How do I start a social media app business in 2024

How do I start a social media app business in 2024

Nowadays, nearly everyone uses social media. Social networks have completely revolutionized our communication practices; YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Yalla, and TikTok are just some of the many channels that have revolutionized communication, culture, education, politics, and business.

Recent figures project that in 2023, there will be 4.89 billion social media account holders globally - an increase of 6.5% over 2022 and expected to reach 6 billion by 2027.

Given social media's vast reach and success, you may contemplate creating your app. If this interests you but you need help getting started, look no further. Here at JPL oft, we can provide all the guidance necessary for developing an individual or enterprise application based on social media networks—we even offer training classes!

This social media app development guide will help you understand all the information necessary to create the social platform of your choice. Furthermore, this resource can help you determine whether creating an online platform is a feasible business option and lets you get into all the details immediately!

Also Read : Top Apps Like Instagram 

Current Scenario in Social Media App Market: Saturation or Opportunity

Based on this data, it's clear that over half of the world's population is currently using social media apps, with numerous popular apps becoming increasingly widely used over time. Well-known apps dominate the social media app market, making it even more important for businesses to make an impression online.

Many experts speculate that social media has reached a saturation point, even though popular networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter continue to expand slowly. Social media app stores are experiencing a slowdown in growth; app availability has reached a saturation point, with over 2.6 million Android and 2.2 million iOS apps available on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Research indicates that convincing users to download new apps is becoming more challenging, which may affect your Facebook app concept and whether building one for social media would be worthwhile. Let's examine the market saturation hypothesis to ascertain whether our assertion is valid.

Market saturation occurs when supply exceeds demand for a specific merchandise or service. By this definition, experts usually believe app stores will become overcrowded; however, due to wide gaps between the categories of apps available within an app store, there isn't any saturation point; certain areas contain hundreds of apps while others contain just handfuls, like social media apps, which makes this market not saturated as such.

The majority of apps that take up our lives are a handful of essential apps used for convenience (Uber, etc.) or social networking (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), which means that the social media apps market is far from being fully saturated, and there's an enormous chance to join the race. The current social media apps aren't very excellent. So, your app must be unique in its offerings and superior to current social media apps. Develop a social media app from scratch and are now among the most well-known around the globe. Let's consider Snapchat as an example.

What made Snapchat achieve this?

When Snapchat began its race for social media apps, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter were already ruling the game. Snapchat set out to create a distinct social media app. Self-disappearing videos and photos were a novelty that users had never seen before. The time-limited nature of exchanging photos and videos enticed people to try the app. It also eliminated the problem of managing and storing data for social media app developers.

Also Read : Top Apps Like Telegram 

How to Make a Social Media App in Key Steps

Social media app development could seem daunting, but it's achievable when you break it down into smaller steps. Follow these steps, and you'll be in the process of getting from the initial concept to"launch" the "launch" button.

Identify The Right Product/Market Fit

The notion of a good product/market fit is that startups create a product that is a hit with the market they intend to target. Startups should follow the steps to determine the best product/market fit for their concepts.

When creating an app for a social media startup, companies must be flexible in their strategy since the final product that turns out to be an instant success could differ from the original concepts. Companies like Instagram and Twitter succeeded by constantly altering their strategies until they discovered the right product/market match.

After Apple launched push notifications, Startups can learn from WhatsApp's transformation from an essential tool to set the status to a full-blown chat app. The concept of a social network app must constantly evolve in response to factors that affect users' behavior.

Finding the right product/market match in the beginning is often a daunting task. However, startups can depend on a tested approach, where the app has been designed to appeal to a specific group. If the app is thriving in a successful group, the same strategy can be repeated for another.

Gain Competitive Advantage With Market Research

Social media app development is about more than programming and deploying it to users. The majority of its success lies in conducting proper market research. Before making the app, startups must analyze their competition, focusing on the strategies that can propel them to the top of the list.

Startups with a thorough understanding of the market are better placed to build a product that can fill the gap left by existing apps. A new app should have distinct features rather than just being an app in the highly competitive market.

Get a Better Perspective With Target Audience Research

Startups should receive feedback from their intended audience on their social media application. This process lets startups include features based on the actual preferences and habits of their target audience.

Startups should organize one-on-one user interviews instead of constructing an app based on hypotheses. The founders will comprehend the issues and work on an answer. Initial contact with current users can help create a solid customer database for the application.

Interviews can be further complemented with techniques like creating an individual and a customer journey map. Persona creation is a successful method in which the most typical user traits are analyzed using an ad hoc method.

A map of the customer's journey helps entrepreneurs identify users' behavior and collect information to improve the application. A successful customer journey map typically includes the persona, timeline, actions, and expectations.

Choose A Profitable Business Model

The bottom line is that a social media app development must be well-received by users and will likely earn a profit. This is why selecting a strategy that will allow for long-term growth and ensure revenue is in the right direction is crucial. Here are some of the most popular business models social media applications use.

Freemium Model

The freemium model permits users to sign up at no cost and use several of the available basic features. However, access to premium features is available only to paid members. LinkedIn is a social networking platform developed for professionals. Users are charged a premium to access tools such as InMail and job-matching.

Advertising Model

Many social media platforms depend on advertisements to generate revenues. Applications such as Facebook or Instagram are built this way. The goal is to expand the number of users on Facebook quickly and use data-driven methods to reach users by displaying relevant advertisements.

Social media platforms must gather information about your details, such as gender, age, location, and other interests, to make them attractive to advertisers and succeed. Of course, traffic volume also plays an essential role in how advertisers spend money on social media advertising.

