Pros and Cons of React Native vs Native

Pros and Cons of React Native vs Native

2024 is set to witness the rapid evolution of mobile app development, providing developers and businesses multiple pathways for creating robust applications. React Native and Native Development stand out as two prominent approaches that offer advantages and considerations specific to each approach.

React Native is well-known for its cross-platform capabilities. Programmers can write their code and distribute it to each of the Android as well as iOS platforms in the same moment which drastically cuts time to develop and expenses for businesses and startups that wish to reach a wider market rapidly. Furthermore, React Native offers easier maintenance updates than maintaining separate codebases for each platform.

However, native development can provide better performance and access to features and functions specific to the platform. Native apps typically offer superior user experiences that utilize hardware features like sensors or cameras. Even though separate development efforts need to be created to support iOS or Android platforms, native apps typically have better performance and are more easily integrated into the respective ecosystems. However, a React native mobile app development company could help bridge gaps between cross-platform versatility and native performance.

React Native Pros and Cons

Here are the pros and negatives of react native.


    • Use on Multiple Platforms

React Native enables using the same codebase across iOS and Android, which means that your app can be used on both platforms.

    • Shorter Development Time

One significant benefit of React Native is the faster development process. It includes a wide range of pre-installed components to speed up the process that is cost-effective and efficient for your business.

    • Hot Loading

Because React uses its Virtual DOM technology, your application will continue to run while you implement new versions and alter the interface. This does not just save time during compilation; it also preserves the status of your app even when developers make modifications.

    • Team Sizes Smaller

Native Development requires distinct teams for Android and iOS. This may cause a lack of communication between developers and hinder progress. If you opt for React Native, you will most likely require a JavaScript developer who can create software for both platforms.

Also Read: Benefits of Using React Native for Mobile Development

    • Fast Applications

Many believe React Native code might hinder the performance of mobile apps. Although JavaScript isn't as fast as native codes, you will not notice the distinction in most situations. Performance differences are not noticeable to a typical user, depending on the application's duration and amount of effort required.

    • Simple UI Technology

In the native development process, it is essential to develop a sequence of actions within the application. React Native utilizes declarative programming, which does not require the order in which you implement an action. This means it is easier to find bugs in the routes that users can follow, mainly if using a state management system like Redux.


    • Rapid Learning Curve

Simple React already suggests a relatively high level of complexity, which takes time to master and learn. React Native is a bit more complex and requires extra effort and some knowledge about MacOS/iOS and the native Android ecosystems.

    • Not as Fluid a Navigation

React Native is in need of an easy navigation system that would give users a smooth user experience and facilitate easy interaction between interfaces and services. There isn't an ideal solution for React Native's navigation between screens. It's a good thing that it's getting better, but as of now, React Native is not quite there.

Also Read: Future Of React Native

    • Inadequate Custom Module Support

Despite its age, React Native still lacks certain elements. Most likely, you won't encounter any issues with this because most of the custom modules you require are readily available, well-documented, and functioning correctly. But, you might have to create your solution from scratch or try to hack into the existing system or modify it, and an undiluted JS experience could not suffice.

Native App Development Pros and Cons

Here are the pros and cons of native development:

Native App Development for iOS - PROS

    • Unbeatable Performance

The native mobile application is the best in terms of performance. You'll have access to the latest technologies and features when they are released by Apple and in certain instances you may be able to use previously non-published features. Furthermore, you don't have to fret about constructing additional bridges that reduce performance that connect React Native and the iOS SDK when you code.

    • A Future-Proof Application

Implementing native Development for iOS will result in an utterly future-proof app. You won't be confronted with a sudden loss of the development platform as Apple continues to provide support for its SDK and developers. This isn't the case with third-party services that may be dropped suddenly—check out the way Facebook has shut Parse. Parse.

    • Access to the Internet for Life

When you develop an iOS mobile application, you have access to the entire hardware on the device that's open to the public. You'll have access to numerous components for free, speeding up the development process and providing your app with top-quality features (addressing the entire development layer that makes up the application, starting from models to UX/UI).

Native App Development for iOS - CONS

    • Costs Higher

If you choose the native approach for your new idea, you'll have to create a separate application for each operating system, doubling your development time and increasing costs. Cross-platform solutions don't divide development time by the number of platforms, which means they are more affordable.

