Flutter App Development Guide: Challenges, Best Practices, and Case Studies

Flutter App Development Guide: Challenges, Best Practices, and Case Studies

Flutter Framework, and ultimately Flutter mobile development, is overpowering the world day by day. According to data from May 2022, Flutter was integrated and deployed for more than 5,00,000 apps, as depicted in the official Medium channel of Flutter. Flutter app development has one codebase backed by which apps for all devices can be designed simultaneously. Moreover, it comes with an influential design, robust performance, and the inclusion of native features. Creating a fully functional application using Flutter is more challenging than it looks. If you want to use Flutter to develop new cross-platform applications, you will probably need some help because the technology is still in the beginning stages. 

What aspects should you be mindful of when you want to employ Flutter in your mobile app or web app development project?  

Is Flutter Effective for Developing Apps? 

Initial version: December 4th, 2018, saw the release of Flutter 1.0, the first stable version.

Recent version: The Flutter Framework (version 3.3.10) and the Dart language (2.18.6) were published on December 15, 2022. 

Flutter presents itself as an open-source framework for development driven by Dart language, which allows you to generate different native-similar apps on one codebase. In the beginning, Flutter was used primarily for mobile app development. Contrastingly, today, programmers use it for desktop, wearable development, and web development. Presently, Flutter can support these six frameworks: iOS, Android, Linux, Windows, web apps, and macOS. Flutter encloses a software development kit (SDK) along with a library of widgets. The library is mainly responsible for the endless esteem of Flutter, as it decomplicates the process of app development for the developers. 

Widgets are the fundamental blocks of any Flutter-based app and are used to produce visual components, such as text and buttons, or to insert a feature into the app. The developers are free to generate their custom widgets, too. An advantage of Flutter that can be greatly observed is that it can compile the code into native machine code for different platforms. In this way, Flutter App Development Solutions can bridge the connection with the native platform without the need for JavaScript, which is akin to other frameworks, fueling the speed of the application. All thanks to the unique features with which developers can come up with cross-platform software that captivates users and performs equally well as native apps. 

The three standard cases where Flutter app development can be used are: 

  • As with most cross-platform solutions, Flutter allows you to use a single codebase for all selected OS platforms. Experience shows that this can accelerate the development process by up to 30% on average. 

  • If you have to test something, for instance, business requirements are always changing as per market demands. Flutter app development services prove to be an optimal solution if an app’s logic is expected to be modified at any time. 

  • Flutter is well-suited for complex app designs. It is preferred in projects that require sophisticated animations and advanced personalisation. In addition, it can be merged with third-party operators and technologies to speed up the app development cycle. 

To attain a consistent and well-functional UI/UX across multiple screens, you should strictly abide by the widget tree structure of Flutter. This includes setting the position, size, and behaviour of widgets in the user interface as well as creating parent-child relationships between them. Once the state of the widget changes, Flutter only updates specific widgets in the tree’s framework instead of restoring the complete UI. This allows performance optimization and management of the user interface. 

Key Characteristics of Flutter App Development Services

Flutter App Development  

Usual Features: 

  • Hot Reload 

It allows coders to observe code changes rapidly without restarting the app. During the development process, this feature allows for quick repairs and rapid iterations, which increases productivity. 

  • Cross-platform development 

The primary appeal of Flutter is its capacity to create apps for Android and iOS with a constant codebase. This reduces development time and prices while managing aesthetics and performance. 

  • UI elements 

It offers a suite of components that includes buttons, dialogues, sliders, and other elements. These are created to enhance overall user satisfaction. 

  • Widgets 

Flutter offers widgets by default both for iOS and Android systems. The widgets can be customised and merged to design advanced User interfaces. 

  • Native Feature Accessibility 

Plugins for Flutter provide platform-specific API and service access. This allows developers to easily add native functionality, such as alerts, GPS, and cameras, to their Flutter apps. 

