Guide to Develop a Live Streaming App Like Bigo

Guide to Develop a Live Streaming App Like Bigo

Are you aware of the reasons live-streaming applications have become a new trend? Most of you haven't! The entrepreneur seeking a lucrative business opportunity should take advantage of this. The next generation of live streaming has arrived and is getting underway! The streaming app industry could grow to a staggering $184.28 billion in the year 2027. The reason is that the world's population is hungry for live-streamed content.

Are you prepared to follow the lead as a business owner and create an app like Bigo? This blog will help you find out how. Explore similar approaches for professional advice that will help you transform your ideas into a vibrant online community.

What is Live Streaming?

Live streaming platforms are software that broadcasts videos to viewers in real-time. This means that the audience is watching you while you produce your video. The video footage is uncut and distributed via the web for viewers who have access to it.

Some platforms are entirely free, while others require a fee. Specific platforms can limit who can livestream, while others permit broadcasting to the public at large.

What is Bigo Live?

With over 400 million subscribers, Bigo Live is a live-streaming service that was launched in March 2016. It was created by David Li and Jason Hu in Singapore in 2000, and BIGO Technology, a JOYY subsidiary, owns it. Bigo Live lets customers communicate with each other, which makes it an amazing messaging application.

It's being watched and broadcast by people worldwide, radio people's life experiences. It comes with features like makeup filters, digital objects, and more to aid streamers and maintain videos in chat. The Bigo Live app is a network of viewers and streamers who share similar interests built into the Bigo Live App's advancement.

Why Do Entrepreneurs Want to Invest In Building A Live Streaming App Like Bigo Live?

It is important to understand before diving into this article to learn about the steps to build an application similar to Bigo Live. Bigo Live application development, a leading player in the market for live streaming with over 400 million customers and counting, is an excellent example of a company's strength. There are a few reasons why businesses need to take advantage of this growing market.

    • Streaming apps like Bigo Live

    • Massive and Engaged Audience

    • Monetization Opportunities

    • Content Diversity and Niche Markets

    • Scalability and Global Reach

We've covered it in detail to ensure you comprehend these advantages.

1. Massive and Engaged Audience

Grand View Research projects that the live-streaming business will reach a staggering $184.27 billion by 2027. The technology that works to regular conversations and a desire for immediate touch drive this massive upward surge.

According to Deloitte research, Gen Z watches online videos for 10 hours per week. This highlights the enormous potential market for live streaming applications. Contact a Mobile app development company if you're looking to create an app similar to Bigo Live and observe the increase.

2. Monetization Opportunities

The best live streaming application is Bigo Fulfillment, which is based on its freemium business model. It offers in-app purchases to purchase virtual items and premium solutions similar to the middle function, which is free. Based on Zion Market Research, the global market for in-app purchases will grow to $412.4 billion by 2026.

Users can build a productive ecosystem through the exchange of digital goods that can be exchanged for currency. Businesses see the Bigo Live apps in similar ways as an opportunity to make revenue, particularly for the most engaged tiers of staying on stream.

3. Community Building and Social Connection

People need to be connected in increasingly virtual spaces. Bigo's live chat application and other stay-streaming platforms provide the perfect platform to organize social connections and form communities.

Based on the most recent Pew Research Center research, 60 percent of people who use social media say these platforms enhance their sense of connectedness to people they recognize and value. Entrepreneurs know how live Streaming applications such as HBO Max can foster dynamic communities that increase customer retention and loyalty.

4. Content Diversity and Niche Markets

Live streaming is appealing since it accommodates an array of activities. The possibilities are limitless, including live shopping, classes, music, and games. According to Statista, more than 3.0 billion gamers engage in video games worldwide.

There's a huge market for streaming services that focus on gameplay or esports. Creating an iPhone application will make businesses aware of specific regions and also expand an active user base with various hobbies.

5. Scalability and Global Reach

Streaming apps do not have to be restricted by geography. According to data, Bigo Live's on-demand app development competition can reach a global public with the proper infrastructure.

AI assessment, the global achievement that mobile apps could make, is evident through this 4.2 per cent year-over-year growth in mobile apps through 2023. Business owners know that adequately designed live-streaming software will connect users worldwide and remove obstacles.

The Model for Business of Bigo`

This article will examine the intricate details of Bigo's business model, including its primary parts, revenue streams, and strategies for surviving competition.

1. User Acquisition and Engagement:

Bigo is focused on getting clients through various avenues, including optimizing apps, social media marketing, and partnerships with influential people. It focuses on engagement with users through interactive features, like live chats, online gifts, and games that can be played in multiplayer within live streams. These functions enhance the overall users' experience and promote long-term site utilization.

2. Content Monetization:

One of Bigo's main income streams comes from revenue from content monetization. It allows viewers to earn virtual prizes from their viewers on live streaming. Virtual gifts are purchased with actual money from viewers or converted into cash prizes for creators. Bigo receives a portion of the transaction, generating a lucrative income stream and a way to encourage creators to create quality video content.

3. Advertising:

Bigo earns money through advertising by displaying advertisements, banners, and videos for its customers. The business uses specific advertising algorithms that deliver relevant advertisements based on preferences, demographics, and previous viewing patterns. Advertisers can pay Bigo for advertising placements, allowing the platform to make additional money and providing brands with an easy method of engaging with their audience.

