How Much Does It App Development Cost in Australia for 2024

How Much Does It App Development Cost in Australia for 2024

With more than 21.6 million smartphone users in Australia, mobile apps have become integral to daily life. As a result, more and more businesses are joining the bandwagon and launching the apps of their choice. With the estimated 2.2 million available on the Apple App Store and 3.3 million apps through the Google Play Store, mobile application development has become the norm for companies that want to improve their online existence and interact with their clients in new ways. With this vast number, approximately 58% of apps are developed by Australian publishers.

However, a comparable report of Business of Apps estimates that the Australian app market has seen steady growth over the last few years and will reach $2.6 billion in revenue generated by mobile apps in 2023, a rise from $2.4 billion the year prior. The average cost per user is $120.30. In addition, the number of applications downloaded by users in Australia has reached 1.1 billion.

The price to develop an application in Australia could range between $25,000 and $300,000 or more, based on many variables (details in the future).

In the following blog, we'll concentrate on the urgent question, "What is the cost of mobile app development in Australia?" We will examine the main factors affecting the cost of building mobile apps in Australia and offer a few expert strategies for creating a budget-friendly yet premium mobile app for your custom mobile app development company in Australia.

Factors That Affect the Cost of App Development in Australia

Various facts should be analyzed before deciding on the proper app development. The realm of apps has never been this big, and the number of people who own smartphones is growing. The variety of apps available ranges from video games and apps such as purchasing lists and banking apps to corporate apps for timesheets and chatting with your employer. 

Companies that require an app might have specific requirements as opposed to those who want games on their smartphones. This affects the amount of time app developers would like to invest and the price. This guide will discuss the most frequently used factors when assessing the app development cost in Australia and other countries. Let's examine all the factors that affect app development prices in Australia.

Developing a Hybrid App or a Native app

The price of your mobile app project will be based on the kind of app you build, whether a native mobile app or a hybrid one. If you want to make your app available across multiple platforms, there are two options: create native apps for every location or create a hybrid application that can run on different platforms. The price of your mobile app project will also depend on the kind of app you'd like to create.

#Native Apps

A native application is designed for use on a specific device or platform. Native apps are highly regarded for their performance and technical superiority to hybrid apps. The Native App produces the programming language that Google or Android plans to create. If you need an application that works simultaneously with Android and Apple, You will require an app that works for Android and Apple, and you must create two distinct native apps.

#Hybrid Apps

A hybrid app is a variety of native and web-based applications. Hybrid apps are designed in the most commonly used web-based app development languages like HTML and CSS. Different cross-platform frameworks offer the base structure of code for developing these hybrid applications. Popular cross-platform frameworks include Flutter, React Native, and Cordova. The development cost for a hybrid app depends on the security and features of the app. The greater the demand, the more expensive.

  • More Expensive: The price will be higher depending on the demands and the inclusion of new features. Most commonly, apps such as marketplaces, social networks, artificial intelligence ride-sharing, and banking apps that require security are more costly to develop.

  • Apps with Lower Costs: If an app requires less energy and time, its price will be lower than those with more complicated applications. Similar apps, such as calculators, QR scanners, static content apps, education directories, and note-taking applications, are usually less expensive to create.

For instance, developing a native iOS app is typically less expensive than developing a mobile hybrid app; however, creating a hybrid mobile app will be less expensive than developing native apps for iOS and Android.


The variety and complexity of capabilities are the next step or a sizable factor that influences the improvement price. Complex capabilities such as algorithmic feeds for social media, IoT tool synchronization, or augmented reality will cost more than a simple document addition or an online form. 

If you are looking for complex features such as push notification, offline mode, and augmented reality, they may require specialist knowledge or more experienced as well as lead developers. All of these come with higher expenses that can make mobile apps more expensive to develop—costs by a significant cost per hour.

