Doctor On-Demand App Development Features And Costs 2024

Doctor On-Demand App Development Features And Costs 2024

Apps for doctor-on-demand development represent groundbreaking technology revolutionizing healthcare delivery. By connecting patients directly to healthcare professionals easily, this revolutionary app radically changes relationships between doctors and patients while improving access. 

Modern tech in healthcare doesn't just treat medical emergencies but paves the way toward more efficient patient-centric treatments in the future.

Over recent years, on demand doctor app development solutions have drastically changed healthcare. Thanks to these apps, patients can use mobile phones for healthcare purposes, leading various health professionals and doctors to invest in app creation as part of their strategies for improvement.

According to Statista, revenues generated from online doctor consultation services should reach $23.75 billion by 2023, and the user count for these on-demand services could increase by 1.63 percent by the close of 2028.

This article delves into the development of doctor-on-demand apps, discussing their significant advantages, costs, and features that make these game-changers.

How Does Doctor-On-Demand App Work?

On-demand doctor apps have revolutionized the way that people use and access healthcare. It has enhanced the user experience by providing smooth and seamless virtual consultations, eamlining appointment scheduling, and encouraging a more patient-centric approach. Let's take a look at how these doctor-on-demand apps function:

User Registration and Profile Setup

The patient begins the process by downloading the app that allows doctors to call and establish the user's profile. When setting up their profile, the patient is required to fill in relevant details, such as their medical history and an explanation of their symptoms or ailments.

Location-Based Specialist Recommendations

The app utilizes patients' location information to show a list of doctors in their local area. This feature increases efficiency and prompt treatment by ensuring patients can access local healthcare professionals.

Selecting a Doctor and Scheduling Appointments

The patient picks their preferred doctor after reviewing the doctors recommended by their physician.

The appointment scheduling process involves deciding on an appropriate time and date for an online consultation, taking into consideration the doctor's availability.

Online Advice Request

The patient and their doctor have a comprehensive online consultation. In this meeting, the patient describes their condition while the physician gathers relevant data that will allow for an accurate assessment.

Suggestions for Treatment

The doctor recommends appropriate treatment, medication, or other diagnostic tests based on the virtual consultation outcomes. This way, people are guaranteed timely, individualized health advice tailored to their requirements.

Online Payment

Following the appointment, after the consultation, patients use secure online transactions to complete the payment process using their preferred payment method. This provides a fast and convenient experience for patients.

Medical Records and Prescription Drug

They follow payment and receipt of the doctor's prescription along with any relevant medical records. The files are readily accessible for later usage or sharing with healthcare providers because they are kept safe in a particular folder or file in the application.

Benefits of Doctor On-Demand Apps

There are numerous benefits for both patients and health professionals when it comes to physician on-demand apps.

For Patients

    • Unmatched Convenience:

There's no need to squeeze appointments within your hectic schedule. Doctor on-demand applications allow users to talk with a doctor on a 24/7 basis regardless of whether they need a quick appointment in the morning or a late-night check-in after working.

    • Faster Access to Care:

Get rid of the waiting times at crowded clinics. Doctor-on-demand apps can treat minor ailments and offer prompt diagnosis, possibly preventing complications.

    • Reduced Costs:

Consultations via these apps could typically be cheaper than in-person consultations. Furthermore, they could reduce the cost of transportation and also allow employees to take time off from work.

    • Improved Privacy:

Sometimes, speaking about health issues in a waiting area with a large number of people may make you feel uncomfortable. Doctor-on-demand apps provide a safe and secure environment for consultations.

    • Greater Control:

The apps allow users to manage their health more effectively. They can easily browse their medical information, monitor prescriptions, and communicate directly with their physicians.

For the Healthcare System

    • Increased Efficiency:

Doctor-on-demand apps free up doctors' time to streamline consultations for non-urgent situations, allowing them to concentrate on more intricate medical requirements.

    • Improved Patient Outcomes:

Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to better health outcomes. These apps can help patients take care of minor problems as quickly as possible, which could prevent complications.

    • Reduced Hospital Readmissions:

On-demand doctor apps reduce hospital readmissions by aiding continuous care and medication adherence.

    • Wider Patient Reach:

Telehealth via these apps could provide healthcare to those in under-served communities or those with mobility issues.

    • Enhanced Patient Satisfaction:

The ease of use and flexibility provided by physician on-demand apps could increase patients' satisfaction with the healthcare system.

Key Steps to Develop a Doctor On-demand App

Doctor On-Demand App Development

Following a set of steps is essential to develop a vibrant and robust Android app to schedule appointments with doctors. These are the seven steps that you need to follow so that you can create an on-demand doctor mobile application to guarantee the success of your business,

Conduct Market Research

Before you develop on-demand doctor mobile apps, you must conduct thorough market research. This will enable you to comprehend the preferences of your intended audience. Preferences.