  • Quick Performance 

Flutter apps are directly compiled into native code, making certain optimal performance and a seamless user experience. This is essential for apps that need to be very responsive and allow for real-time interactions. 

  • Responsiveness 

Because of Flutter's responsive layout approach, apps will work and look great across a range of screen orientations. Ensuring a uniform interface across devices is vital. 

  • Integrated testing 

Flutter supports aspects like widget and integration testing, which allow developers to guarantee the reliability of the apps. This aids in identifying bugs and errors in the overall process of Flutter app development. 

  • Documentation 

Flutter includes vast documentation that makes it easy for coders to execute the feature. The documentation includes best practices, code samples, and lessons. 

Advanced Features: 

  • State Management 

Advanced State management solutions like Bloc, Redux, Provider, and Riverpod help regulate an app's status perfectly, facilitating the creation of scalable apps. 

  • Custom Animations 

Flutter helps coders generate custom animations easily. Advanced animations can be embedded in apps to improve user experience using either AnimationController or Animation class. 

  • Push Notifications 

Using plugins like Firebase Cloud Messaging, these apps can receive or send notifications. It is crucial for user engagement and offering updates on a timely basis. 

  • Offline Support 

Flutter applications can run without an internet connection by relying on storage solutions like Hive, shared preferences, and SQLite. Hence, users can easily operate the app in a zone without internet access. 

  • Support of Third-Party Plugin 

Flutter has a large ecosystem of third-party plugins accessible on pub. dev. By adding features like social media integration and payment gateways, these plugins increase the usefulness of Flutter app development solutions. 

  • Desktop and Web Support 

Flutter now supports desktop, web, and mobile apps. This increases the reach of developers' applications by enabling them to target more platforms with the same codebase. 

  • AR/VR Capabilities 

With third-party libraries and plugins, Flutter can be combined with AR and VR technologies. In mobile applications, this makes it possible to create cutting-edge features like augmented reality and immersive experiences. 

  • DevOps Integration 

Flutter apps can be embedded into continuous deployment/continuous integration pipelines with the help of tools like Bitrise, GitHub, and Codemagic actions. This keeps the Flutter app development in place and makes sure there are fast releases. 

  • Safety Features 

Advanced safety features such as biometric verification, data encryption, and safe storage can be executed in Flutter-based apps. This indicates that sensitive details are shielded, and the app's integrity remains managed.  

The Best Ways to Future-Proof Your Flutter Applications in 2024 

Flutter is a future-focused open-source UI tool that Google brought into existence. Since the time it has been released, it has witnessed everyday growth, and coders are showing their reliance on it more often. With the launch of Flutter3, developers were inclined towards creating apps for platforms like Mac, web apps, Linux, iOS and Android. Flutter mobile app development is the upcoming revolutionary thing in the area of app creation. Though it seems easy to work on it, it is not a cakewalk to proceed with. 

This blog is curated for you to let you know the best practices for creating top-notch Flutter-backed applications that users will admire. 

With technological advancements and mobile app development practices becoming more complex every day, it becomes vital to cater to appropriate programming practices. These practices guide coders in enhancing the quality, understandability, and robustness of the codebase. 

These practices can also foster strong partnerships between coders and the workflow, as everyone is in tune when coding standards and protocols are considered. 

  • Construct Pure Build Function 

Ensuring optimal app performance requires not only the creation of a pure build function but also its ongoing maintenance. This function doesn’t include unwanted operations that can harm the UI's remoulding process. One should note that the nature of the build function is directly proportional to the impact on an app’s working. An improper build function can lead to slowed rebuild duration, which can frustrate the users. Hire mobile app developers who might prioritise the build function to optimise the rebuild process of the UI. This gradually leads to betterment in performance. 

