Dating App Development: Trends, Features and Cost 2024

Dating App Development: Trends, Features and Cost 2024

One of the most difficult challenges when mobile applications are developing dating apps that grab users' attention. However, it is possible to create a highly popular dating app that appeals to a specific area, niche, or type of audience. 

With years of experience in the same field, the JPLoft  mobile app development company  has developed various dating apps featuring chat in-app, payment integration, push notifications and many more. 

Various considerations must be made before starting the process of creating a mobile application, which will clarify your doubts and help you gain knowledge about the factors that will determine the success of your dating application like Tinder. 

This guide will discuss the online dating app development that will help you to make informed decisions and make complex work simplified. This guide will provide you with all the information you're seeking online, including a brief overview of the dating apps currently available, their features, and benefits. Then, we'll discuss all about the cost  tech stack, and monetization strategies of 

Online Dating Market and App Statistics: Facts and Figures

In this section, we provide market analysis and statistics of Bumble clone app development

to help you understand how valuable creating a mobile dating app can be. However, if you're not sure, let's look at a few additional facts that will help you understand the present state of the online dating sector.

  • 44% of respondents stated that the best way to meet people was through online dating sites, festivals, concerts, or through friends.

  • The world's online dating market was valued at around $9.65 in 2022. it's likely to expand at a rate of 7.4 percent from 2023 until 2030.

  • The 2024 penetration rate is projected to be 17.9 percent, eventually rising by 2028 to 19.0 percent.

  • Regarding revenue generation, the market is split into subscription and advertising, the latter of which had the highest revenue share, at 63% and higher in 2022.

  • When looking at the "success" of online dating, under-30 couples or LGB adults stand out when compared to other categories.

  • Based on gender, about 51% of lesbian or bisexual (LGB) adults are more likely to use dating services like OkCupid.

  • Around 46% of those who have partners are now married, and out of them, 36% are widowed, divorced, or separated. These are people who have used online dating apps like Tinder more than married adults.

  • In 2022, the 18-25-year-old age group was to have a significant revenue share of around 36%, followed by the 26-34 age group. 

The statistics show that the online dating market is at a peak point and is likely to increase in the future. This is a good choice for those who are interested in using an online dating app and searching for soulmates. 

Read About: Best Apps For Dating

Key Features of a Dating App

When the best dating app developers create mobile applications, they must include features that will engage users and keep them affixed. Here are a few essential features to incorporate into your app.


Every dating app features profiles for users, but that does not mean it must use the same cookie-cutter layout and other applications. It is possible to be imaginative by incorporating rich media into your user profiles or even by introducing a gaming layer that encourages users to behave by offering perceived advantages.

This doesn't mean you should gamify human relationships, but we certainly should not. However, we do desire to make user profiles prominent and prompt an initial conversation, as well as offer incentives in a method strategically designed to keep users. The principle behind the gaming aspect of the app is to develop an incentive system for users, making them feel satisfied when they complete the primary actions.

Matching Algorithms

An effective and successful dating app must consist of an algorithm for matchmaking from one user to another based on their app usage data, preferences, and interests. This covers a good review of how matching algorithms operate and includes a few of the most common examples:

  • The location-based matching feature of GPS technology

  • Mathematical-based matchmaking depends on user answers to questions concerning preferences, interests, or even political opinions.

  • A matching algorithm based on behavior collects information on how users interact with the application.

  • Computer-based algorithms "learn" what a user wants based on match results, increasing the accuracy of the algorithm and the quality of matches.

Chat and Messaging

It is possible to claim that chat messaging is the "engine" of any dating application. Although it's a basic necessity, keeping people on the site rather than transferring numbers and moving their conversations off the platform is also a challenge. This is where fully-featured chat and in-app messaging come into the picture. In addition to video calls, SMS texting and voice notes can be integrated into your dating application.

Voice and Video Calling

The growth in video calling is among the many signs that people want to feel at ease and connected before meeting each other. The tone of voice and other non-verbal communication methods enhance the conversation and allow users to communicate more frequently than text messages or SMS on their own.

Push Notifications

Incorporating push notifications in dating apps lets users update when they receive mail or any test message. 

Why Are Online Dating Apps Getting So Popular?

dating app development

The world of dating has changed the entire scenario after the introduction of dating applications that facilitate users' finding potential partners. These applications prevent users from having to try out limiting dates and getting to know people in person.