4. Premium Features and Subscriptions:

Bigo offers a top platform offering features of best quality, as well as subscription-based services to those who want to have access to exclusive content and extra features. The premium features may include

    • free browsing,

    • access to premium channels,

    • priority customer support, and

    • special badges and privileges.

In addition to offering additional benefits to its paying subscribers, Bigo diversifies its revenue sources and builds a loyal customer base that is ready to commit to its platform.

5. Competitive Strategies:

In an environment of competition dominated by social media giants like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, Bigo differentiates itself with various strategic strategies.

    • Global Expansion Bigo is a leader in global expansion through localization of its platform to accommodate different cultural and language preferences. The company has regional offices, creates alliances with local influencers, and hosts community events to effectively penetrate new markets.

    • Innovation in Technology: Bigo invests in research and development to improve its platform, incorporating advanced functions, including Augmented Reality (AR) filters, real-time translation, and interactivity with gaming. Staying at the forefront of technological advances, Bigo enhances user engagement and maintains its advantage in the live-streaming industry.

    • Community Development: Bigo fosters a feeling of belonging among its users through the organization of virtual contests, events, and competitions. Bigo encourages participation by offering rewards, recognition, and other gamification features, thus improving customer retention and building loyalty.

Top Features of Bigo Live Streaming App

We'll explore the best characteristics and features of Bigo Live Streaming Application and highlight its features, user experience, and impacts on the digital landscape.

Let's examine the ten most important attributes that help make Bigo Live Streaming App a top choice for live stream fans.

Seamless Live Streaming Experience:

Thanks to an extensive infrastructure and modern technology, Bigo Live offers users a smooth live stream experience. Whether you're broadcasting your talents as a host for a virtual show or just engaging your viewers, Bigo Live ensures smooth and uninterrupted streaming, providing viewers with an easy experience.

Multi-Platform Accessibility:

One of the best characteristics unique to Bigo Live is its multi-platform access. Users can access the application not just through their phones but also on various other gadgets like tablets and PCs. The app's versatility lets users communicate with their followers at any time and anywhere, increasing the accessibility and ease that live broadcasting offers.

Also Read: Video Streaming App Development: Key Features and Benefits

Interactive Live Sessions:

Bigo Live fosters interactivity by providing real-time interaction between the streamers and the viewers. Features like live chat, virtual gifts, and interactive polls allow customers to participate actively during live stream sessions, creating a feeling of community and a connection between viewers.

Virtual Gifting System:

Bigo Live's virtual gifts system is a great and enjoyable feature for live streamers. The viewers can gift virtual presents to the streamers they like to show their appreciation or as a way to support them. Virtual gifts could be transformed into actual revenue for streamers, encouraging creators of content and encouraging the symbiotic connection between their creators and viewers.

Social Networking Features:

Alongside streaming live, Bigo Live serves as an online social network that allows users to interact with like-minded people from all over the world. Users can follow their favorite streamers, join groups based on their interests, and engage with fellow members, broadening their circle of friends while fostering lasting connections.

Real-Time Analytics:

Bigo Live provides users with live analytics in real-time and insights for monitoring the effectiveness of live streaming. From viewing count to engagement statistics, viewers get valuable insight into their audience demographics and preferences. This allows the user to increase the standard of their streaming and improve their experience streaming.

Beauty Filters and Effects:

To enhance the impact of live streams, Bigo Live offers a variety of filters and effects that viewers can apply live in real-time. By adding filters, stickers, and AR effects, viewers can customize their stream and engage with stunning videos.

Cross-Platform Broadcasting:

Through Bigo Live, users can effortlessly broadcast live streams over multiple platforms simultaneously. Whether it's through Bigo Live, Facebook, YouTube, or other social media sites, viewers can reach a larger audience and boost their visibility by clicking a few times.

Monetization Opportunities:

Bigo Live offers various monetization options for content creators that allow them to earn a profit by monetizing the live streaming they create. Apart from virtual gift cards, creators can also earn money from their streams through advertising, sponsors, and premium subscriptions. They can transform their love of streamers into a lucrative profession.

Safety and Moderation Measures:

To ensure users' safety and maintain the community's spirit, Bigo Live implements robust security and moderation procedures. From tools for content moderation to live monitoring, Bigo Live ensures a safe and pleasant user experience for everyone and reduces the risk of the internet and adolescent behavior.

Step by Steps to Building a Live Streaming App Similar to Bigo

In this article, we'll go over the key elements to develop an application for live Streaming similar to Bigo Live to ensure an efficient journey from concept to the moment of deployment.

1. Market Research and Conceptualization

Before you begin development:

    • Conduct exhaustive market research to learn about users' preferences, market trends, and competitors' strategies.

    • Review the strengths and shortcomings of current platforms, such as Bigo Live, to identify gaps and opportunities to differentiate.

    • Determine your app's distinctive selling point (USP) and develop your vision in accordance with consumer needs and current market trends.

2. Define Key Features

The success of Bigo Live is due to the extensive feature set, which enables seamless live streaming and interactive interaction. Find the most critical features, such as live streaming, chat in real-time virtual gifting, social sharing, and user-generated content (UGC) production. 

Consider incorporating unique options like AR (AR) filters, virtual events, and ways to monetize your content to increase customer engagement and retention.

