Online Music Streaming App Development: Features and Cost

Online Music Streaming App Development: Features and Cost

Streaming digital music has experienced explosive growth over recent years. Newer players have emerged to provide contemporary interactivity and user-friendliness; one frequently asked question regarding Music Streaming App Development Services cost. This blog will present how much developing an application similar to Spotify might cost.

The worldwide streaming music market is expected to generate $ by 2024, growing 4.70 percent each year after that up until 2027 and potentially reaching $33.97 billion before its peak before then. As demand for music streaming apps increases, more companies seek investment into developing them as investments or ventures; so if you wish to build one and gain insight into its development expenses, read this article for information and guidance.

This blog will delve into the intricacies of developing a music streaming application's cost, features, and cost options - offering businesses a concrete approach for creating such an app to meet client demands and increase profits. Organizations must remain aware of technological advancement to keep up with developing profitable apps. Companies must consider application complexity, price point, and timeline when developing any such music streaming apps. Mobile app development firms provide businesses with assistance for producing apps that meet client demands without incurring excessive expense or delay.

So, let's begin.

What Is a Music Streaming App?

Music streaming applications provide digital platforms for listeners to enjoy music from their computers or mobile devices. The application allows users to browse and listen to music from various categories, artists, and record labels. Music is streaming via the internet, so users do not need to download music from their devices. Many music streaming applications offer more than accessibility to songs. They offer other options like curated playlists and personalized suggestions.

Certain apps let users make playlists available and even create them for others to share. Popular streaming services are Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Amazon Music, and Google Play Music. The majority of apps require a monthly fee or offer free or paid versions. Therefore, if you're considering investing in developing music streaming apps, it is essential to determine the price of building one.

Also Read:  In-Depth Guide on How to Create a Music Streaming App in 2024 

Essential Features Of a Music Streaming App

The features draw users in; however, picking them out can be daunting because they directly impact the costs of developing an application that streams music. Therefore, it's advisable to seek help from Music Streaming App Development Company. Take a peek at these characteristics:


It's crucial for accounts with premium pricing. Users can request to provide information. They must sign up for the app on mobile devices to access a massive collection of music for free. You must enter basic details like Name, email ID, Name, Phone Number, and Age. This blog will examine what it costs to develop an app similar to Spotify for streaming music services.

User Profile

Profiles can be updated by updating their information within this section. Users can modify their profiles by altering their profile details. Users can also set preferences regarding music in their profiles.

Social Sharing

Social sharing is an essential aspect of business success. Customers may share their favorite songs or playlists through WhatsApp and Instagram Direct messaging. You could offer incentives that encourage this. The downside is that integrating social sharing features can increase the price of building an application for music streaming.

Online And Offline Content

It is essential to ensure that your audience has access to online and offline media. This can help them remain connected to their devices for longer. Accessing offline is the most effective method of allowing your users to access their favorite music or tracks without needing a reliable internet connection. Accessing online will enable listeners to access the most current music and download tracks to enjoy offline.

Discovery And Search

Discovering and searching are two ways you can show your users that they have made the right choice. This is crucial as it allows users to monitor their preferences or locate music. Users can use this feature to look up music by artist, album, or song.


It's the ideal approach to attract users. It can be integrated into your app for music streaming, such as Spotify, to provide music suggestions in response to the user's search query. This feature can anticipate users' preferences for music and then make suggestions based on that.

Create Playlist

Your users can make use of features within the music app. Users can save or add their most-loved songs to the playlist. You can either play the songs from within or make an individual playlist.

Push Notifications

Though not required, push notifications could help you tell your fans about new music, exciting offers, or even discounts. However, it's crucial to be aware that adding push notifications could impact the costs of developing a music streaming application.

In-App messaging

In the application, messaging allows users to communicate with users via private messages.

It is now clear how to create applications for streaming music and the costs involved in making music streaming apps. But, the price issue remains, varying depending on the source.

Also Read:  Comprehensive Guide to Music Streaming App Development for 2024 

How Much Will It Take To Develop A Music Streaming App ?

The cost of developing a music streaming application is determined by analyzing various factors, such as the features to incorporate into the application, the platform on which it will be released, and the country in which the music streaming app development firm is located.

As was revealed in the article, the cost of constructing music streaming apps on Android and iOS ranges from $45,000 to $250,000. Costs can rise or decrease according to many important factors, such as the application's feature list, the tech stack utilized, and the total level of complexity. We will discuss each aspect in depth in the following paragraphs.

App Complexity

The total complexity of an application directly affects its price. A complicated app with an extensive list of features will cost more than one with a smaller list of features and a lower index. Based on their levels of complexity, let us estimate the approximate costs associated with streaming music apps available for Android and iOS.

UI/UX Design

A practical user experience (UI/UX design) is among the primary elements determining an app's success by increasing participation and retention rate. Because providing a seamless user experience for the intended user requires the app's layout to be retested several times, the overall price of the On-Demand Music Streaming App Development may vary.

App Platform

Selecting the right platform for your music streaming application is an additional element affecting the overall app development budget. You can, for instance, choose between iOS and Android platforms to develop your app or opt for cross-platform application development. Although there's a negligible cost for creating an Android and iOS app, selecting an audio streaming service on one platform is advised, beginning with a gradual progression until the app gains more momentum.

Team Size

The size of the team hired for developing music streaming applications on Android or iOS directly influences the costs of apps that stream music. Because establishing an internal team to develop apps can be complex, considering hiring procedures and the need to manage everything by hand, transferring your work to an experienced group of developers is typically recommended. This will provide you with expert advice for a lower expense.


