How Much Are Big-Company React Native Apps Evolving in 2024?

How Much Are Big-Company React Native Apps Evolving in 2024?

React Native is a Javascript framework for iOS and Android platforms. Some of the biggest brands that use React Native applications include Facebook, X, Yahoo, etc. Facebook developed it in 2015. Java developers are required for Android, along with Swift and Objective-C experts for iOS.

Unsurprisingly, React Native manages 35% of the cross-platform development market worldwide. It is among the most advanced mobile frameworks for developing apps.

React Native can expedite the process of developing applications for multiple platforms. As per the Stack Overflow 2019 survey, it's the sixth most popular framework used by developers. Many well-known firms utilize this framework to build mobile applications.

This article will present an overview of the most well-known companies that utilize React Native and explain why big firms employ it.

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source, Javascript-developed mobile app framework created by Meta (formerly Facebook). It also allows developers to use native languages to develop for specific platforms.

It is extensively used due to its ability to create native-style applications in one language that is common to all, i.e., Javascript. It provides powerful features such as developing apps as efficiently as native applications, a rich library, and a fast tool for creating apps.

React vs React Native

React Native App Development

You will often encounter "React" or "React.js," a JavaScript library for developing web-based applications. React Native is a framework created on top of React.js that acts as an extensible variant explicitly designed for mobile application development. Meta maintains both.

React.js changed the way we use Facebook UI and created the foundation for the development of dynamic web pages. We will investigate this library more in another article.

React Native features achieve the right balance between development speed and performance due to its vast collection of libraries written in advance to accelerate development while enhancing performance with powerful tools such as the Hermes JavaScript engine and fast UI rendering.

React Native is an ideal platform for developing mobile apps that focus on cost, speed, and performance. We will look at its most popular capabilities to learn more about how React Native can reduce the time required to develop and increase the speed of mobile app creation.

Cross-Platform Development

This tool enables cross-platform application development for iOS and Android platforms by utilizing a single codebase written in JavaScript. Furthermore, TypeScript now enjoys first-class support that maximizes its capabilities for developers.

Large Ecosystem of Libraries

Features such as Virtual DOM, integration with third-party libraries, and its design, which encourages reuse of code and already-built UI components, will help developers create user interfaces speedily and efficiently. Additionally, you'll be able to access individual components that you can reuse within your application to create user interfaces.

Powerful JavaScript engine

React Native utilized the JavaScriptCore engine until 2022. However, starting with React Native 0.70, Hermes is now the standard engine used in React Native app development. Hermes delivers speedier JavaScript execution times, which leads to faster application response and reduced time to interact with users.

Hermes is a light JavaScript engine that works with React Native. It has a smaller memory footprint than JSC and results in smaller apps, which is especially beneficial for those who have limited storage space and resources. Hermes is precompiled before code is converted into native bytecode to allow for speedier app launches.

Declarative Development

Declarative Programming, commonly called declarative programming, permits developers to specify what they want to happen with the UI state and data flow rather than explicitly describing how to modify the DOM. React manages all the technical issues involved in rendering and updating so that developers can concentrate on what they want to do instead of what to do.

React allows you to define the appearance and feel of a user's interface using props and the component's state. React can then handle rendering algorithms in the background. This declarative writing style helps simplify code while making it easier to anticipate how UI changes could affect an application.


JSX is an add-on for JavaScript that allows you to create HTML-like structures in the code. This makes it much easier to visualize and write React components (the elements that make up your user interface) more efficiently. While it resembles HTML, JSX transforms into JavaScript functions during construction, creating the needed React elements for production.

Hot Reloading and Live Reloading

Hot reloading lets you make quick changes and see them immediately appear in the preview window. This characteristic is beneficial when making quick changes or analyzing codes. By contrast, live reloading will automatically reload after saving changes, preventing the user from having to activate this feature every time manually.


Component-based development is the process of developing an application's user interface entirely using modular, reusable components, including lists, buttons, and navigation bars. Reusing these components helps save development time by scaling them individually and allowing several developers to work in different areas of the interface.

NPM Libraries Support

React Native contains Core components and APIs integrated into it. However, you don't have to be restricted to only using the components included in React Native; libraries can be easily installed and found through the NPM registry.

