How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Software Developer For a Startup

How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Software Developer For a Startup

Software development has opened the way to innovation, allowing businesses to improve productivity, customer service, and company growth. The software industry is expected to increase exponentially by 2024. As technology advances and growing companies rely on software-based solutions, the need for highly expert software developers increases. 

The cost of Startup Software Development Services is an enormous problem for all businesses of different sizes. Nowadays, the expense of hiring software developers has become competitive enough that some companies are spending extra to get their jobs done.

Finding web-based developers is now a problem for startups and small companies. In addition, numerous open projects have enabled programmers to be paid almost on specific jobs. These factors make getting high-quality programmers on the internet much simpler and more cost-effective.

The cost of hiring software developers for a startup is challenging. You can, at best, determine your budget; however, this might not accurately describe the total cost. But don’t worry this post will discuss the cost of hiring a software developer. 

What Is a Software Developer?

Software developers create, design, and manage software for software and systems. There are two significant kinds of software developers: application software developers and system software developers. App software concentrates on mobile and web applications designed for users. In contrast, the systems software developers create solution systems. The two types of developers analyze software performance, tests, and improvements to meet users' demands. They manage the complete software development process, from developing individual parts to executing maintenance and deploying updates.

Developers are closely associated with other IT specialists, including developers and quality assurance analysts. They share a variety of duties with engineers. But, software engineers adopt an overall approach, applying engineering principles across the whole software. Software developers concentrate more on identifying specific solutions for the needs of users' software. They typically work within the field of design for computer systems. Other joint employers include insurance and financial institutions, software publishers, and companies.

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Benefits Of Hiring Software Developers For Startups

An experienced software developer will work exclusively on the startup's venture from the beginning until the end. They possess the skills, experience, and tools to provide high-end software solutions that satisfy the startup's requirements. This section will discuss the many benefits startups benefit from hiring software engineers.

Product Development Accelerated

One significant benefit of hiring an expert in software development is that they can help entrepreneurs speed up the development of their products. An experienced team can complete jobs more efficiently and quickly than an internal team or freelancer. They can also manage huge and complicated assignments.

Experience And Expertise

Hire Startup App Developers will also give entrepreneurs access to experienced professionals with the knowledge and skills. An experienced team will manage any software development project, including mobile creation, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence.

Software developers can help entrepreneurs avoid common mistakes that could cause them to lose money and credibility. They can also provide ideas and tips for improving the software's usability, design, security, and performance. An experienced team of experts can help companies quickly get their ideas to market, which is essential for startups.

Focus On Core Business Activities

Another benefit of hiring an experienced team of software developers is the ability for entrepreneurs to focus on their core business activities. Outsourcing software development allows entrepreneurs to delegate the technical aspects to specialists so they can focus on their primary skills, like vision, strategy, marketing sales, and customer service. All of these business aspects determine one's performance in the evolving market.

A team with experience can aid entrepreneurs in reaching their business goals more efficiently and quickly. The team can assist startups by increasing customer satisfaction and retention by offering high-quality solutions that satisfy their requirements.


Software developers can help entrepreneurs save on software development costs. Employing a dedicated team is usually less expensive than hiring internal developers or freelancers. This is because the dedicated team offers transparency and fixed pricing, lower overhead costs, and higher efficiency.

A team dedicated to helping entrepreneurs save money on hiring, training, and retention. They also can aid entrepreneurs in cutting costs related to infrastructure and equipment, software licenses, and taxes.


Software developers may help startups scale the size of their software development resources as needed. The dedicated team offers flexibility in resource allocation for different aspects of a project, such as creating, designing, planning tests, deploying, and even maintaining. Startups can benefit from unexpected problems and opportunities created while developing software.

Quality Control

Hiring an experienced team of software developers will help entrepreneurs ensure the high quality of their software. The dedicated team will assist companies in developing quality, reliable, and bug-free software that meets their specifications and standards.

Furthermore, the dedicated team also implements solid quality assurance procedures, including testing and debugging processes, reviewing, and monitoring. They can help startups fix any issues or mistakes during or after the software development process. The intricate quality control procedures do more than protect companies from harm caused by cyberattacks; they also increase their prestige.