3. Choose the Right Technology Stack

Selecting the right tech stack is vital to ensuring you have the capacity, speed, and safety of your application for streaming video. Opt for the most reliable backend platforms like Node.js, Python, or Ruby on Rails for server-side development. 

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) and media servers like Wowza and Red5 should be incorporated to enable real-time streaming and communication capabilities. Make use of cloud-based services like AWS and Google Cloud to provide the ability to scale your infrastructure and storage of data.

4. UI/UX Design

Develop a simple and attractive visual user interface (UI) designed to facilitate the ease of navigation and seamless interaction. Utilize modern-day design principles, incorporate flexible layouts, and ensure your design is optimized for desktop and mobile devices. 

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Consider branding aspects like color schemes, colours, and visual hierarchy to create an unforgettable and enjoyable user experience (UX). Test usability and gather comments to improve your design over time.

5. Development Process

The development process should be broken down into a manageable sequence, and the agile creation method and continual improvements should be implemented. Begin by building the backend's infrastructure, which includes user security, database management, and delivery of content mechanisms. 

After that, you should focus on front-end development and include features such as live streaming, chat functions, notifications, and social sharing. Incorporate third-party APIs to add other functions like payment gateways and Social media integration.

6. Testing and Quality Assurance

A thorough testing process is necessary to find and fix the performance bugs or compatibility issues across multiple platforms and devices. Perform detailed testing, including functional, regression, load, and security tests. 

Make sure that you have seamless integration with various screen sizes, devices, and operating systems, to provide the same experience for users. Utilize automated testing tools to recruit beta testers to provide feedback to real users before launch.

7. Monetization Strategy

Discover a myriad of ways to earn revenue from the live Streaming application. Consider a freemium option that offers essential functions for free while charging premium features for an advertising-free user experience. Make in-app purchases available for virtual gifts, subscriptions, or access to premium content. 

Also, consider advertising alternatives, including in-stream ads, sponsored content, and influencer-related partnerships. Be sure to constantly evaluate and enhance your monetization strategies according to user feedback and market trends.

8. Launch and Marketing

Develop a strategy for your launch strategy to create buzz and draw users towards your app for streaming video. Make use of social media channels, influencers, and app review sites for increased visibility and to drive downloads. 

Apply App Store Optimization (ASO) strategies to improve the app's visibility and ranking on the App Store. Analyze user feedback and data after launch to determine enhancement areas and improve your marketing strategies accordingly.

9. User Engagement and Retention

Concentrate on creating a lively community and increasing user engagement for lasting success. Inspire user-generated content, host engaging live events, and encourage meaningful social media and chat interaction. 

Use gamification, such as rewards and loyalty programs, to promote user involvement and retention. Monitor user behavior and preferences to create individual recommendations to increase user satisfaction.

10. Continuous Improvement and Innovation

Keep up-to-date with new technological developments, user trends, and technological advancements to remain ahead of your competition. Always update your application with the latest features, such as performance enhancements and security patches, which provide an unbeatable user experience. 

Get feedback from your users, keep track of analytics, and conduct market research to determine users' changing needs and preferences. Keep an open mind and continuously improve your app so that your app to stream video is current and relevant in a constantly changing digital age.

Monetization Models to Create a Live Streaming App like Bigo

In this post, we'll look at the various models of monetization that can be used to create live-streaming applications like Bigo.

Subscription-Based Model:

A subscription model may give users exclusive options and content in exchange for a monthly or annual subscription fee. This type of model can provide a consistent income stream to the application while giving users a free experience with no ads, as well as access to exclusive content, special badges, or prioritized assistance. People who are committed to live streaming and engaging their viewers may want to fork out money for these extra benefits.

In-App Purchases:

Giving virtual gift cards, stickers, or emojis customers can buy and then send to their favorite broadcasters in live streams could become a profitable monetization method. Virtual gifts not only increase the quality of user experiences but can also express gratitude for broadcasters. A percentage of each sale can be made as revenue. It also incentivizes broadcasters to produce engaging content to bring in more gifts.

Advertising Revenue:

Incorporating ads into the application's interface or showing short advertisements before or during live streaming can bring significant profits. Advertising companies are usually willing to pay a fee to get their message in front of a massive audience of active customers. It is important to balance the user experience and monetization to ensure you don't overwhelm users with too many ads, which can decrease satisfaction.

Brand Partnerships and Sponsorships:

Collaboration with sponsors and brands to highlight their products or services on live streams is mutually beneficial. Brands are exposed to a specific audience, and broadcasters are compensated for products free of charge as a reward for advertising the brand in their broadcasts. They can be sponsors of content to spots in live streams.

Pay-Per-View or Ticketed Events:

Events exclusive to live, such as performances, workshops, or other events requiring ticket purchase or pay-per-view access, can generate a significant revenue stream. If it's a concert comedy or a cooking course, most people will be eager to pay for unique and premium content that cannot be found in other venues. The app could take some of the revenues as a revenue source while the remaining proceeds could be distributed to the show's broadcaster or coordinator.

Subscription Tiers for Broadcasters:

Offering subscriptions to broadcasters like Patreon and Twitch will enable users to donate to their favorite creators financially. Every tier will provide distinct advantages, such as access to exclusive content and shoutouts when streaming live. The model encourages broadcasters to regularly produce top-quality content, providing viewers with community and connection.