You should also be aware of the challenges the public faces when it comes to accessing healthcare services. Additionally, you must study your competitors to find out what will set your product apart.

Features Consideration

When developing an on-demand mobile application for doctors, make sure that the app's key features and functions are designed based on market research and user feedback. Include easy-to-use features to allow users to search for theories quickly.

It will help you reach more users and make your application stand out. However, make sure you make the right choices when adding features, as they could impact the development costs.

Choose Tech Stack

Select the technology stack to ensure your application's performance, security, and scaling. Consider factors like backend infrastructure, platform compatibility, third-party integration, and database management.

It is recommended that you speak with a skilled Doctor On-Demand App Development Company to determine the most suitable programming language frameworks, languages, and tools for your project.

Design UI/UX

You should be aware that user experience plays a crucial aspect in the effectiveness of the doctor's online app. Therefore, you should create wireframes and prototypes. They will help you visualize the layout of your app, map out the flow, and design interactive elements.

To successfully execute this stage, you must collaborate with designers and develop a stunning interface that reflects your brand's image and establishes trust with the intended viewers.

Development of App

If you're at this stage it is necessary to seek out help from an app company to create an application and integrate the features you've chosen. The expert will guide you in reducing the doctor-on-demand costs for app development.

In this case, you'll need to break down your development into manageable parts to keep track of progress, address users' issues, and ensure a smooth experience.

Testing and Deployment

It's a crucial stage at which you're responsible for finding and repairing bugs, glitches and other problems with your software prior to releasing the products to the public.

With the aid from a mobile app development firm, you can conduct extensive tests across various platforms, operating systems, and sizes of screens to guarantee the compatibility and reliability. Also, usability testing must be conducted with users to gather feedback about the app's capabilities.

Maintenance and Marketing

When you launch the app, you must ensure that you update and maintain it to ensure maximum performance and user satisfaction. It is essential to monitor user feedback, address any issues that have been reported, and then implement updates with the assistance of an app development company.

Additionally, consider security patches to ensure the security of user data. This will help make your doctor-on-demand application effective and stand out in the marketplace.

Must-Have Features of the Mobile App On-demand Doctor Development

Doctor On-Demand App Development

As with mobile applications available today, doctors-on-demand apps offer services tailored specifically for doctors, patients and app administrators. 

It is essential when creating such an application to consider essential points to help lower development costs for it, custom doctor on-demand app development services are invaluable when streamlining development process and meeting user's unique requirements.

Features for Patients

    • Log In/ Sign up:

The doctor app user could be a farmer, student, or storekeeper, so making it easy to sign in to the application is essential. Email IDs and mobile phones are commonly used to sign up and log in, but you could use the social login option in the app to make it simpler. Members can sign-up for the app by logging into accounts on social networks.

    • Doctor Search:

An enhanced doctor search assists patients in finding specialty doctors in the vicinity. Doctors on-demand apps display the results from the available doctors based on their ratings. The inclusion of multiple search options can increase the app's utility. The same applies to mobile and web applications.

    • Appointment Booking:

The feature lets you make appointments for physical examinations with the closest doctor. Users must log into the app to confirm the date and time to make the appointment. If they wish to schedule an appointment via video conference, they can select it. The doctor will be accessible via video conference during the scheduled time.

    • Review and Rating:

It's also a useful feature, especially useful for those who are seeking a new physician for their medical conditions. Before consulting with a doctor, patients can read reviews from others. This helps patients pick the best doctor for their specific medical needs.

    • Electronic Medical Records:

These apps for booking appointments with doctors were created to allow patients to send a digital duplicate of their health history. In addition, the doctor can prescribe medication that will be saved in the medical records feature.

Features for Doctors

    • Doctor Profile

Doctors can upload their certifications, work experience, and other details on their profiles. They can also alter the information they have uploaded if needed. This feature allows for informed decision-making and scheduling appointments for patients who require medical assistance.

    • Live Video Calls

Doctors often require more than the app's chat or message feature to comprehend the patient's issue. This is why video calls live in the mobile app aid in understanding the medical conditions of the patient. Specifically, doctors can provide the patient with the right medications, tests, and treatment that will allow them to recover quickly.

    • E-prescriptions

Doctors do not have to write a prescription and create a digital copy like old procedures. They can write their prescription via phone and then give them the prescription. This boosts the efficiency of the consultation process and allows doctors to assist patients when they are on the move.

    • Setting Availability

If doctors can visit many patients simultaneously, the feature could make them more available. In this scenario, the app created for hire by the mobile application developers will notify patients who want to see a doctor on the same day.

