How Does React Native Fit Into Modern App Development?

How Does React Native Fit Into Modern App Development?

In 2025, there are expected to be 7.49 billion mobile users worldwide using Android and iOS platforms. On average, a user will spend 4.8 hours in a mobile app.

How can you get this audience to download your mobile application? Should you create separate apps for each platform or implement a multi-platform strategy for your app?

Due to the large number of users and fierce market competition, it is not possible to adopt the approach of developing native apps for your next project.

The most critical issue in MFP development is which framework can help you achieve your objectives. 38% of mobile application developers use React Native app development to satisfy their cross-platform app requirements.

As the only React Native app development company, we understand Native development. We hire react native app developer who use frameworks to quickly create apps and incorporate features that enhance mobile app development.

In this blog post, we'll guide you through the advantages of modern app development using React Native.

What is React Native?

React Native (RN) is a JavaScript-based mobile application framework for iOS and Android. It allows you to create natively rendered mobile applications using similar code bases for different platforms.

React Native was introduced through Facebook as an open-source project in 2015. In just a few years, it became one of the most popular tools for developing mobile apps. React Native development is the basis for many top mobile applications like Instagram, Facebook, and Skype.

We'll discuss these and more React Native frameworks further in this article. React components, the core of React Native, enable developers to work seamlessly with native code already in place and enhance the framework's capability to connect with native APIs while permitting native teams in existing apps to be more efficient in their work. The interaction between React components and native code can expand applications developed using native apps to new teams of developers, making it a practical and flexible solution in mobile application development.

There are a variety of reasons for React Native's worldwide success.

In the first place, with React Native, companies framework code once and then use it to run each of their iOS and Android applications. This results in massive energy and time. The second reason is that React Native was developed upon React - a JavaScript library that was already extremely popular when the mobile framework emerged. 

Thirdly, this framework enabled frontend designers who were previously only able to use web-based frameworks to develop robust, production-ready apps for smartphones.

As with numerous other revolutionary technologies, React Native was developed as a reaction to a huge technological blunder.

Benefits of Using React Native for Mobile Application Development

React Native Framework is the best characteristic of native development, along with JavaScript's flexibility and efficiency.

Develop Complex Advanced Mobile Applications

React Native framework can benefit people who want to build complicated and advanced mobile applications. The framework uses interfaces based on components that allow developers to connect and play interface elements to create quality applications. It also helps simplify complex algorithms and converts results into more readable formats, making it easier for developers.

Furthermore, React Native supports agile development. It lets businesses modify their applications rapidly to change market trends across two platforms simultaneously.

React Native is Open Source

React Native is an open-source framework. Hire react native developer who can make use of its library and framework for free. React Native comes under an MIT license. Open source implies that anyone can modify, access, and even enhance the source code included in React Native. Developers can benefit from libraries that are available and tools that are compatible in conjunction with and work with the React Native framework.

Hot Reloading Feature

Hot reloading is a feature offered by React Native that allows developers to see the changes they make to their code in real-time, on their device, or in the simulator. This is accomplished by injecting new programs into the running applications without restarting them or losing their current state.

Hot reloading is a great way to modify UI elements and the app's design without rebuilding it every time. React Native lets developers run their apps while updating the files they modify. If you change the user interface, the app won't lose data.

Enriched User Interface

With this platform, you can write code to control the execution. It's feasible since it uses explicit syntax. The frontend UI library consists of declarative elements pre-built to give users a user-friendly interface that is simple to utilize.

Large corporations like Instagram, Facebook, and Microsoft Office use React Native to develop products that can be customized for their customers.

Reusable Code

With React Native, developers do not need to write separate programs to run for iOS and Android platforms. It utilizes JavaScript, which is compatible with every platform. The unique nature of code reuse can boost efficiency and make the development process more efficient and speedier. It also reduces costs. In addition, the user interface and open-source libraries can aid in creating apps. Furthermore, if an organization already has a web-based application built on React, the code can be used to create an entirely new mobile app.

Costs less relative to Native Development

If you're using React Native or the React Native framework, you must create an app using JavaScript. If you are using traditional methods of programming, then you may require two different applications that run for Android and iOS entirely by starting from scratch. Therefore, React Native allows you to reuse your code and prevents you from having two distinct groups of developers. This will reduce the cost of its users.

It Provides Enhanced Flexibility

React Native allows its developers to connect to other developers' code quickly and return to work where they left off. This boosts team productivity and makes it easier for react native developers to modify and update mobile applications.

The ability to adapt this Framework

The UI library, an integral part of the framework, is based on JavaScript and React. If you're proficient in the two programming languages, you'll be able to learn this framework quickly. Based on a study of languages used in programming, JavaScript is currently the most wanted and popular programming language. About 47% of companies across the globe are looking for programmers with strong Java, JavaScript, or Python skills.

Minimal Resources Needed

React Native is an open-source framework that allows developers to develop applications more quickly and efficiently. Its wide range of parts can be utilized to build a variety of abilities and functions, reducing the time and effort required to create an app. Another advantage of React Native is that it allows apps to be developed for various platforms, such as iOS and Android.

This feature lets developers create a single codebase that can be used on both platforms. Users can use the same application on several devices, making the app more reliable and simpler to utilize and sell.

Powerful User Interface

Its scalable and robust UI interface can support the development of mobile applications. It is easy to use, even for those who aren't experts and does not require any instructions. Its software also simplifies the design of the user interface. It connects the components of UI components as well as Java code that is native to Java code.

Modular Architecture

The most exciting aspect of this program is that it permits developers to develop modules with different capabilities. Modules are pieces of code that can be reused in every kind of application where users need similar features.