Freemium Model:

The use of a freemium model in which the most basic functions of the application are accessible to users for free, but they have the option of unlocking premium features or content via in-app purchases or subscriptions, may draw a wider audience and still generate revenues from only a tiny portion of users who pay. The approach lets users try the app before spending money on other features or add-ons.

Data Monetization:

Analyzing user behavior and data to offer personalized suggestions, targeted ads, and information to companies from third parties can generate additional income. Prioritizing user privacy and security and getting an explicit agreement before sharing or using information about users is essential.

Making a Robust Tech Stack for Live Streaming Apps Like Bigo

In this piece, we'll explore all the critical parts of the tech stack required for an app that streams live and then discuss ways you can develop a solid platform that will attract users' attention.

Live Streaming Infrastructure:

The infrastructure for streaming video is at the heart of any live streaming application. This is comprised of servers' Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) as well as protocols that allow the transmission of live video in real time. Techniques like WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communications) are commonly used to stream high-quality videos with minimum delay. WebRTC enables peer-to-peer communications between users, reducing dependence on central servers and decreasing delay. In addition, CDNs play an essential role in disseminating videos efficiently to viewers across the globe, providing smooth streaming regardless of the area.

Backend Development:

The backend of a live streaming application acts as the brains of the application, handling user authentication, data storage, and content management. A robust and scalable backend infrastructure is required to sustain the ever-growing users and manage concurrent live streaming smoothly. Techniques like Node.js, Django, or Flask are frequently used in backend development because they can efficiently manage asynchronous operations and live data updates. Integrating cloud-based services such as AWS and Google Cloud can enhance capacity and reliability.

Real-time Communication:

Live streaming applications require real-time communications to ease interaction between viewers and broadcasters. The live chat feature, virtual gifts, and public participation depend on instantaneous connections. WebSocket technology frequently creates permanent and bidirectional connections between users and servers, allowing instantaneous real-time interaction. Implementing a reliable messaging protocol and optimizing the networks are essential to providing low latency and excellent quality of real-time communications.

Content Moderation and Safety:

Ensuring a secure user experience is a must when using any live-streaming service. Tools for content moderation based on machine learning algorithms will help discern and eliminate dangerous or inappropriate media in real time. Integrating features such as user reporting, automated content flagging, and manual moderation workflows can aid in maintaining a healthy and secure community. The use of AI-based tools for sentiment analysis and keyword filtering will help improve moderating efforts for content and reduce the risks of content created by users.

Mobile Application Development:

Live streaming applications like Bigo are geared towards mobile users, so making a fast and mobile-friendly application is essential. Frameworks designed for cross-platform development like React Native or Flutter, are the most affordable way to develop mobile applications that run across both iOS as well as Android platforms concurrently. 

They allow users to use the native features of devices and ensure a consistent experience across platforms. Mobile optimization and the ability to respond quickly are crucial for smooth streaming across a range of devices.

Monetization Strategies:

Using efficient monetization strategies is crucial to ensure the viability of an online streaming platform in the future. Live streaming applications' most popular monetization strategies include in-app purchases, subscription plans, and advertisements. 

Incorporating payment gateways and ad networks within the application allows users to purchase virtual gift cards, access additional features, and watch commercial videos. Personalized advertising and recommendations will increase user satisfaction and increase revenue-generating possibilities.

Analytics and Insights:

Knowing the behavior of users and their key performance indicators is vital to improving the quality of live streaming and fostering users' engagement. Utilizing tools for analytics and monitoring dashboards allows you to keep track of important metrics like engagement, retention levels, and the popularity of content. 

Also Read: How to Develop an On-demand Video Streaming App Like Netflix and Amazon Prime

Using the power of data analytics and machine-learning algorithms, you can gain valuable insight into user behavior, content trends, and performance improvements. Through continuous analysis of user data, it is possible to improve the platform's features and options to be more relevant to your customers' needs.

Best Benefits of Developing a Live-Streaming App Similar to Bigo

The article focuses on the most important advantages of creating an app that streams live, identical to Bigo, and highlights its potential to be a profitable enterprise.

1. Expanding User Engagement:

Live streaming services allow for a lively and exciting approach to getting users involved. With live-streamed content, end users experience a feeling of connection and instantaneity, leading to greater engagement than with recorded videos. 

The development of a live streaming application such as Bigo can help businesses create an online community for their brands by providing a platform that allows people to communicate with each other and the content creators.

2. Monetization Opportunities:

Live streaming platforms provide various monetization options, like subscriptions, in-app purchases, virtual gifts, and advertising. When you design a professional live streaming application, companies can earn revenue from these channels. 

Bigo Live, for example, offers users the ability to buy virtual gifts from their preferred broadcasters. The platform receives a portion of the profits. Making a live streaming app provides businesses with a profitable chance to profit from their customer base efficiently.

3. Enhanced Brand Visibility and Marketing:

Live streaming apps can give businesses an effective marketing instrument to boost branding visibility. Through live streaming events, launch events, or even Q&A sessions, companies can reach a larger public and increase their brand visibility. 

Additionally, live streaming promotes a sense of authenticity and openness, which allows organizations to communicate with their clients at a deeper level. Live streaming applications such as Bigo could serve as an avenue for businesses to display their knowledge, products, and services in a captivating manner.