Platforms Supported

It is possible to write iOS and Android apps using a variety of coding languages. Making an app that works on both platforms is more efficient than creating a single app and can cost more. If the app creator codes natively, you might want to make the front end twice to aid Android and iOS. The lower back give-up is likely to be divided between both; therefore, it would like to be completed. There is a front-give-up program to improve the cost. 

The most cost-effective way to offer up to two times more growth on the front end is to use an open-platform framework such as React Native that allows your developers to develop code as fast as possible. It will be exported as a local app that works on all platforms. Here are some of the latest mobile development frameworks suitable for Android and iOS mobile apps.

  • React Native

React-native, developed and supported by Facebook, is a user-friendly and cross-platform development framework for applications rapidly becoming popular with programmers. React Native facilitates the development of IOS and Android apps. It allows you to make your app using this framework to enable rapid development and deployment:

  • reused elements

  • interfacing with third-party extensions

  • component-based GUI development for front-end applications

The mobile apps Facebook, Facebook ads, skype, Walmart, and many more are developed using the react-native framework.

  • Flutter

Flutter is a framework by Google that allows you to develop applications that are native to Android as well as iOS applications using a minimal codebase. Flutter is a comprehensive and distinct framework with widgets and a rendering engine, debugging and integrating APIs and other assets that aid developers in creating and deploying beautiful mobile apps. 

Additionally, the price of developing applications using Flutter in countries like Australia, the USA, and Canada will not cost you a dime in your pockets. Various agencies, including Google and Abbey Avenue Studios, use Flutter. Google Ads, KlasterMe, Reflectly, Hamilton, and many more are built on the Flutter framework.

  • Ionic

Ionic is an explicit framework that allows you to create progressive web applications, hybrid and cross-platform mobile apps, and robust native apps. It assists developers in creating these. The main feature of Ionic is that it permits creators to use a variety of UI components within the application framework, including input filtering, views, easy navigation, and action sheets.

Sworkit, JustWatch, McDonald's Turkiye, and Automotive are mobile applications with Ionic frameworks.

  • Polish Level

The polishing stage is where you finish off the final touch-up of your application. It'll include UI designs, animations, and interactions. It will also improve your app's performance to finish it off and correct minor bugs or issues. Polish can be applied to every part of an application and can significantly impact the cost of the improvement. 

The more polish you use, the higher the price will be. Designing the user interface and server architecture, interactivity and motion, and tablet optimization are all standard factors. For startups with high-end products, their first launch may be a simple proof-of-concept app. This is a fundamental low-cost model that is used to test the concept. So, a startup can establish an audience for the app before attempting to develop it.

Location of the App Development Team

In addition, the improvement you make to your app significantly impacts its value, given that it is exercise-intensive and the amount of work simultaneously affects the overall value. Cities and nations are charged additional fees for the development of apps. The most well-known nations for mobile app development include the USA, Canada, South America, Australia, South America UK, Ukraine, Southeast Asia, and Australia. The costs paid by mobile app developers Australia differ per hour between these countries. We have information that will inform you about the price of developing apps in Australia, Canada, and The USA.

Budget Constraints

Everything depends on your company's needs and anticipated output. The more you put into it in your business, the more you make. Generally, your budget will appear to be of higher quality and have better capabilities or the ability to scale. A skilled mobile app design firm will take care of the most essential features that may only be used once. They will help you save money and teach you how to use your budget most efficiently.

How to Determine the Cost of App Development in Australia?

mobile app development

The amount of work associated with improving the app could significantly influence your app's quality. Because app development is labor-intensive, it likely impacts your entire app. Engaging experienced mobile consultants will provide valuable insight into how to improve the development process. Let's look at the steps to determine the costs of developing apps within Australia:

Mobile Ideation & Research

Ideation is the very first step in execution, similar to the mobile development of apps. All it takes is a fantastic idea. After forming an idea, you must research the best plan implementation. The research can be conducted through a series of follow-ups answering questions such as: Who is your ideal target audience? How many of them are there, and what solutions can your app provide to resolve the issues? The next thing to do 

  • identify your top competitors,

  • research markets,

  • then develop new strategies to fill in what they're not.