Smartphones are becoming popular and capturing a large market share in the marketplace. re the perfect way to find partners and interact with each other. Let's discover some of the reasons for the success of app for dating:

Large Pool of Potential Matches

Since dating apps transcend geographic boundaries, they allow users from all over the globe to connect. This increases the number of possible matches, giving users a more comprehensive range of options than what they could get by using traditional dating.

Diminish Social Anxiety

Most people are uncomfortable meeting someone new and starting conversations. However, through online dating apps, you can meet people online and have personal conversations without having to feel the hassle of meeting in person.

Time-Saving Dating

The modern-day approach appreciates courtship sessions that last only a few minutes. Dating apps improve interaction and let users evaluate compatibility quickly.

Efficient Matching Algorithms

Incorporating sophisticated algorithms into dating apps allows users to connect with compatible criteria, such as values, interests, and lifestyle preferences.

Customizable Experience

Dating apps allow users to modify their experience based on their preferences by sorting filters and choosing the right individual based on individual preferences. These details demonstrate that this innovative method of meeting new individuals will grow over time, as will its appeal.

Read Also: A Developer Guide for dating app development 2024

Benefits of Developing Mobile Dating Apps

What makes you choose online dating apps over other apps? We have the most suitable answers to this.

Below are some incredible advantages of dating apps that demonstrate why they are suitable for applications.

Revenue Generation

You can earn money from the app through various ways, including subscriptions, in-app purchases, and advertisements. Subscriptions are a great way to earn recurring income, while users can gain access to premium features via in-app purchases. Advertising can also be a great source of income since dating apps typically have large and active customers.

Market Demand

Online dating is increasing, and there is an enormous demand for mobile dating apps. This allows companies to enter the market and benefit from the increasing demand.

Competitive Advantage

Companies should focus on making something distinctive from the rest of the world. This will attract more users to your application. Users can also suggest frequent updates to make your app more user-friendly, which can help your business expand quickly in the market.

Data-Driven Insights

Dating apps generate an abundance of information regarding user preferences and behavior. The data can be utilized to gain valuable insights, which will help businesses improve the application and better understand their users.

Increase Brand Awareness

To reach huge and affluent users, dating apps can be a great platform for companies. Creating an effective dating app can improve the brand's exposure and recognition.

User Engagement

The dating app platform enables two people to get to know each other for extended periods. This is among the most common reasons why user retention and engagement were higher, as users are more likely to use the app.

Expansion Opportunities

The platform also offers new markets and opportunities to expand internationally. This helps businesses/ industries reach new customers and increase their business's revenue potential.

Why Should You Choose JPLoftTo Create a Dating App?

dating app development

When you've chosen the right  software development companies  for dating applications, have some faith in them; later, you will feel that you've made the right decision in life. Moreover, the software development company serves an international client base and is dedicated to customer satisfaction. Many more aspects will definitely convince you to select the business.

Key Highlights Clutch Awarded and Recognition.

  • Competitive Pricing

  • Decade Year of Experience.

  • Team of Certified Professionals.

  • Open to the Latest Market Trends and Technologies

  • Post-Development Support & Maintenance Services.

  • On-Time & Within Budget Delivery.

  • Engaging Portfolio.

  • Positive Customer Reviews & Feedback, etc.

Also Read: Best LGBTQ+ Famous Dating Apps for 2024

Modern Technology Trends To Develop Best Dating Application in 2024

You should also consider following the latest trends and developments to help your business grow and stay at the forefront of technology. Let's explore deeper to understand more about it.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Innovative technologies such as AI and ML are frequently used in mobile dating apps to enhance matchmaking and the algorithm for user experience. The AI algorithm analyzes various information, patterns of behavior, and user preferences to suggest the most suitable matches for the next time. Machine learning can be utilized to determine the rate of success for the game of match.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

These are the latest trends emerging in the field of dating apps. Virtual and augmented realities enhance the relationship between a user and their dating experience within a virtual environment. AR seeks to incorporate digital elements with the real world, while VR lets users experience dating virtually within an interactive and immersive setting.

Social Network Integration

Dating Apps are among the most recent and well-known trending dating apps in today's modern scenario. Furthermore, social networking allows users to interact and develop relationships in a more relaxed and casual manner. This feature allows users to share photos, stories, interests, and other information and join a variety of communities if they're attracted to group activities. This feature is helpful for those who want to introduce a specific type of user in line with their preferences and interests.