Create Fast, Robust Applications

With the introduction of 5G Internet, mobile apps need to be fast and flexible to meet users' needs. React Native not only allows developers to create mobile apps that can run on multiple platforms but also offers advantages over other alternatives. The performance of applications created by using React Native is better than that of other frameworks on the Internet.

Mobile applications developed using this framework use APIs that communicate with components native to the operating system, enhancing their efficiency.

Minimum Workforce Requirement

Due to the React Native framework, one application can run on various platforms. This is a boon for businesses since they don't require two teams working on different platforms. One team is enough to develop the backend of applications.

However, a separate team may be needed to implement specific features or changes on the platform. However, the overall need for staff is reduced through the use of React Native. Managing fewer employees is easy, and the capabilities offered by React Native are comparable to native features.

Third-Party Library Support

React Native is an open-source framework that permits developers to create JavaScript mobile applications. However, creating the application entirely from scratch is costly and time-consuming for users. To make development faster and simpler, React Native offers many third-party libraries that can be used to add features and functions to the app.

Certain libraries are written in JavaScript; however, other native apps run directly on your gadget. These libraries will help you avoid using web view components that could affect the application's performance and capabilities.

Mix it using Native Code.

React Native is a React Native framework that allows developers to build mobile apps that can be integrated into native libraries and programming. This way, developers can benefit from the advantages of native development while using JavaScript. Numerous companies utilize this framework to enhance the user experience by offering faster and smoother applications that accommodate 120hz screen speed for smoother animations and interactions.

Exceptional Community Support

One of the main reasons for choosing one of the primary motives to pick the React Native framework is the vast community support. It is quickly becoming well-known and can assist you in resolving any issues that could arise while creating your mobile application.

In the event that, for example, you're developing an Instagram copy, you're stealing components from your original app. There's a possibility that you aren't sure what to do with the API or plugin; in that situation, the community of developers can assist you in solving the issue. However, many open-source contributors worked with you while creating your application.

Challenges of Using React Native for Mobile Application Development

The following are the most important potential drawbacks to be aware of before creating a React Native app.

It's crucial to understand, however, that the React Native team is dedicated to further developing the framework and actively reducing its drawbacks by offering robust developer tools, accurate error messages, smart debugging tools, and a regular presence at conferences and on social media to help the developer community.

Insufficient specific custom module

Although React Native has been around for a while, some custom modules aren't up to scratch or are not fully functional. This means you may require three distinct software bases (for React Native, iOS, and Android) rather than one.

However, it's not an everyday occurrence. If you're not developing your app from scratch or attempting to modify it into an existing one, you most likely won't encounter any of these issues.

Compatibility and issues with debugging

Although it might come as a surprise since high-tech players use React Native, it's still in beta. Your developers may encounter different issues related to package compatibility and Framework software. If your developers aren't skilled in using React Native, this might adversely affect your development since they're spending time troubleshooting.


Most Framework React Native will work well for you even if your app grows into a highly sophisticated, complex solution. Companies such as Facebook or Skype have had great satisfaction with React Native and have been using it regularly for years. In the meantime, some businesses have decided to discontinue using React Native.

Airbnb, for instance, decided to use the framework to develop its mobile application when it was a new company. However, over time, React Native proved to not be suitable for the company's expansion plans, and Airbnb was forced to create two distinct native applications. With the advancements in RN and the right choices in software architecture, scaling issues can easily be avoided.

Native developers' help needed

Are you aware of that "bridging" feature we mentioned in the previous post? React native indeed integrates JavaScript using native code for mobile. If developers aren't familiar with React native mobile development, they'll have difficulty integrating native codes into the RN codebase. In the end, you'll require assistance from Android and iOS native developers for mobiles to help them navigate the procedure.

React Native Development Tools

The React Native ecosystem offers a vast set of development tools that will help you optimize your workflow, increase efficiency, and develop high-quality apps. Let's take a look at some common alternatives:

React DevTools

React DevTools is a must-have tool for any React developer and has been updated to be compatible with React Native. It allows you to examine the structure of components in your application in real time. You can analyze the properties and state of the elements and alter them in real time. This helps you find UI bugs and the behavior of components.

React Native Debugger

It's the React Native Debugger, integrated into the React Native Command Line. React Native Command Line is an efficient tool for detecting performance issues. It provides specific information regarding your profile, allowing you to pinpoint areas where your application may be slow. You can also utilize breakpoints to examine the execution of code and examine variables, making troubleshooting easier.


This free desktop app can help enhance React Native debugging capabilities. It provides various options, including overlaying network requests and changes to your project's state, allowing for real-time debugging and examination. Furthermore, Reactotron interfaces with multiple plugins that offer features such as Redux state inspection and data log adjustment.

Editors for Coding and IDEs

The selection of a code editor and an integrated development platform (IDE) can significantly impact your development process. Popular software such as Visual Studio Code provides great React Native support, including syntax highlighting, code completion, and debugging tools specifically designed to aid in React Native development.

Furthermore, specific IDEs such as AppCode include advanced functions, like visual component editing, with debugging natively.

Metro Bundler

Metro This is the standard JavaScript bundler Framework Native utilizes, which is essential to the development process. It's able to process JavaScript codes comprising bundlers and hot loading effectively. This feature lets code changes be incorporated into the application running without requiring a complete restart, significantly speeding development.


React Native provides an attractive solution for building attractive, powerful mobile apps for iOS and Android using one code base. This framework simplifies development by utilizing a wide range of user interface components and allowing you to create a distinctive user experience.

To create robust and scalable apps, it is essential to hire react native developers who possess extensive knowledge and experience in developing efficient, high-performance solutions for backends.

Delivering high-quality React Native applications and understanding the fundamentals of concepts like components, bridges, and practical testing techniques can satisfy the requirements of the modern mobile user.