TikTok is a social network with more than 800 million active users. It lets different ads, including cleverly incorporating commercial videos in its feed for You. In addition, you can read our guide on how to develop an app equivalent to TikTok.

Engage With A User-Friendly And Intuitive Design

Startups need to use the information from previous research. The user experience is the determining factor in the effectiveness or otherwise of any new social media application. Startups must have a solid understanding of users' expectations and adapt the app to meet them.

Tinder is a dating app by matching that connects users based on photos; it does this by providing the most appropriate matches based on profiles. In 2019, Tinder changed its algorithm to match users who were actively using the app simultaneously. This is a move to stop users from wasting time by clicking on profiles that aren't more active.

There is less to be had regarding social networking apps in the matter. Startups need to ensure that the app's design is attractive and practical. Unorganized layouts could turn potential customers away. Instead, social media app developers should concentrate on the audience that may be using the app and offer additional features worth the cost.

The goal is to build an online ecosystem that delights all parties who use the application.

For instance, Facebook has nailed it with its social media feeds for consumers. However, it also offers a variety of tools for content creators and advertisers.

Build An MVP To Test Ideas Quickly

The term "minimum viable product" or MVP, also known as a minimum viable app, represents the basic outline of an app that contains only the most basic features required to work. It's an excellent method for startups to test markets in a more straightforward setting.

Startups do not have to worry about encountering technical problems due to the application's inclusion of every feature. Additionally, users can explore the app in a less clutter-filled way.

How do startups determine which features should be included in the MVP? Start by listing the most essential aspects that are vital to the application.

If founders of startups need help picking features for the MVP, They can use this prioritization tool. Things considered 'nice-to-haves' could be added to the roadmap for product development to be completed in the future.

Pro tip: Improve existing use cases using incremental and iterative approaches. This lets you test the app and receive feedback on its specific elements.

Collect Feedback To Refine Your Social Media App

Venturing the social media app is the first step in creating a winning product. The next step is to gather feedback from users on the MVP. Feedback from users is an essential indication of what's not working and what's working within the application.

Based on user feedback, startups must constantly refine their products to ensure that the next version meets user behavior and demands. At this point, startups must use analytics to forecast patterns and trends more precisely.

Be aware that improvising is a never-ending process since the app needs to be adapted to the dynamic that drives user behaviors.

Also Read : Best Apps Like Snapchat 

Essential Features that All Social Media Apps Must Include

social media app development

Ultimately, keeping a list of the essential aspects every social media app development for mobile devices must meet is always beneficial. They include:

Branding and Identity

There's no doubt that social media applications have their own logos and custom designs in this phase of the game, especially when you consider the importance of these elements in explaining to users what your app's purpose is.

Messaging Services

The latest messaging trend is to incorporate multimedia elements into conversations, like videos or photos, which help to keep conversations lively. This is also useful for increasing engagement within your community since they'll be more likely to engage if there are interesting images to be seen. Be sure to include other communication features such as likes, comments, or direct messaging.

Content Management

It is the foundation for your social media platform because it has all the tools you need to create and publish content. It is essential to include the ability for users to create their content, view the activity stream of other users' updates, and save and post their content once they upload it.

Photos and Video

Videos and pictures are among the most well-known types of content available through social media websites and apps. If your application doesn't support these two formats, you'll miss out on many potential users. In this regard, make sure you connect with social media platforms, including Instagram and Vine, and create a platform that makes it simple for them to share and post content.

Also Read : Social Media App Development: Solutions for Success 2024 

Tech Stack to Create a Social Media App

social media app development

While we can outline how to develop a social media app in great detail, certain aspects could be clearer. We're talking about the technology stack used for a social networking app.

The number of tools and technologies available tools depends on many aspects:

    • Specifications of the project

    • Your budget;

    • The platforms you'd like to launch it on.

We tried to come up with a list of options that you could use when developing a social media application.

    • Language of programming: Swift and Kotlin Node.js

    • Networking: Alamofire

    • Framework: Express 4

    • Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL

    • Chat: Twilio, PubNub,

    • API: Swagger

    • Notifications via push: FCM

    • Geolocation: Google Maps

    • Storage: Amazon S3

    • Search: Elasticsearch

Also Read : Great Ideas For Social Media App Development in USA 2024 

Cost to Build a Social Media App

It is possible for a social media application to cost around the same as other social media app development based on the technology you select, the complexity of your application, the elements required to facilitate interactive interactions, and where your social media app development company is situated. With the assistance of a company in one of the best IT outsourcing locations, you can reduce your expenses significantly while being flexible and confident about the final result.

Depending on your path, you can create a social media app inexpensively. SaaS or CMS solutions are much less costly and more efficient than open-source options, which require a developer, software, and hosting costs.

If you want to create a social media app from scratch, you must know the costs associated with back-end development. This could take months or years, and the expense of building an app for iOS or Android could be anywhere from $80,000 to $250,000. If you are developing an Android or iOS social media application, it is crucial to emphasize quality over price and choose the most reliable social media app development service.

social media app development

Also Read : Social Media App Development Choosing the Best Tech Stack in AI 2024 


Social media app development is a complicated procedure that begins with an idea realized with the completion of the work on the prototype version of the app. Before that, users and creators have to traverse a variety of phases during the development process, beginning with brainstorming about the concept that social networks are an excellent idea to the launch of the MVP and the actual fluctuations and turbulence of your kids and the first money, and the first scandals. Where would you be if not for them?

The path to success is only given to some teams. The most important thing is not to make the mistake of being a survivor and to do what we can to accomplish. If you need professional help, we are ready to take on some of the challenges of creating your company and making your life easier for customers.