Also Read: React Native Tips to Help You Build A Better Project

    • Learn Curve

For cross-platform app development with React, it is essential to require a JavaScript developer who can program your app to run across iOS and Android. If you opt to use Native app development, you'll need assistance from a programmer proficient in JS; however, they should also know Swift and Objective-C. Another option is for your designer to master an entirely new programming language to ensure they can use both applications, extending the development time.

Native App Development for Android - PROS

    • All native APIs are accessible.

When developing native apps for your mobile application, the development tools specially designed for the platform may be utilized as soon as they're launched.

    • Performance

Only a native application can achieve the most outstanding performance. Every additional layer or feature included in the Development of mobile apps only adds complexity and affects the speed of the app and its overall performance.

    • Access to the Newest Tools

When you create a mobile application for Android using Native development tools, users have access to the most up-to-date tools. Furthermore, Android Studio is proactively developing support for upcoming or yet-to-be-released Android features.

    • Stability and Security

With native mobile application creation, you don't depend on a third-party cross-platform developer, which means there's no possibility that support for your chosen platform is withdrawn. Also, you'll receive excellent community support and a variety of continuously upgraded and maintained software options.

    • User Experience That is Enhanced

Many will claim that the user experience delivered by native applications is unmatched. Native Development gives you the necessary tools to provide the most enjoyable user experience, which will help build customer loyalty.

Native App Development for Android - CONS

    • More Expensive

However, as we've discussed in the past, developing native apps can be more costly than cross-platform applications. You may have to rely upon two different developers to build your application for each platform, which could mean doubling the time required to create your app and increasing costs.

Also Read: Cost to Build a React Native App

    • Slower Deployment Time

When developing native apps for Android, deployment typically takes longer due to the recompilation of the whole application each time it is deployed on the device.

    • Interference from OEM

Because of Android's nature, OEMs often interfere with the code used in their phones. In the event of interaction with these pieces of native APIs affected by these changes could produce different outcomes than you would expect.

Benefits of Developing Native Applications Using React

Utilizing React Native offers numerous advantages for businesses and developers looking to create solid, scalable, cost-effective mobile solutions.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

One of React Native's main benefits is its ability to allow cross-platform Development. Developers can write code one time and then distribute it on various platforms, including iOS and Android making it easier to develop, which can cut down time and cost. This method ensures uniformity in application performance and user experiences across various operating systems and devices.

Code Reusability

React Native promotes code reusability, allowing programmers to reuse the same base code to create applications on different platforms. This speeds up the development process and eases maintenance and updates. With a shared codebase, developers can effectively control changes and add new features without duplicating efforts.

Faster Development Cycles

With React Native, developers can accelerate the development process of mobile apps. React Native supports rapid reloading and allows for live preview of code changes without recompiling an entire app. This feature improves the debugging process and developers' productivity, resulting in a speedier time-to-market of mobile apps.

Native-Like Performance

React Native bridges the gap between hybrid and native mobile app development by providing the same performance as native apps. Utilizing native components and APIs, React Native applications deliver smooth user experiences comparable to those created using native technology. This feature is vital for high-performance applications that need fluid motions, responsive touch gestures, and smooth navigation.

Cost Efficiency

Businesses often choose React Native development services because of their cost efficiency. By using a single codebase and existing web development capabilities (like JavaScript and React), businesses can drastically cut development costs. Additionally, the ability to build applications for different platforms with minor or no adjustments can further reduce maintenance costs during an app's lifetime.

Large Community and Ecosystem

React Native benefits from an active community of contributors and developers who share the latest information, tools, and libraries. The extensive ecosystem improves development efficiency by giving access to pre-built components, plugins, and modules that speed up the introduction of complicated features. Furthermore, the community's support provides regular updates, bug fixes, and ongoing enhancements of the Framework.

Simplified Updates and Maintenance

Thanks to its modular architecture and declarative programming approach, the maintenance of React Native applications is streamlined. Developers can make modifications to the source code base with greater speed and be sure that the codebase is compatible with various platforms and operating systems. This method reduces the time it takes to complete updates and allows businesses to adapt rapidly to changing technology and market needs.


Scalability is an essential feature for any application designed for growth and expansion. React Native facilitates scalability by permitting integration of other functions and features as the application develops. If you need to scale up to handle an increase in user traffic or to extend your abilities to expand into new market segments, React Native provides a flexible framework that can adapt to evolving business needs without impacting speed or user experience.