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Average Cost Of Hiring Software Developer

Startup App Development

Demand for software engineers has increased in recent years, and there is no indication that the demand for software developers will in the near future. Tech-savvy talent is among the top talent available in the market, and employing a software developer is more expensive than ever. If you are hiring the best talent, knowing the typical cost from experience is vital in budgeting and forming educated decisions. 

The cost of hiring experts depends on the level of their expertise or industry standards as well as geographical location. This is a brief overview of the typical costs you could be expecting:

Junior Developers

Most junior developers have at most 3 years of work experience. The rates for junior developers can vary between $40,000 and $70,000 per year, depending on the location they are in and the abilities they have.

Mid-Level Developers

With 3 to 5 years of experience, middle-level developers typically earn between $70,000 and $100,000. They tend to be more autonomous and can handle more complicated projects.

Senior Developers

Developers with over 5 years of expertise could earn anywhere from $100,000 to $150,000. Their extensive knowledge and leadership skills make them useful for tackling critical projects.

Specialized Roles

Data scientists and AI developers typically possess advanced degrees and specific abilities. They earn salaries that start as low as around $120,000 but increase dramatically depending on their experience and the task's difficulty.

Factors Influencing The Cost Of Hiring Software Developers

There are various factors that influence the cost of hiring software developers. Some of them are:

Scope Of The Project

When hiring a software developer, costs are contingent on various factors, such as the size of the development plan—geographical location, technical skills, and the experience of the person hiring. Software programmers, for instance, with expertise in backend technologies have a better average wage than those with front-end expertise.

Suppose your software development project is based on common technology like PHP, CMS, WordPress, or HTML. In that case, it is easy to provide a competitive price. However, if the project requires the developer to be proficient in more advanced technology, such as Kotlin and C++, it is more expensive. The most critical areas of scope that impact the expense of hiring a developer include APIs, hosting, Custom Startup App Development Services size, databases, and time.

Team Size And Features

Features may be one of the most important drivers behind software development costs. The more commands a software demands, the more expensive it is. The reason for the reasoning is that more significant numbers of people must be working on a particular project and devote more time to working on the program.

The developer must finish each aspect of the application. If not, it won't perform or fulfill the specifications. It is a requirement that all the things it has to accomplish in response to each command have to be in place and functioning correctly. Certain functions require specific abilities that aren't available to all developers. 

For example, let's say you're creating an app requiring the expertise of a seasoned developer. As such, one may reasonably assume that their hourly rates would be considerably higher than those charged to junior and intermediate-level developers.

Engineers at different levels have various pay grades, and positions are awarded according to experience and expertise. Delegate the more straightforward tasks to less competent developers and allow more experienced engineers to manage more complex functions (such as payment integration). 

For your company, you must consider the steps required to develop the software you want and be aware of how much work and the necessary quantity of developers working on the task. The more complicated the task, the more skilled software developers must work on the project. The same factor influences the price of hiring software developers.

Project Schedule

Developers earn a salary per hour. The amount required to complete the project will affect its total costs (estimates vary from 30 to $150 per hour depending on experience, skills, and responsibility). The process of determining how long a software development project can take can be a challenge. 

Teams encountering minor difficulties may cause a domino effect and delay several deadlines. This is why we strongly recommend that you consider using an incremental strategy. This will allow you to split your project into several stages and develop an appropriate budget for each stage. It is possible to adjust the budget at the end of each stage by changing the cost from the prior stage. This is contingent on whether your project meets the deadline or requires extensions.

Experience Level

The level of their experience dramatically influences the salary of software developers. Most junior and entry-level software developers with less than three years of work experience could earn between $50,000 and $80,000 annually. However, developers of higher levels with an extensive knowledge base and over 10 years of expertise could earn significantly more, ranging from $90,000 to $150,000 a year.

The degree of difficulty and complexity of a particular software development project may be a factor in determining the right level of expertise required for the task. A project requiring advanced expertise may need an experienced developer; however, a less complex project could require a junior developer.