  • Clearly Defining the App Architecture 

Flutter has a simple learning curve compared to native app development structures. A well-defined architecture is a determining prerequisite to making the Flutter app development a trouble-free process. To code and create Flutter apps for different OS, coders need to have complete knowledge of Dart. If there are faults in the architecture, it can mess things up. Therefore, to apply the app architecture, one should know about its three segmented layers, i.e., the Presentation layer, the Business logic layer, and the Data layer. Generally, the BLoC structure is used in the development of the Flutter app. 

  • BLoC Best Practice 

The Flutter BLoC pattern is employed to manage state, and it ensures that the app is seamlessly running and reacts accurately to user input. With the aid of Flutter BLoC, all possible states of an app can be regulated. This is a prominent library within the Flutter community and speaks for its fame and worth. Additionally, it is versatile in terms of handling different apps, whether simple or sophisticated. The so-called flexibility makes it a fascinating selection for coders who wish to generate user-friendly apps. 

  • Conduct Critical Functionality Tests 

Although testing by hand remains a feasible choice, having a set of automated tests can save a lot of time and work. Flutter aims at distinct platforms, and it is time-consuming to test every functionality after a change and requires repetitive efforts. Automated testing is a quick and effective medium to test software. Ideally, in this case, the preferable option for testing is 100% code coverage. Nevertheless, it is only possible sometimes within the mentioned budget or duration. But, it is mandatory to cover tests that allow critical functionality of the software. Though unit testing is standard, integration testing makes sure the overall elements of the app work effortlessly in collaboration. Ultimately, it is checked here that the communication established between software modules is functioning as contemplated. 

  • Refactor the Code Into "Widgets" Rather than "Methods"

When Flutter app development comes into the picture, refactoring code into widgets is preferred. This helps access all lifecycle features offered via the framework. This strategy allows for easy creation and concise coding while eliminating unusual rebuilds. Once code is refactored into widgets, irrelevant builds can be prevented. Rebuilding takes place when widgets are modified in any situation. This approach will assist the coder in benefiting from class optimisation, as officially presented by Flutter. 

  • Use the Dart Code Metrics 

Dart code metrics are capable of amplifying the quality of the Flutter App Development Solutions. It statically assesses the code and aids developers in changing code quality and keeping a check on it. To get hands on this tool practically, specific activities need to be carried out. As a matter of instance, single widgets must be used to extract callbacks and files. With this, coders can turn their overall code modular and simple to understand. Furthermore, coders should refrain from using the Border.all constructor, as this causes lagging performance in later stages. Widgets shouldn’t be returned as this can complicate the process of testing and maintenance difficult. 

  • State Management 

Flutter does not base itself on state management as its fundamental functionality. So, it is important to analyse the scalability when selecting the state management’s solution. Even if stateful widgets are a proper solution to offer a way to handle states, it is not possible to scale them on different screens, like user authentication. Users have a choice to rely upon a particular choice for state management; some unique options that can be counted in this case are the Provider package or BLoC pattern.           

Best Flutter Apps: Use Cases   

Flutter App Development


The first ever successfully created app using Flutter is Hamilton, which operates as a Broadway musical application. It was an early adopter of Flutter and was established in 2017, way before Flutter attained its stable version later in 2018. Its smooth operation is demonstrated via the language’s potential to create appealing and feature-rich apps. It is responsible for defining Flutter’s reputation as a stable language for app development. 


The myBMW application, which provides comprehensive assistance for the company's owners, presented Flutter’s strength in the automobile industry. The app offers service scheduling, details of vehicles, and remote control functionalities. It illustrated how applications with high security and data processing capabilities may use Flutter to maintain an elegant and easy-to-use user interface. 


Reflectly is a personal journal application powered by AI that was initially adopted by Flutter. The app utilised Flutter's potential to create a fluid consumer experience. With customised insights and questions, Reflectly used the technical ability to manage the complexity of algorithms while highlighting the UI and re-examining a wellness app standard. 