4. Global Reach and Audience Expansion:

Live streaming crosses borders, allowing companies to reach people from all over the world. Live Streaming app development can help businesses reach different markets and appeal to a global audience. Through real-time translation and localization features, companies can break down obstacles to speaking and engaging with users from various regions. 

Bigo Live, for instance, supports multiple languages and facilitates communication between users of different backgrounds. Growing the number of viewers is essential for the growth of a business. A live streaming app is the best opportunity to reach this goal.

5. Data-driven Insights and Analytics:

Live streaming applications provide invaluable information about user behavior regarding preferences, engagement, and measures. Through analyzing information such as the characteristics of viewers' demographics and their time of watching as well as the most popular types of content, companies can make informed judgments to improve the effectiveness of their apps, and also develop the strategy of content. 

Incorporating analytics tools into the development of live-streaming app software allows companies to keep track of critical metrics and evaluate the efficacy of their marketing campaigns. Through actionable data, companies can continuously improve their apps to meet user needs and increase engagement.

6. Flexibility and Scalability:

Custom live-streaming app development gives companies more capacity and flexibility compared to making use of third-party platforms. Companies can customize the application to meet their particular requirements, branding, and feature preferences. Furthermore, a highly scalable live streaming app can meet increasing user demand and effortlessly adapt to the latest technological advances, with a robust application development system for live streaming that allows businesses to upgrade their application and remain in front of their competitors.

7. Community Building and User Interaction:

Live streaming can create an atmosphere of shared connection among users and encourage interactions, collaboration, and involvement. Live streaming apps like Bigo include features like real-time chat, gifts, and broadcasts for groups, allowing users to communicate life in real time. Companies can use these capabilities to build a loyal customer base and create a lively crowd around their brand. By facilitating authentic interactions with users and generating content for them, businesses can build stronger connections with their customers and increase user retention.

8. Innovative Features and Differentiation:

The development of a live-streaming application can help businesses innovate and stand out in the competitive market. With new features, immersive experiences, and innovative content formats, companies can differentiate themselves from the crowd and entice viewers. Bigo Live provides interactive games and filters for makeup and guest broadcasting, enhancing user experiences and ensuring engagement. Investing in live-streaming app development allows businesses to tap into their imagination and build unique platforms that are popular with their users.

How to Hire a Live Streaming App Developer

We'll guide you through hire a live Streaming app developer to help you make educated decisions to bring your dream to fruition.

Understanding Your Requirements:

Before you begin the hiring process, it is essential to establish the requirements of your project clearly. Find out the operating system (iOS, Android, Web),the functions (live stream, chat functions, monetization options),and the specifications for the technical aspects of your application. Knowing the scope of your app can help you find experts with relevant experience.

Research and Shortlisting:

Perform thorough research to determine possible candidates. Find developers who have expertise in live streaming application development. Use online platforms like LinkedIn, Upwork, or GitHub to identify developers with appropriate skills and portfolios. Choose candidates based on their work experience, knowledge, and portfolio's overall high quality.

Assessing Skills and Expertise:

When assessing candidates, focus on their technical capabilities and experience in live streaming application development. Be sure to look for proficiency with programming languages, such as Swift (for iOS),Java/Kotlin (for Android),and JavaScript (for web). 

Also, check their understanding of the streaming protocols (RTMP, HLS, WebRTC) and their experience working with streaming APIs (such as Twitch and YouTube). Understanding the encoding of videos, as well as their compression and stream optimization, is essential.

Portfolio Review:

Review each candidate's portfolio to assess the caliber of the projects they've worked on. Check for apps that live stream they've created previously and analyze the functionality of their interface, user experience, and general quality of performance. Be sure to check if they've added features like the ones you're looking for to your particular task.

Communication and Collaboration Skills:

Effective communication is vital for productive collaboration. Assess the communication abilities of candidates in interviews and initial meetings. Developers who can articulate concepts clearly and comprehend your needs in depth will ensure more efficient project management and lessen the possibility of miscommunication.

Cultural Fit and Work Ethics:

Examine the culture fit of the person developing the team or within your organization. Examine their ethics at work, as well as their reliability and ability to work together. Someone who shares your values and has an active approach to problem-solving is a positive factor in the success of your project.

Technical Interview:

Conduct interviews with technical experts to evaluate applicants' abilities to tackle problems and their coding skills. Show them real-world situations related to live streaming application development. Evaluate their strategy for solving them. Examine their knowledge of pertinent techniques, algorithms, and most effective practices when developing apps.

Check References:

Contact previous customers or companies mentioned within the developer's portfolio. Find out about their work experience with the developer, the quality of their communications, their project management capabilities, and the quality of their work. References are a great source of information regarding an applicant's professionalism and reliability.

Negotiation and Agreement:

When you've selected the best candidate, start discussions on time frames for projects, deliverables, and the amount of compensation. It is essential to define clearly the requirements, milestones, as well as payments in the arrangement or contract. Make sure that all parties are in accord before you begin the work.

Post-Hiring Support and Maintenance:

The partnership with your developer will continue once your project is finished. Ensure that support and maintenance are included in the agreement after launch. An experienced developer must be able to solve all issues, make updates, and offer technical support whenever required.