When selecting the right experience level in software development, examining the project's complexity, needs, and scope and following up with the right level of experience is essential. This will help ensure the work is done effectively, efficiently, and on time.

Location Of Developers

Since remote and IT outsourcing is gaining prominence in the development world, where developers are located is crucial immediately. Additionally, the expense of outsourcing software developers transfers the tasks to a third-party service supplier. Thus, it reduces the burden and ensures that the process is smooth.

It is evident the difference between costs. The result will affect your project budget. Ultimately, you must evaluate the software developers' hourly rates based on their region or country of residence. To make it easy for you, we have an image of a map. The map shows the hourly rates of developers across all nations around the globe.

Essential Technology Stack

The technology you choose in comparison to. Which technology is utilized affects the expense. Technology stacks are the most critical development element and are a key determinant of costs. The most well-known tech stack comprises frameworks, programming languages, and other tools. 

Without the tools, you cannot imagine the development of your software. It is essential to be clear on the best tech stack for your project. If you choose the best designers, they will ultimately lead you to the correct technological stack to make your project within budget. This is why selecting software engineers with solid resumes will help you.

For example, you plan Startup App Development Solutions with many features that run effectively on any platform. In that case, it is recommended that Flutter be used. Unlike iOS or Android, Flutter is a platform that lets applications work with any browser. The icing is its value-for-money, which takes much less time to develop than iOS and Android technology.

In-House Vs. Outsourcing

Suppose you're considering hiring software developers in-house. In that case, you'll have several options for doing the process. First, you can hire individuals directly from the business as permanent employees, which means you'll need to be able to pay them and provide them with advantages. It can be expensive at the beginning of a small or startup company with a staff of at least 10 developers.

A second alternative is to contract out the development of your software to an outside firm. This allows you to recruit competent candidates cheaply and still have access to their experience and expertise. In-house development may be preferred to control the people working on your project and keep track of progress. Outsourcing developers is an excellent option in terms of cost and quality of work.

Project Timeframe

The project's duration is essential to determine the cost of engaging an engineer in software. Cost is a determining aspect. Once you start planning, it will give you an idea of when it'll need to be on the ground. If your task is time-consuming, it is possible to engage full-time developers. Additionally, it'll be affordable to contract for a lengthy period.

Since developers are usually only sometimes able to agree on short-term projects with the exact costs as regular projects, they typically charge more because of less consistency in work and a lack of allocation to income. Additionally, you could lower the costs of developing software through outsourcing companies for software development. This more efficient solution will provide the greatest return on investment.

How Does The Cost Of Software Developers Differ Between Startups And Established Companies?

The expense of hiring software developers may differ between new and established firms due to different financial capabilities, work environments, and potential growth opportunities. This section will provide an overview of what factors affect the salaries of developers in every type of business:


Startups typically have a limited budget; however, they offer a variety of incentives that draw high-quality talent. Although the starting salary may be lower than that of established firms, which range between $70,000 and $100,000 per year, startup companies often offer the possibility of equity and flexible workplaces with the chance to take on new ideas. 

There is the potential for a significant profit from options to purchase stock. The prospect of being a part of the company's growth may attract entrepreneurs looking to swap a portion of their immediate pay for future benefits.

Established Companies

Established firms typically are financially stable enough to provide higher wages and complete benefits packages. Based on their experience and knowledge, developers working in these companies will earn annual wages that range between $90,000 and $150,000 or even more. 

Apart from competitive wages, established firms often offer comprehensive health insurance, retirement plans, and career development opportunities. The security and reliability of established businesses attract entrepreneurs looking for long-term career growth and financial security.

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Additional Costs To Consider When Hiring Software Developers

Startup App Development

Beyond salary or skill level, various additional costs exist. It is essential to consider these aspects to determine how they affect the overall budget and your decision-making process.

Company-Paid Rewards

Apart from pay, companies' benefits add substantially to the total cost of employing software developers. These benefits usually include pension contributions, health insurance, and paid time off. Legal requirements concerning benefits must be considered when determining an employer's location and agreement with a developer. If, for instance, your base salary is $80,000, then the total price to employ with benefits can vary from $96,000 to $104,000.