A business developer typically does this. After the stage, content developers outline the project in depth. This process usually lasts up to 8 days or approximately 200 hours. It will cost between A$84 and A$139.


Conceptualizing is an additional step to visualize your concept. This includes designing the user interface and wire-framing. In general, it shows the information structure. Additionally, it illustrates user flows across the various parts of the application. Visual designers, rs Interface designers, and front-end developers all work in this stage. This stage provides a well-trained, organized sketch of workflows for the screen and each component. All button options can be viewed in the app at this point. It usually takes about 336 hours. Its estimated cost is between A$222 and 416 A$.

Prototyping Interactively

A video-like rendering will showcase the app being developed. This will enable the client to grasp the capabilities of the mobile app and how feedback functions. A UI designer is responsible for this phase of development. The typical cost for this stage is between A$166 and A$249, equivalent to 240 hours.


This is a crucial one, where smartphone app designers create the code for the app under the guidance of the program manager. This includes front-end and back-end functionality. The cost for this stage is between A$277 and $555, and the expected completion time is around 480 hours.


Quality assurance specialists are expected to examine the mobile app at this point to ensure that it is free of bugs and mistakes. The test should last approximately one hour and cost between A$111 and A$166.


The application is fully functional and ready for users to use. After the app's development team has uploaded the app to Stores and met the requirements that users upload and download the application, in this article, the cost for placing an app on the Google Play Store is around A$34, and the price for putting it in the Store is A$132. The store will be $132.


This is where maintenance and advertising occur. There are many ways of doing this, ranging from targeted advertisements to video launches to other events. The price for this component generally varies between A$50 and A$150.

Strategies to Reduce Mobile App Development Costs in Australia

The development cost for apps in Australia is significant. Fortunately, there are established ways you can use to lower the price. Below are various strategies that were met, as well as holds and industry best practices to lower the cost of creating mobile apps in Australia.

Define Clear Requirements Early On

It is necessary to clearly define the app's needs, features, and objectives in the early stages of the process to help prevent the expansion of the scope and cut down on unnecessary costs. By planning ahead, you can create an app that is successful in the time you have, even with a limited budget!

Cross-Platform Development

Instead of creating distinct native applications designed for iOS and Android, it is possible to choose to develop cross-platform apps. This method can drastically cut costs, reduce time, and save resources by creating one app that functions seamlessly across multiple platforms.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Before you invest in an extremely robust and feature-rich app, you should concentrate on developing the basic functions before introducing advanced features in future updates. This MVP method lets you start the application earlier and iterate it based on user feedback, increasing funding and lowering the development cost.

Agile Development Practices

The adoption of agile development techniques, using their incremental and iterative processes, helps improve development efficiency. Continuous updates, feedback loops, and adaptable changes ensure that the project is on track and decrease the necessity for expensive revisions.

Outsource App Development

The kind of staffing for app development is an essential element that can affect budget, timeframe, and even product quality. Instead of hiring freelancers or an in-house team for a short period, it is possible to contract a dedicated team of       s who offer top-quality application development at affordable prices.


As previously mentioned, the price of creating an Android app in Australia is contingent on various variables. It is impossible to determine the cost based on only the kind of app or the technology used to program it.

As discussed earlier, many factors affect the costs of developing apps in Australia and other nations. It is not possible to judge the costs solely based on the kind of app or the programming technology it uses. We all know the importance of custom mobile app development. It is more beneficial when you're careful about the business you run.

After reviewing the information presented above, you now have a rough but standardized notion of the duration and expense of developing mobile apps in Australia. It is now time to identify some of the most reputable Australia mobile app development agency, evaluate them based on various aspects, and choose the one that you think will best meet your requirements for development. This could be costly.