Most Important Considerations To Make When Developing a Live-Streaming App Like Bigo

If you're thinking of creating a live-streaming app like Bigo, there are a few crucial considerations you need to make to ensure its performance in the highly competitive development marketplace.

Understanding User Needs and Preferences:

Prior to launching development, it is essential to conduct a thorough market study to determine what consumers are looking for in a live streaming application. Examine the functions and features available in Bigo Live and other competitors to find gaps and areas of opportunity. Be aware of factors like characteristics, preferences for content, and engagement mechanisms to customize your application for the intended users.

Defining Core Features:

Live streaming applications such as Bigo offer a variety of functions that go beyond broadcasting capabilities. They can include live chat online, virtual gifting, social sharing, integrations with user profiles, and monetization options. Make sure you are developing core elements that improve customer experience and separate your application from competitors in the marketplace.

Scalability and Performance:

Live streaming software must accommodate many simultaneous users without degrading performance. Spend money on an infrastructure that is scalable and utilize technology like cloud hosting or Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) that provide seamless streaming with the least amount of delay between various platforms and networks.

Content Moderation and Safety:

Content created by users poses problems related to safety and moderation. Use robust moderation tools to filter and monitor unacceptable content, comments, and user behaviour. Integrate reporting tools and guidelines for community members to ensure an inviting and safe environment for all users.

Monetization Strategies:

Find a variety of monetization options to earn revenue from the live streaming application. These could include advertisements, subscription models, and virtual gifting. Also, it gives creators options to make money off their content by partnering with brands, sponsorships, and exclusive features.

Interactive Features:

Integrating interactive features like questions, polls, or interactive overlays can improve user engagement. These features enhance the user experience and stimulate active participation and development in the application.

Cross-Platform Compatibility:

To appeal to a larger audience and a wider audience, make sure you have cross-platform compatibility on every device and platform, like iOS, Android, and the web. Design a user interface which can be responsive and easily adapts to varying screens and resolutions.

Data Privacy and Security:

Secure user privacy and data by adhering to stringent data protection rules and adopting strong security procedures. Encrypt sensitive data, authenticate users securely, and periodically check your application for weaknesses to minimize the risks of cybersecurity threats and data breaches.

Community Building and Engagement:

Create a sense of belonging and community for users by facilitating collaborations and interactions. Integrate features like live streaming for groups, events in the community, or challenges created by users to stimulate active participation and create content within the application.

Continuous Iteration and Improvement:

Live streaming applications are constantly evolving platforms that change over time according to user feedback and technological advancements. Set up channels for collecting customer feedback, studying data, and continually improving enhancements to the user experience. This can help you keep ahead of your competitors.

Top Future Trends in Bigo-like Live Streaming App Development

This article focuses on the most important trends for the future that will shape the world of Bigo-like live streaming applications.

Improved User Experience with AI Integration

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can change users' experience using live streaming applications. AI-powered functions like customized notifications, recommendations for content, and real-time analytics will likely significantly increase users' engagement. The latest algorithms can analyze the user's behavior and preferences to deliver content tailored to the user's preferences that create an immersive experience. Furthermore, AI-driven moderation software can ensure a safe and comfortable environment by identifying and removing inappropriate posts or posts.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Integration

The combination of AR and VR technologies has enormous possibilities for the future of live streaming applications. By overlaying digital components on the actual environment, AR could create an engaging and immersive experience for viewers. For example, in the context of live streaming, AR filters and effects could enhance the visual appearance of viewers or even add virtual objects to the scene, increasing interaction and entertainment. Additionally, VR-enabled live streams will transport viewers to virtual worlds, allowing users to engage with the media more engagingly, opening many new avenues to enhance education, entertainment, and social interactions.

Multi-platform Streaming and Cross-Platform Integration

In the age of increasing digital devices and platforms, customers expect seamless accessibility and connection across various platforms. Live streaming applications like Bigo should focus on interoperability across platforms and multi-platform compatibility. It is essential that users can play and interact with different devices and social media platforms seamlessly. Utilizing the SDKs and APIs of large platforms, developers can make seamless connections with top gaming consoles, social networks, smart TVs, and other connected devices, increasing the reach of live-streaming video.

Monetization Strategies and Creator Economy

While live streaming continues to grow in popularity, monetization strategies have become more critical to app developers and content creators. Future trends in live streaming app development will concentrate on helping creators monetize their content effectively while offering customers the best value. 

This means implementing subscription models, virtual gifting, premium content options, and brand partnerships. Additionally, the economy's growth based on creators offers possibilities for apps like Bigo that facilitate direct exchanges between creators and their fans, allowing creators to develop sustainable careers and communities around their work.

Real-time Collaboration and Co-streaming

Live streaming with collaboration is growing in popularity as viewers seek innovative ways to communicate and interact with one another. In the future, live streaming applications are likely to include features that allow real-time collaboration and co-streaming between multiple viewers. 

This might involve holding online events, conducting interviews, and collaborating on artistic tasks in real-time. By facilitating collaboration, live streaming services will create a sense of being part of a community and increase the enjoyment value that the platform offers.

Enhanced Privacy and Security Measures

Security and privacy issues security and privacy are the primary concerns of live streaming services, allowing users to broadcast their personal lives to potentially huge viewers. Live streaming trends for future application development will emphasize strict security and privacy features to guard user information and guarantee a safe online space. 