React Native can offer significant cost-saving advantages over native development because of the reuse of code across different platforms. With React Native, developers write their code once and deploy it across the iOS as well as Android platforms, which means there are no separate development teams or codebases that are specific to each platform, which means less development time and work and savings that are evident in reduced costs for development.

The vast ecosystem of React Native's community is extensive and offers not just strong features and cross-platform support but also multiple possibilities for programmers to network, collaborate, share ideas, and improve their skills even more. The React community stands out.

Membership Size for React Native on GitHub: More than 2600 people are contributing to the project.

Meetup: Meetup has more than 150 current React Native groups worldwide on Meetup.

Discord servers specifically dedicated exclusively to React Native: Numerous active Discord servers devoted solely to React Native are home to thousands of users each day.

Top companies that use React Native

React Native App Development

Now that we understand the concept behind React Native, we can identify the top companies that are thriving using it. We've listed a few companies to look into and consider whether it's worth all the hype.


Discord is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) platform that allows for the exchange of messages and other content. Additionally, it offers users many functions, such as video calls, file synchronization, and more. Discord is developed using cross-platform technology and provides the most user-friendly experience. It's accessible for free and is widely utilized by gamers all over the globe.

Meta (Formerly Facebook)

The most prominent illustration of the power of React Native is the Facebook application. Meta developers developed the JavaScript library using an architecture based on components, which provides other developers with the tools needed to build native looks and feel across a variety of platforms.

Meta (formerly Facebook) created open-source libraries to provide an affordable framework for building web and mobile applications, including instant messages, video calls, and other functions. Other Meta applications that use React JS or Native include Facebook Analytics and Facebook Ads Manager.


Facebook Instagram is a social media platform. Its mobile and web applications utilize React. Instagram is known for its ability to share files, including photos, videos, and even comments. Users of Instagram enjoy a quick reaction to their meal, new outfit, or latest photo.

Instagram successfully released several speed improvements after starting to use React. Industry leaders also utilize Instagram to reach a larger audience and promote their company. The Meta-owned mobile and web-based application also has a dedicated user base.


Shopify is another well-known business that uses React JS and React Native for its apps on both platforms. In addition, Shopify developed hydrogen, the first tool to assist customers in designing high-performance storefronts. Creating customized Shopify storefronts has improved Shopify's capacity to scale naturally.


Airbnb is among the top apps that assist property owners in interacting with tourists who want to rent apartments or other properties for short-term rental. Airbnb is among the most popular companies that utilize React for mobile and web development, which makes every user experience easy and flexible.


Skype is among the telecom companies that utilize React for video and voice calls via the Internet. Skype users can contact friends and family around the world via a simple video chat. Skype's video chat functions were designed from scratch using React Native.


Uber additionally uses the React framework to create user interfaces that clients can rely on when hailing a taxi. Uber rides use React components, as well as the crucial React functions that include user-friendly communications protocols, interfaces, and various security protocols that enable customers to hail rides in a safe Uber EatVarious firms provide its mobile food delivery application development since Uber has global leaders who React for enhanced user experience due to the team of developers who improve the user interface by using React Native.


Large companies such as Walmart have long used React for creating mobile and web-based applications. Department stores that sell discount products, such as Walmart, have a huge number of customers each month. The robust framework holds everything in place to run the store, including delivery and online payment. Walmart's online stores updated their applications using React to make them the biggest online retailer across the US.


The company has decided to utilize React applications to help users monitor and track the condition of their electric vehicles by providing real-time updates using their upgraded client-side technology. Tesla utilizes React's technology to control versioning and test electric components and vehicles.

Top React Native App Development Companies

React Native is fast becoming one of the most popular cross-platform frameworks. There are a variety of companies offering React Native app development services; we have compiled this listing to showcase the top companies in the world who excel in developing robust and flexible apps with React Native development skills.


JPLoft, a reputable React Native application development firm, is home to a team of experts who can develop React Native applications entirely from scratch or integrate the framework into an existing application. As a well-known React Native services provider, we provide custom-made and affordable React Native app development services tailored to your business's requirements.


Pagepro offers an enlightening React native app Development Company that has experience in the creation of robust apps. With its collaborative and agile development method, Pagepro ensures an exceptional user experience through the full use of the features offered by React Native—using industry-standard libraries that allow seamless integration, outstanding efficiency, and cost reductions.

eLuminous Technologies

eLuminous Technologies brings over two decades of React Native app development expertise, including clients like Princeton University and Fortune 500 companies such as Continental, Novartis, Tech Mahindra, and Janssen Neuroscience as their trusted partners. It utilizes industry standards but stays flexible when adapting to the changing needs of the industry.