Turnover And Retention

Suppose a developer decides to leave the firm. In that case, there are expenses associated with the departure, including the interview process, severance plans, and the resources and time required to locate an appropriate successor. The high turnover rate can result in disruptions to the projects' continuity.

Legal And Compliance

Complying with the laws governing employment and regulations could result in legal expenses. That includes creating employment contracts, handling immigration and visa forms for hires from abroad, and ensuring compliance with particular labor and regulation laws.

Workplace Integration

Creating a happy and positive work environment includes costs associated with team-building actions, company events, and workplace maintenance. These initiatives are essential to keeping talent in the company and encouraging collaboration; however, they can increase hiring costs.

Direct Costs Associated With Hiring Developers

Direct costs like office space, equipment, and utility bills should be considered. Depending on the location and facilities, a developer's dedicated office space can range between $5,000 and $20,000 per year. Recruitment costs depend on the hiring channels you select. Some may have expenses that are not disclosed, such as the amount of time you invest, advertising costs, or other expenses.

Strategies To Cut Down The Cost Of Hiring a Software Developer

There isn't a specific method to reduce the price; however, it is important to learn various strategies to ensure they are in your favor. You can cut costs so that they meet your budget using the tips below. These are tested and tried methods, so try it out and observe how it could aid your work. 

Be aware that cost savings don't necessarily mean you should choose a less compelling option. The money spent on software will be used to produce profits in the future. Thus, it would help if you found the most affordable price while not sacrificing quality.

Improve The Process Of Recruitment

Effective recruitment methods are crucial in reducing time and cost. Utilizing specialized hiring platforms or professional services from reputable companies makes it easier to find skilled potential candidates. These platforms typically use advanced algorithmic and assessment techniques to align the skills of your candidates with your company's needs, making sure you have a specific and efficient hiring process.

Consider Long-Term Partnerships

By establishing relationships with Startup App Development Company, you can cut expenses and fully comprehend your company's needs. Instead of hiring software contractors on a contractual basis, establish long-term relationships with the developers. This will allow you to save costs through bulk discounts, understand your company's needs, and increase productivity due to being familiar with the requirements of your business.

Find Global Teams To Assist With Software Development

The hiring of offshore software developers may bring significant savings. In particular, a competent software developer from Asian countries could offer services for a price between $25 and $50 an hour. That's a substantial decrease compared to the $150-$80 per hour costs for the United States. This method can bring financial advantages, broaden the pool of potential talent, and give access to a variety of capabilities and viewpoints.

Intellectual Property Rights And NDAs

If you hire developers, ensure you can agree with them regarding rights to software, technologies, and the code they create. This is crucial when it comes to outsourcing or freelance work. Ensure your NDA complies with lawful standards to protect your business's sensitive data. Adherence to regulations regarding data protection is essential. Additionally, every software should be certified with the appropriate technologies and laws regarding software export.

Be a Part Of IT's Outstaffing Model

IT outsourcing models provide an outside company with a flexible, cost-effective individual team. The costs associated with outsourcing depend on the area and experience of the staff. The typical range is between $40 and $80 per hour. Outsourcing lets you scale your resources in accordance with the project's requirements and reduce fixed expenses associated with in-house teams.

Engage Remote Software Developers

Implementing policies for remote work allows users to take advantage of global talent pools without physically moving between locations. It reduces the cost of office space and facilities. It also allows you to collaborate with developers across various time zones, ensuring constant project progress.

In Conclusion

Software development helps maintain competitive advantages across rapidly developing industries. Suppose you are one of those who want to hire specialized or expert developers. In that case, you may be thinking about what it will cost to employ an engineer in software and the cost of hiring a software developer. We've attempted to cut through the process of costing for software developers. It is essential to speak with an experienced business in the field of software development, which is an excellent way to learn more about costs.

The cost of hiring could be determined by evaluating the factors listed above and other elements. Higher salaries could be offered to individuals who understand what they are doing and have an appropriate skill set. However, various other elements influence the price of hiring software developers, which can be challenging to determine.

However, there is no method for determining the exact costs of the project or how long it will take to complete. Planning your budget and making informed, data-driven decisions when making an offer is possible.