Implementing end-to-end encryption, secured authentication systems, and comprehensive and moderation tools is necessary. Furthermore, applications like Bigo might explore new options like Blockchain-based identity verification and distributed content hosting, which can improve security and privacy further.

Top Challenges to the Development of a Live Streaming App Such As BIGO

In this article, we'll look at some of the most challenging issues encountered when creating a live-streaming application such as Bigo and provide methods to address the challenges.

Infrastructure and Scalability Challenges:

One of the most challenging tasks for developing a live stream app is establishing a solid infrastructure that can handle many simultaneous users. Live streaming produces massive data volumes, requiring robust servers, powerful content delivery networks (CDNs),and efficient streaming protocols. 

Scalability that can handle changes in user activity and ensure low latency are essential factors. Utilizing cloud-based services, edge computing, and optimizing server configurations can assist in solving these problems.

Video Quality and Encoding:

Streaming videos of the highest quality in real-time presents significant technical challenges. Balancing quality and bandwidth limitations requires intricate encoders and adaptive bitrate streaming strategies. Developers must select suitable codecs, resolutions, and frame rates for optimal live Streaming across various networks and device capabilities. 

Implementing sophisticated compression techniques, including HEVC (High-Efficiency Video Coding) using hardware acceleration, can improve video quality while decreasing the bandwidth consumed.

Content Moderation and Compliance:

Maintaining a safe and secure setting for users is crucial when using live streaming services. Content moderation is a complex problem requiring real-time monitoring of user-generated content to spot and stop guidelines violations for community members, copyright violations, explicit content, and unsafe behaviour. 

Utilizing AI-powered content moderation software, user-generated reporting tools, and human moderation teams will help ensure compliance with regulations and enhance the user experience.

Monetization Strategies:

Making a sustainable monetization model is crucial to the success of live-stream apps over time. Although subscription-based services, advertising such as virtual gifting, and in-app purchases can provide high-paying revenue streams, achieving the ideal equilibrium between monetization and involvement is crucial. 

Utilizing targeted advertising algorithms, giving premium content subscriptions, and integrating virtual currency systems could boost revenue while increasing user experience and retention.

User Engagement and Retention:

Retention and engagement of users can be a massive challenge for the highly competitive world of live streaming applications. Incorporating interactive elements, increasing the community's involvement, and facilitating positive interactions between broadcasters and viewers are crucial tactics. 

Integrating gamification elements such as live chat and virtual gifts and features for audience participation will increase user satisfaction and create a sense of being part of the community.

Cross-Platform Compatibility:

Ensuring seamless performance across different platforms and operating systems is an enormous technical hurdle for programmers. Making native applications that work on iOS and Android platforms, in addition to supporting streaming via the web, requires careful focus on the specifics of each platform and compatibility problems. 

Using cross-platform development frameworks such as React Native or Flutter can speed up the development process, help code reuse, and ensure a consistent user experience across all devices.

Data Security and Privacy:

Live-streaming app developers prioritize user data security and privacy. Essential security precautions include protecting sensitive data, using secure authentication systems, and encrypting data transmissions. Following industry-wide standards such as GDPR or CCPA, regularly conducting security checks, and offering transparency in privacy policies increase users' trust in their company and lower the possibility of data breaches.

Technical Support and Maintenance:

Support for technical issues that are reliable and regular maintenance support is essential to ensure user satisfaction and solve emerging problems quickly. Establishing support channels dedicated to keeping track of system performance and employing proactive maintenance techniques help minimize downtime and optimize application performance. 

Utilizing analytics tools to collect customer feedback, keep track of the performance of apps, and determine areas that need improvements is crucial for continual development and progress.

Exploring the Cost to Develop a Live Streaming App Like Bigo

We'll look at aspects that affect the cost of live streaming app development and give details on the projected costs involved.

Factors Influencing Development Cost

    1. Platform Choice: One of the most critical decisions when developing apps is selecting the appropriate platform(s). Will the app be created solely on iOS, Android, or both? The decision will impact the total cost since development for various platforms will require extra resources and time.

    2. Features Set: The feature set is essential in determining cost. Bigo Live includes a wide variety of functions, including live streaming and virtual gifting, chat functionality, social media integration, and many more. Each feature increases the design process's complexity, eventually increasing the cost.

    3. Design complexity: The user interface (UI) and the user's experience (UX) design are crucial to the successful development of an application. The visual appeal and the intuitive layout increase the level of engagement for users. However, complicated designs that include custom animations, effects, and images can increase costs for development.

    4. Technology Stack: Selecting an effective technology stack could significantly impact both development and cost efficiency. Things like backend infrastructure, database management platforms, streaming protocols, and integrations with third-party providers contribute to the overall cost. Opting for the latest technologies could cause higher initial costs, but they will provide scaling and efficiency benefits over the long term.

    5. Streaming infrastructure: A robust streaming infrastructure that can handle multiple users simultaneously and provide high-quality video content represents a substantial expense. The costs of servers, content distribution networks (CDNs),bandwidth, and transcoding must be considered.

    6. Data: information, and transaction security measures are a significant concern for live streaming applications. Implementing robust security measures, including encrypted protocols, secured authentication methods, and moderation tools, can add to the development cost.