Chop Dawg

Chop Dawg is unique in the sea of React Native app development companies with more than 400 next-generation applications to their credit and a client list that includes top names such as Siemens, Mister Softee, Wawa, and even the United States Navy - to name just a few! Their expertise is in developing interactive web applications that offer rich user experiences across all devices, browsers, and operating systems. They also work closely with you to create features specifically designed for your users. They also provide bug support for 30 days after launch. They are reliable partners!


Designli, known for its creativity and customer-first ethos, was positioned among the top React native Development Companies in 2024. Its solutions are customized to the long-term goals of businesses such as Goodwill, The Bank of London Michelin, or Accel Entertainment. Specialized product teams support end users in creating user-friendly interfaces.

Tips for React Native Development Success

Making cross-platform applications using React Native can be both exciting and overwhelming. To assist in making it as easy as possible and to guarantee the success of your project, here are a few essential points to be aware of when beginning this path:

Before you begin React Native development and deployment, you and your team should thoroughly understand the basic concepts of React, such as components, state management, props, and components. This will help you write more effective and reliable code.

Learning Native Development: Although React handles the bulk of the work for you, you need to know the basics of Android (Java/Kotlin) and iOS (Swift/Objective-C) fundamentals of development in case you plan to integrate native components or resolve issues with those platforms.

Optimize to Perform: Optimizing the performance of React's Virtual DOM can be a fantastic option, but it can also become an issue if unneeded re-renders have yet to be optimized appropriately.

Use best practices: Adhere to established React and React Native practices, such as component name conventions, clear code organization, and uniform formatting.

Technology Enhancement: Be open to developing and enhancing your abilities to adapt to these developments and keep up with the latest developments in React Native or mobile development.

Track Your Application: Regularly monitoring your application's performance is crucial to finding performance bottlenecks and adjusting accordingly.

Consider offline support: If your app needs offline capabilities, look into libraries and methods to manage data persistence and performance without an internet connection.

Why are Big Companies using React Native? 

Many developers flock to React Native, which is like several areas that can help your business out. Here are the reasons the majority of major companies are making it.


A single app using React Native requires much less code than developing standalone apps that are independent of Java, Swift, or another native language supported by React Native.

With React Native, much of the code is reused across platforms when developing applications for different platforms. This helps speed up the development of your app and lets your company launch the app on the market faster instead of later.

The tagline "write once, use everywhere" perfectly describes React Native's major benefits and explains why many large firms that utilize It switched to it.


The apps you develop using React Native won't just be native applications but web-based ones, as are those created using native code written in Java and Swift. That means that developers worry most about performance loss, which can be lowered.


Developers can choose to implement specific platforms. This is useful when you are looking to integrate the services of a third party, such as mobile payments. In the field of programming, this method is known as bridge.


React Native is a community-driven framework. Much like other open-source frameworks that are gaining recognition, React Native has many developers flogging to forums to find out more information or provide advice when required. There are plenty of React Native newsletters to subscribe to.

Its Github React Native Community is the best place for an in-depth discussion on the framework. Reactiflux is a huge chat service that allows developers to get answers to their issues and solutions to their queries.


Certain features in React Native make it well worth the cost. The first and most important thing is that the installation of React Native is simple. It requires only NPM, the Node Package Manager (NPM), and one piece of code.

As you develop your team, they will be interested in having Live Reload handy. This feature lets developers edit the code from one window and monitor live updates on a different screen. It's an excellent method for ensuring your code runs as you want it to.

Another option worth noting is the Expo. Expo lets developers upload their applications from their computers to their mobile devices to test them and send the app to other users through a private link.


You can add React Native as a reliable and tested framework. It's not just that Facebook employs React Native, but also Instagram, AirBnB, and Uber Eats.


React Native delivers a powerful combination of near-native performance, cost-effectiveness, and rapid deployment. When you partner with a React Native development company, you can benefit from these advantages and create high-quality applications that work across iOS, Android, and the Internet. To find the most suitable partner, search using the guide below.

If you have questions or want more advice about how to hire React native developers, please contact us. We'll help you quickly locate the most qualified experts to meet your needs.