This amazing feature can also be utilized in many dating apps. People often experience insecurity and limitations in their location. All credit goes to Metaverse technology; it is possible to experience everything online. Users can create avatars for their profiles, fill in all the information, and define the criteria they want within the application, and they're ready to go. You can even take them on precise virtual dates to various places using the match.


Blockchain technology for dating sites could improve the security of user information by making it possible to store data in a secure and decentralized way. Hackers can only access user data as it is kept in blocks of the distributed ledger. Integrating blockchain technology into the application will increase security and give users greater access to their private data.

Voice Interaction

As consumers become more modern and sophisticated, the requirements necessary to identify perfect matches change, too. An algorithm for matching based on voice or voice prompts to facilitate voice interactions can be a significant step.

Advanced User Verification & Safety

Implementing robust security measures to verify users and protect their personal information builds trust with customers and provides a secure dating platform for users.

AI-Powered Real-Time Language Translation

A few online dating apps, incorporated with modern technology, eliminate the barriers to communication between online couples by offering real-time translation capabilities. It is possible to date anywhere and with anyone who speaks any language.

Most Popular Dating Apps in the Market

Dating apps are the most searchable topic on the internet as they are considered the most effective way of interacting with the better half. In such a way, both partners get to know each other very well. 

1. Bumble

dating app development

Bumble is similar to other dating apps. What differentiates it from other dating apps is that in a heterosexual couple, the woman becomes the primary contact with the other person to avoid being overwhelmed by male messages. In addition, it lets users make friendships, business connections, and dates.

2. Tinder

dating app development

Tinder is a free location-based dating application that allows users to meet potential partners. It uses Facebook profiles to connect and create a real profile with photos and short bios, to inform other users about a specific user more accurately, and to keep out fake profiles.

3. Happn

dating app development

Happn app is the most effective example of a feature that is geolocated. The app stands out because it's distinct from other mobile dating apps. It only displays people recently available in the same area or who passed by you at that exact moment. The idea was born from the idea of being able to look up the mysterious person who is passing by at any moment. You can then look up their profile details, preferences, interests, dislikes and other aspects.

4. OkCupid

dating app development

OkCupid, an American-based online app, is among the most popular dating apps. It is a platform for friendship and dating, with multiple-choice questions that help you find your perfect match. It offers a variety of free options and millions of users, including people of all genders and dating types. This app is primarily used to chat, meet single people, establish connections, have long conversations, and much more.

4. Grindr

dating app development

The Grindr app is unique from other dating apps since it targets the bisexual, gay, and transgender community. Some features on Grindr are unique to other applications for finding love since all other apps display one user at a time, whereas this app displays the entire grid of active users simultaneously. Additionally, in terms of distance, they're close to your location, making it easy to locate people nearby. It lets you write your own biography and other options, such as your preferred height, tribe, and location.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Dating App?

The cost of developing a dating app depends on different factors such as complexity, technology stack, type of project, and a number of platforms—Android, iOS, or cross-platform. So, there is not a straightforward answer to this question because there's creating an app for dating and also the way (and which) you choose to hire your developers.

If you want to eliminate only one bottom-line number, Formotus quotes an average of $140,000 for the development of a mobile app over six to twelve months.

Maintenance of the app after launch can also add up to around 15% of the project's initial cost per year. For instance, if a dating app costs $100,000 to create from concept until launch, you can expect to spend between $15,000 and $20,000 annually to keep it running post-launch.

Five factors determine the cost of creating your dating app and the costs associated with each stage of development.

  • The type of project

  • Who is the person who develops the app

  • Complexity of design and features

  • How long do you have to spend making a new structure instead? Making use of existing resources

The number of platforms that use native codebases compared to one cross-platform codebase. Our estimates are from multiple sources, including but not limited to Formotus, BusinessOfApps, and others.

With a team of in-house designers and developers, the project could cost $150k or so. However, pre-built APIs and microservices can reduce the development cost by about 50-70% over building your own.

These pre-built features are common to various apps and remove the need to reinvent the wheel, saving time and resources while reducing the project duration. 

dating app development

Effective Ways to Monetize a Dating App

There are various ways visuals allow you to earn extra money from dating apps without affecting your freemium business model. Freemium models allow for an increase in the number of users, which is essential to your business plan.

Below are a few ways of monetization that would work in the context of a dating app:

Premium Subscription Tiers with Additional Features

The most well-known and most widely used method to earn money is via premium memberships that provide additional benefits like:

Expand the timeline so that you can respond to an individual

"Boost" your profile for more views of the profile

You can avail yourself of limited extras such as gifts, super likes, and more.