    7. Strategies for monetization: Live streaming applications frequently incorporate different ways to monetize, like subscription plans, in-app purchases, advertising, and virtual gifting. Each monetization model requires its own development and could incur extra costs, such as integrating payment gateways and revenue-sharing models.

    8. Regulation Compliance: Compliance with laws and industry standards is crucial to prevent legal issues. Things like privacy laws, restrictions on content, and verification of age could require additional efforts to develop and compliance expenses.

Cost Breakdown

Although estimating the exact amount to estimate the development cost for an application with live streams such as Bigo is difficult due to the variety of variables in play, we can give some rough estimates based on standard industry practices and rate of development.

    • Basic Features (User Registration, Profile Management, Live Streaming ): $20,000 - $50,000

    • Advanced Features (Real-time Interactions, Virtual Gifts, Social Media Integration ): $30,000 - $80,000

    • Design and UI/UX Development: $10,000 - $30,000

    • Backend Development and Infrastructure Setup: $20,000 - $50,000

    • Costs for Streaming Infrastructure and CDN Variables based on use are around $0.005 or $0.02 per gigabyte of data that is transferred

    • Security Measures and Compliance: $10,000 - $30,000

    • Monetization Integration: $15,000 - $40,000

    • Testing, Quality Assurance, and Deployment: $10,000 - $20,000

Total Estimated Cost: $115,000 - $300,000

Also Read: Improving Business Strategies with a Video Streaming App

It is important to remember that these figures are approximate and could be significantly different based on projects' requirements, their degree of complexity, where the development team is located, and other variables.


The journey to developing a live-streaming application similar to Bigo by 2024 demands an exact blend of creativity, technological advancement, and user-friendly design. Through this document, we've examined the complexities of research, feature selection strategy, strategies for monetization, and technical considerations that are crucial to success within this fast-paced industry.

While a live streaming application Development Company strives to navigate through the constantly changing environment of digital entertainment, It is vital to be flexible and adaptable. 

With the help of cutting-edge technologies like AI-powered content recommendation systems, blockchain-based solutions for payment, and immersive, augmented reality capabilities, developers can create an immersive and engaging life streaming for viewers.

Additionally, building a strong community inside the app by using powerful moderation tools, engaging games, and other features is crucial. Building trust and ensuring that users are safe should be at the top of any decision made during the entire development process.

In addition, adopting new technologies like live events, virtual commerce, and cross-platform integration could open new opportunities to increase revenue and growth. By keeping abreast of users' changing preferences and needs, developers can constantly improve and update apps to stay at the forefront of technology.


1. What is a live-streaming application, and why should I like to create an app similar to Bigo?

Live streaming applications allow users to broadcast live videos to a large audience. Making one similar to Bigo will provide possibilities for social interactions and entertainment, and it is a lucrative way to earn money via virtual ads and gifts.

2. What are the most important aspects I must incorporate in my app for live streaming?

The essential features are user profiles, Live streaming, and real-time chat. Other features include social sharing, virtual gifts, notifications, and an extensive moderation system to ensure a pleasant and safe user experience.

3. What can I do to ensure the ability to scale and run smoothly in my app for live streaming?

Use cloud-based infrastructure and technological advancements that can scale to meet growing user demands. Utilize efficient live Streaming protocols, content delivery networks (CDNs),and server-side optimizations that ensure optimal performance during high use.

4. How do I make money with my live streaming application similar to Bigo?

Consider revenue streams like the in-app purchase of virtual presents or subscription plans to premium features, ads, sponsored content, and collaborations with influencers for brands. Consider the possibility of implementing a revenue-sharing model for content creators.

5. What are the technical requirements to build a live-streaming application similar to Bigo?

It is essential to have experience in developing mobile applications (iOS, Android),backend development, live Streaming protocols (RTMP HLS),Cloud services (AWS, Azure),database management, real-time communications (WebSockets),and perhaps machine learning to recommend content and moderation.

6. How can I guarantee user privacy and security of data on my live streaming application?

Take effective security measures, like end-to-end encryption of communication between users and secure authentication systems, in compliance with data security laws (e.g., GDPR),periodic security audits, and clear privacy guidelines.

7. What legal issues must be considered when establishing a live-streaming app?

Make sure that your app is in compliance with intellectual property law (copyright trademark),User-generated content guidelines, age limitations (COPPA),privacy laws (GDPR, the CCPA),and the Terms of Service that correspond to your app's particular functions and capabilities.

8. How can I draw and maintain users to my live streaming application in a highly competitive marketplace?

Concentrate on creating an exceptional user experience, using new features, and creating an active community. You can also collaborate with famous or influential people, offer rewards for participation, and constantly adjust the design in response to user feedback.

9. What are the most common issues encountered when creating live-streaming apps similar to Bigo?

The challenges could include maximizing live Streaming on various networks and devices while managing massive user interaction, fighting indecent content and harmful behavior, and keeping pace with ever-changing technological advancements.

10. How do I distinguish my application for live streaming from other competitors, such as Bigo?

Create a distinct brand of content by utilizing niche areas, sophisticated interactive capabilities, a superior user experience, personal recommendations, seamless cross-platform integration, creative monetization solutions, and a solid emphasis on building communities and interaction with the user.