The process of developing an app continues after the launch of your application on the app store. It is essential to put in much effort to ensure the application runs without a hitch and glitches. Furthermore, using modern tech in line with market demands is one of the best methods to guarantee the app's viability. So, the total maintenance cost directly impacts the music streaming application development price.

Tech Stack

A solid tech platform to support your mobile application is the key to its overall performance in a competitive environment. Backup of the app using advanced technology can get your company in the right direction and maximize returns on investment. The technology stack of the most well-known music streaming applications available for Android and iOS comprises some of the most simple-to-master technology and frameworks.


The features you incorporate into the music streaming app will significantly influence the cost of its service. Mobile apps packed with features will give you an advantage while also ensuring higher customer engagement and satisfaction. This is why we've reached the section of the process where we'll look at the functions that should be included in the music streaming application and the time it will take to create the features.

The Hidden Cost Estimation Factors For Music Apps

In the last section of your head, you've reviewed the elements affecting music app development costs. But that's not all there is to it; plenty of others exist. Look over the factors that can affect the price of developing a music application. It will help you determine the cost that will be required.

Scope Creep

Making changes and adding features later in developing the music application can expand the timeframe, which can increase the price of creating it. Therefore, it is essential to make sure you are specific in expressing the specifications of your music application for the developer.

Integration Complexity

Working with third-party and other APIs, payment processors, social media platforms, and music libraries may be more complicated and expensive. This can increase costs and affect the development of your entertainment and media application.

Technical Debt

Urgent needs and the rush to build an app could cause poor results. Rapid development can result in excessive technical debt and extra testing and optimization costs.

Compatibility Issues

It is essential to ensure that the music application runs on various devices, regardless of the size of the screen, and that the app works with all the devices you intend to use.

App Security

Being mindful of the user's data security is among the most essential aspects. Strict security measures may be needed to secure your user's data.

Legal Compliance

To obtain a license for your application, you must prove that your app complies with data protection and copyright laws. To ensure this compatibility, you may require regulatory and development support.

Also Read:  What You Need to Know About Custom Music Streaming App Development? 

How To Make Money From Streaming Music App

However great your app concept and the way it was processed to yield excellent results, it's useless when it does not bring revenue to your enterprise. To make a profit through your mobile music streaming app, you need to establish a solid revenue stream and a specialized business plan that can aid you in achieving the highest return on investment.

Custom Music Streaming App Development requires both resources and effort. A comprehensive business plan will enable you to minimize risks while assuring its sustainability. You could employ a variety of methods of monetization for your app.

In-App Ads

It is possible to earn money through ads in the app that are presented to the user via an audio streaming service with the help of an image or video as they switch between tracks. Inviting users to market their products on the platform that streams audio is among the most efficient methods of growing your revenue overall.

Paid Membership

Utilizing a paid subscription model for revenue will increase the number of people who use your app and the return on investment. Customers can pay for an account with your application either yearly or monthly. This is among the most popular revenue streams, as it assures customer retention and regular earnings.

Premium Model

If you're offering your users the app without cost, a way to boost their earnings is to offer them a premium subscription plan. Only through the subscription plan can users download and listen to a handful of popular genres of music, allowing your app to make money off of movie media.

Coupons And Promotions

Customers can benefit from numerous seasonal discounts and coupons to access many different products. Additionally, you can offer numerous discounts to your customers during the holiday season, which can gradually boost the number of subscribers.

There are numerous ways to make money with your music streaming advertisement that resembles Spotify. 

Final Thoughts

Streaming music online is gaining immense popularity, particularly during the time of the disease. Work culture has drastically changed to a work-from-home model, allowing everyone to work conveniently. The time is right to launch a streaming music app to the user market to take advantage of opportunities for increased ROI.

The article sums up your issues regarding developing an app for streaming music and the many factors that affect the cost. An established strategy for audio streaming application development will assist you in putting things in context while ensuring the best chance of successful development. Therefore, now is an ideal time to employ an experienced entertainment app development service provider who can assist you in leveraging the best technologies to create a powerful streaming app for music beginning from the ground up.


Let's take a look at the top questions asked.

Q:1. How Is Secure Creating The Music Streaming App Solution?

With the rapid expansion of streaming services, content creators, broadcasters, and distributors face an uncertain environment. To protect the data they store and prevent theft, a number of OTT platforms have implemented various piracy-protection layers. These include multi-DRM, geo-based restrictions, Password Protection, Unauthorized access, and more.

Q.2.  What Is The Cost To Develop An Application?

The expense of creating an app can range from $45,000 to $150,000. Other factors that impact the budget are where the app development firm is located, the types of features that need to be integrated into the app, the tech stack, UX/UI design, and so on.

Q.3.  How Long Will It Take To Build An App For Music Streaming?

The timeline for Spotify's app development varies with the application's overall complexity. For a simple app, the development process takes between 3 and 6 months. However, an extremely complex app with a long list of features will take over nine months to complete.

Q.4.  What Are The Monetization Models In A Music Application?

Music app monetization options include freemium, subscription-based models, white-label solutions, and more. For further details, check out our mobile app's monetization options.

Q.5.  Would It Be Beneficial To Make An App For Music On The Market Today?

Creating an app for music within the present market could be helpful. Furthermore, it is based on various factors such as marketplace demand, the monetization strategy competitive market, and the distinctiveness you present in your app customers.