NTFY (Need To Fit You) 

The NTFY app won the Mobile Trends Awards in 2022 and was remodelled to enhance users' and sales' experiences. As a key hub for managing orders, it processes more than 200,000 meals each day. This shows how Flutter can enhance the functionality and user experience of mobile apps. 

Alibaba’s Xianyu 

Alibaba’s Xianyu application is an online marketplace that is leveraged for used goods and is another prompt adopter of Flutter. With a user base of millions, the app manifested Flutter’s scalability. All thanks to the language’s loading times and great rendering, the app extended a consumer-friendly experience, which is a critical element for any e-commerce app. 

The New York Times 

The New York Times app was developed based on Flutter and brought new dimensions to virtual puzzles. The UI toolkit empowered the responsive interface critical to a unique playing experience and showcased its potential to regulate engaging content easily.  

Flutter’s Drawbacks and When Not To Use It? 

Though Flutter has abundant advantages to offer, as a Flutter Mobile App Development Company, you should be alert about conditions in which it might not be the wisest decision. Staying informed about the limitations ensures a well-considered selection of the project. 

  1. Platform Restrictions 

You might need help to harness the potential and effectiveness of Flutter while developing wearable gadgets, particularly in the case of the Apple Watch. Creating for Android TV needs a rethink of the logic and concept. Android TV depends predominantly on the input of remote control, whereas Flutter caters to the movements of the mouse and touchscreens. The gap addresses the extra time for development and inconsistencies in the consumer experience. Instant apps have to be quick. But even when they are optimised, the inbuilt size of Flutter apps frequently exceeds that of native apps. As Google places a stringent 10MB limit, Flutter app development solutions with enormous features might need help to position themselves in this constraint.  

  1. Size Considerations 

The most cited disadvantage of the language is its app size. Since it is not native, extra libraries are required for the functionalities to operate, which is vital to the overall size. The tiniest app size starts from 4MB. On the other hand, Kotlin and Java apps hold 550 KB and 539KB, respectively. In situations where a byte is considered, this poses a con. 

  1. Connectivity and Technical Problems 

Linking to hardware devices on Bluetooth via Flutter is loaded with issues at times. Since Flutter doesn’t use the native abilities of Bluetooth on a direct basis, coders might encounter performance and networking problems. It complicates the process of Flutter App Development in comparison to the Native framework. Employing Flutter can interfere with SEO and the web page’s loading speed. Moreover, its restricted support for WebView proves to be a pain point for coders looking forward to online communication. With the evolution of OS platforms, there is a need to Hire Flutter App Developers who leverage new features. But Flutter is lagging in merging these features in contrast to native SDK versions. Some native UI aspects need to be redesigned with Flutter, which requires the usage of languages like Swift or Kotlin.   

  1. Development and Language Obstacles

As we know, Flutter stands on Dart, its primary root language, and offers ease that can either be a bane or a boon. On the one hand, it can be crucial for beginners, whereas skilled developers might feel it needs more complexity compared to powerful languages like Swift or Kotlin. The dynamic typing of Dart can lead to unpredictable outcomes. Furthermore, some complex features that developers are used to, such as static metaprogramming and sophisticated JSON serialisation, need to be noticed. 

  1. Elevated Costs of Development 

Flutter development can be high-priced as compared to native development. This is because creating cross-platform apps with a uniform design requires specific knowledge and is difficult. Also, it is a real challenge to Hire Mobile App Developers that are highly professional. As the community is ever-growing, it is still budding, and seasoned coders in this field are capable enough to scale up costs.    


Flutter App CTA

In a nutshell, Flutter is a budding framework for designing cross-platform applications. Challenges like platform-specific code, state management, etc, demand ongoing learning and planning. Case studies related to Flutter projects show the language’s efficiency and greatness, offering a deep level of inspiration. By removing hardships head-on and following best practices, a mobile app development company can utilise the special abilities of the language to produce top-notch multi-platform apps. A strong grasp of these components equips skilled experts to magnify the potential of Flutter, producing outstanding user experiences and winning the project.