Enhanced Developer Experience

Developers benefit from React Native's user-friendly development environment and extensive tooling support. Inbuilt developer tools like Flipper and Debugger help with debugging and optimization tasks. Additionally, the Framework's modular structure facilitates code organization and collaboration between team members, which increases efficiency and code maintenance.

Accessibility to Native APIs

React Native developers access a broad range of native APIs and third-party plugins, allowing seamless integration of features specific to devices such as GPS cameras, GPS, and push notifications. This feature lets applications utilize the full capabilities of the platforms while ensuring cross-platform compatibility. Companies can, therefore, provide enhanced user experiences specific to devices' capabilities.

React Native or Native App Development Approach? 

We will examine the most important aspects to consider when making the best choice in the debate between React Native and Native mobile app development. Here Are Key Considerations To Keep In Mind For Deciding The Proper Approach

Development Time

The most crucial thing to take into consideration when making a Native in the Native vs. React Native comparison is that the program is designed separately to work on both Android as well as iOS platforms because of the technological differences in the previous method. It is necessary to create two teams, i.e., the Android and iOS development teams, to make your application for both platforms. 

In addition, you must develop and test the entire app every time a modification to the application's code occurs. This means you must put in extra effort and time to create mobile apps.

In the case of React Native, a single program is developed for both devices by an identical developer. Hot reloading can make it simpler to launch the application without having to rebuild each time, thereby cutting short the work and time necessary to complete React Native application development.

Mobile App Cost

A solution for costs for mobile application development also aids in selecting the best method for your requirements. According to the most reputable developers of mobile apps, App development using React Native can reduce the cost by between 30% and 35% compared with Native application development for similar apps.


In comparison with Native technologies, React Native provides mobile app developers with an expanded range of possibilities to process a greater volume of tasks in applications and to launch more efficient upgrades. Therefore, in terms of scale, Native application development can be the winner over React Native app development.


A different aspect to be considered when comparing native and react native development comparisons is the App Performance.

React Native operates in conjunction with JavaScript, which runs on a single dedicated device thread. It is not able to do multiple asynchronous tasks simultaneously. Additionally, the Framework is not equipped with the ability to work with an array of well-known applications and modules. It is, therefore, incompatible with using native features of devices' advanced technologies and carrying out complicated manipulations.

However, Native apps are built with Swift, Java, or Kotlin, which are superior to JavaScript for running sophisticated features, performing complicated calculations, and incorporating sophisticated hardware devices. This makes it much easier for mobile application developers to build any type of app with Native technology.

Programming Language

It is vital to know that Native programming languages that are available on Android and iOS, i.e., Kotlin, Java, and Swift are regarded as strictly-typed, OOPs-oriented, and strictly-typed. They're simple to learn by following a proper document and established rules and regulations, even though it can take some time to become comfortable with them.

While JavaScript appears to be easier to master, it is not without flaws and a lack of documentation. This creates a challenge for React Native app developers to fully understand the language.

API and Third Party Libraries Support

Concerning API accessibility, Native Frameworks for App Development allow all types of APIs directly, which isn't possible with React Native.

React Native applications can only use some APIs in the process of development. To implement complex APIs, the developer must create an interface layer with Native technology. However, when you have to implement a multitude of APIs, Native is clearly the better option.

hire react native developers


In 2024, the decision between React Native and native mobile platforms for app development will continue to be crucial for businesses and developers. React Native application development services provide significant advantages, particularly in speed and cost efficiency. With the ability to let developers create code in one go and then implement it on each of the iOS and Android platforms, React Native accelerates development processes substantially. It is based on the same codebase, thus reducing the cost of maintenance and time to market compared to developing native applications for every platform.

However, the choice to use React Native over native platforms has its own set of trade-offs. Native Development, tailored explicitly for iOS or Android, typically provides better performance and access to specific platform functions. This is crucial in applications that require high-quality graphics, intricate animations, or extensive integration with the devices' hardware.

Additionally, even though React Native's cross-platform compatibility is beneficial, it can result in limitations when it comes to quickly accessing the latest native APIs or features. Performance bottlenecks, while getting better with updates to the Framework, are still a concern, especially when it comes to applications requiring high-response or real-time processing.