with Specialized Functions

digital marketing company

In contrast to small companies, enterprise companies have a specialized team to handle each marketing task, including the SEO process, social media marketing campaigns, content marketing, and more. Each team is specialized in a particular area and, with a little coordination, could assist in meeting the firm's marketing goals efficiently and quickly.

Quality Content Creation at Scale

High-quality content creation is an essential element of any website. However, the process of creating content must be adaptable for enterprises.

In particular, they must find new keywords relevant to the website and pass them to the content team to ensure that the content is competitive enough. Additionally, they must regularly provide secondary keywords, image alt-text, snippets, and more to make the content rank higher in the SERPs.

Therefore, unlike small-scale businesses, enterprises require a dedicated team to develop specific guidelines for content and conduct keyword research on a scale.

Keyword Selection

Searching for keywords and deciding on the right ones can be a challenge if the team is writing extensively on a particular topic. This is typically the case with enterprises at the enterprise level.

Thus, it is imperative that when you are working on enterprise SEO, you require an experienced digital marketing company Australia to choose new keywords and analyze content gaps to find fresh topics within the area.


In the world of enterprise SEO, We keep hearing about scaling. However, scaling processes can be challenging when the SEO team does not use automated processes.

Automation assists in search engine optimization, identifying crawl issues, monitoring backlink quality, and much more. Additionally, it streamlines the process for large companies where SEO and website requirements are constantly changing.

Optimized Templates

When companies create new pages on their sites, SEO is impacted. Thus, SEOs within enterprise-level companies can design templates that developers can use and modify to meet the ever-changing business SEO needs.

Effective Strategies for Enterprise SEO

The term "Enterprise SEO" refers to a specific type focusing on search engine optimization (SEO); thus, there are some similarities. However, enterprise SEO has distinct elements that distinguish its objectives and methods of operation from the standard practice.

If you're looking to implement enterprise-level SEO on a large website, here are a few essential strategies to take into consideration:

Website Architecture

Large websites usually have an intricate structure with a multitude of pages and subdomains, which must be organized so that crawlers can correctly index and interpret the information. Achieving these results requires careful planning from users and the management team alike.

Keyword Strategy

To create effective keyword strategies for websites, an effective strategy is to identify relevant keywords throughout the different sections, tailor the content to meet users' needs, and conduct a long-tail keyword search for services, goods, or geographic regions.

Keywords must be allocated to specific pages on the website to ensure each is targeted with a particular group of terms.

On-Page Optimization 

To improve Page performance and SEO rankings, optimize every page's meta titles, meta options, and header tags as weak structures by modifying descriptions, meta titles, and structure as required for optimal optimization. Ensure that the content created for the consumer and search engines is top-quality, helpful, and pertinent. When uploading photos, add keywords-rich alt tags as part of the upload.

Content Optimization

SEO for content requires the creation of quality, valuable, and relevant material such as product pages, blog posts, essays, etc, which are often seen in large corporations. Content must be optimized with reading ability scores, keyword usage, and multimedia elements to form the basis.

Create content that can satisfy the user's needs and provide relevant information, employing a content calendar as a basis and continuously refreshing existing pieces.

Technical SEO

If you want to improve your website's performance and make it more mobile-friendly while reducing issues with duplicate content, you must use the correct URL structure and canonical tags. Regular reviews should be conducted to improve technical aspects.

Make and send the XML website map for submission to Google Search Console as technical SEO tools can effectively tackle issues with indexation by search engines.

Backlink Strategy

A complete backlink profile is essential to SEO success, and companies may consider collaborations or outreach efforts to create high-quality backlinks. Likewise, backlink management services can help maintain a top-quality profile of backlinks over time.

Optimizing the User Experience (UX)

Ensure you prioritize UX on both mobile and desktop platforms by enhancing navigation on your website, making sure that all pages clearly convey a call to action, and reducing bounce rates by creating engaging experiences that go beyond clickbait. Offer engaging interactions throughout the entire customer journey and deliver engaging interactions throughout the entire journey.

Incorporate Social Media into Enterprise SEO 

Strategies to ensure maximum exposure and brand authority and encourage participation by expanding audience reach through sharing posts from followers and likers alike. Incorporate social media into your SEO strategies in SEO plans as part of SEO strategies for enterprises.

Local Search Optimization (LSE) for companies with physical locations is essential since it requires monitoring company listings, collecting consumer feedback, and ensuring uniformity of NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) across different platforms.

Analytics and Reporting

Analytical solutions play an important part in accurately tracking and evaluating the effectiveness of SEO actions. They provide important insights into users' habits and conversion rates, as well as the most important indicators of their efficacy. Businesses depend on these advanced solutions to better understand user patterns and conversion rates, as well as other indicators of effectiveness.

Security and Compliance

Larger organizations should prioritize website security and conformity to search engines by adopting HTTPS-secured protocols. This will help them effectively handle duplicate content issues and stay up-to-date with algorithm updates.

International SEO

International SEO is a crucial aspect of enterprise SEO. It includes tailoring content to different regions and languages, especially for brands that operate across borders. Tools like the Hreflang tag, country-specific domain structures, and geo targeting strategies can be utilized for international optimization strategies.

Team Collaboration

A successful enterprise SEO implementation often requires collaboration between different teams—IT, marketing content production, and website development are just a few. To ensure that the implementation goes smoothly, communication should be constant between the various teams. To maximize the outcomes of the enterprise SEO implementation, all these groups must work effectively and communicate well.


Being part of an internal SEO team or a digital agency Australia for a large enterprise is a constant task—from planning marketing campaigns based on forecasts to reaching company goals. It can be a never-ending process that engulfs you in tasks with no tangible benefits or added value.

Make sure you only focus on the most important things. If you give too much thought to everything, it may result in nothing. The primary objective should be to translate SEO efforts into conversions and revenue increases. Don't be frustrated when there is no sign of progress. Try experimenting with different strategies until you find something that works!