    • Accept and Reject Appointments

This feature allows doctors to decide whether or not to accept a patient's request for consultation based on calls to emergency from patients suffering from more severe medical conditions. It is best to hire doctor on-demand app developers to develop the feature to ensure that the application will send informative messages to patients.

Admin Panel Features

The admin panel's features are also crucial to the doctor's app on demand since they enable the admin to manage their tasks.

    • Database

It assists the administrator in handling the patient database, which includes the patient's history, records and transactions, the doctor's note, and all data generated through doctor-patient discussions.

    • Manage Doctor

The administrator can remove or add a doctor according to the requirements. If it is necessary to update details, administrators can easily add it. This feature lets administrators change or remove medical professionals and edit their details when needed.

    • Check Availability

This feature allows the administrator to verify doctor availability to set up appointments based on the patient's perspective. It also aids in scheduling cancellations and rescheduling appointments. You can check availability through doctor-on-demand apps to reduce the time spent with doctors and patients.

    • Analytics

It assists the administrator in reviewing operational and marketing activities. You can view all app-related information, including the number of users who installed the application, the state of revenue production, and more.

    • Push Notification Management

Modern applications are equipped with push notifications. Administrators are in complete control of messaging capabilities. The administrator can communicate with doctors, patients, or both. Push notifications can also be sent out automatically and at a set time.

What is the Cost to Create a Doctor Mobile On-Demand App?

An estimate of the development costs for doctors' App is between $8,000 and $25,000. Keep in mind that the cost for developing a doctor's app is influenced by the latest features in your app. The technology stack and UI/X design you choose will impact the doctor app on-demand development costs. If your app is more complicated, the price could be higher.

    • Simple Doctor On-demand App: $8000 - $16000

    • Medium Complex Doctor On-demand App: $16000 - $21000

    • High Complex Doctor On-demand App: $ 25000

Also Read : Develop a Doctor’s Appointment Booking App

5 Key Factors Affecting the Doctor On-demand App Development Cost

Mobile apps are efficient traffic generators that boost sales, advertising, and overall growth. However, developing mobile apps can be a significant expense. Because of this, a few entrepreneurs aren't keen to invest in doctor-on-demand app development.

According to the on-demand development companies, they can cut down on the expense of developing a the-demand doctor app by applying the following methods:

    • Complexity of App

    • Devices and Platforms

    • UI/UX Design and Development

    • Features and Functionality

    • Maintenance and Support

Complexity of App

The more complicated the doctor-on-demand app, the more time and resources will be needed to develop it. The most complex applications have many unique functions and features, as well as customized integration. 

Therefore, they require the use of the latest technologies, including machine learning or artificial intelligence, which can significantly increase the doctor-on-demand cost of developing apps.

Devices and Platforms

iOS and Android are the primary mobile app platforms ideal for doctor-on-demand creation. Making sure that your app works with a range of platforms and devices is crucial in order to connect with a wide range of customers.

The development of an app for both platforms is a huge undertaking that could increase the price of mobile app development. So, you must select the device or platform that is most suitable for the development of your app.

UI/UX Design and Development

Designing your app is the best way to draw attention and get users to visit it since they will first see the app due to its design. This is why businesses concentrate on allocating resources to ensure that the appearance of their application is in line with users' needs.

Thus, a user-friendly app draws users' attention; however, it could also affect the overall doctor-on-demand app development costs.

Features and Functionality

To build an app, it is essential to ensure concepts-based features are included. To satisfy users' needs, a variety of features will need to be included in your app for doctors on demand. More complex functions require more time and effort to create which results in an increase in cost of developing apps for doctors.

Maintenance and Support

Support and maintenance on a regular basis are essential to keeping your application running and current. These include adding new features, fixing bugs, and dealing with user specifics. So, the entire process, from device and platform compatibility to backend infrastructures along with ongoing upkeep, every aspect of the process of developing apps is part of the total cost.


The COVID-19 epidemic has significantly impacted people's views of healthcare. A growing number of people today prefer applications for telehealth over regular doctor visits.

Doctor on-demand apps will transform healthcare shortly, providing access, convenience, and efficiency for patients, doctors, health systems, and everyone. 

When planning the development of such an app for healthcare purposes, crucial aspects such as cost must be carefully evaluated to guarantee a secure, user-friendly experience for everyone involved - one key consideration should include remote patient monitoring app development, which enhances care through continuous health tracking capabilities as well as timely interventions.

So, the increased use of apps that allow doctors to be on-demand and significant advances in the healthcare field make it necessary for modern apps to be up to date with the latest requirements. Each of the above options must be included in sophisticated doctor-on-demand applications. Remember that to appeal to the intended users and satisfy their requirements, the app must provide an appealing value proposition.