  • Find out who liked your profile.

  • The ability to fine-tune the filters that are displayed to you

  • Provide the "incognito" mode for additional privacy of your profile

  • Send messages and undo the send

  • Photos and messages that expire

  • Selected phrases from chats

  • A greater number of profiles are included in the feed

The pricing tier may be determined by geography or the kind of users. Since a large portion of users prefers to break from dating for a while this could be beneficial to offer shorter billing times and longer ones. The most effective way to encourage this model is to offer trial periods for free or by displaying options listed as "locked" on free accounts and letting users know their options as they upgrade. Most dating apps operate using this basic model that has variations in terms of the features offered to users and pricing levels.

In-App Purchases 

Some apps offer additional in-app purchases to use features like super-likes or profile boosts that users may wish to use more often, even with premium subscriptions. For instance, the boost feature on a profile lets the profile get greater views for a short period, such as an hour or twelve hours. By enabling the purchase of additional boosts, users can increase the visibility of their profile for longer periods.

In-app purchases are an excellent option to make money for customers who don't want to sign up for an ongoing subscription with regular billing but wish to purchase a specific number of functions instead. It lets users personalize their experience with the app, and to pay as many or as little as they want. Most dating apps have these functions, such as Hinge, Bumble, Tinder and OkCupid.

Advertising on the site (Through AdSense)

As many as applications operate on a freemium structure that includes online ads via Google Adsense or some such service that is available on free plans. The user will see ads within the app. To remove advertisements, they sign up for a premium version of ads-free. Even while the user isn't required to pay for the free version, Tinder can make money by utilizing the large user base through digital ads without hindering the user from accessing other features available on the site. Tinder integrates this model into the app.

Custom Advertisements

Certain apps go beyond banner ads and allow advertisements in-app to businesses. For instance, Grindr can sign up for ads in their application. You can choose between creating a banner advertisement and also providing:

  • Insights into your ad's performance.

  • Geo-targeting.

  • Establishing your budget and using their design tools to create the advert's design.

This is particularly useful because their application can be a fantastic opportunity to connect with the LGBTQ community and offer products and services specifically tailored to individual needs. They also provide accounts for advertisers, which lets advertisers with budgets greater than $20,000 connect with Grindr representatives to provide an improved and customized solution to their advertising needs.

The Grindr Extra and Grindr Unlimited Premium plans within the apps eliminate ads for users. Therefore, although the app operates on freemium models and free users aren't charged anything to use it, they contribute to monetization through ads.

E-commerce Stores

Certain apps also make money through the online-based route, offering amazing merchandise to their users. For instance, Grindr has an e-commerce store dubbed "Bloop," where they sell products tailored to their intended audience, the LGBTQ community. It's a good alternative for app users since the kind of merchandise they sell is not available to people who identify as LGBTQ. Grindr is the oldest app for LGBTQ people and has an active presence across the globe. Their store makes purchasing gifts for your date for special occasions simple.

Affiliate Marketing

Certain dating apps extend their monetization options, going beyond advertisements and even affiliate marketing through other products and apps. Certain dating apps make timed promotions in conjunction with other services to offer users the possibility to join both services and additional benefits like the possibility of a premium subscription for a specified time.

Affiliate marketing could also take place through events held in partnership with other businesses, such as the Grindr Halloween parties held in multiple cities simultaneously. You can also earn "rewards" to be won at the events, where you meet with other individuals, and the possibility of getting a premium subscription at no cost. Access is restricted to those who have downloaded the app.

Similar meet-and-greets could be arranged via a dating app that permits users to interact with other users based on specific themes or local festivals and events.

Social Media and Content Partnerships

Since the majority of dating apps have an account on social media platforms, a different way to earn money is through partnerships with social media. In these partnerships, the social media profile promotes the product or service of another company that is not competing with their social media followers in exchange for an amount. Since dating apps invest large sums of money in growing social media followers and following, this could be a great source of revenue and comes with other advantages.

Another option for monetization might be a content partnership where the dating app makes content for their social media sites or websites for content, and also makes mention of advertisers as partners and charges an amount for the content. This could be a great option when sites have quality content as a part of the marketing plan.

Expedited Profile Approval and Verification

Certain dating apps, such as The League, allow users only after they have thoroughly checked their profile and data authenticity. The approval process takes some time and cannot be 100% guaranteed. However, they provide an expedited approval procedure with a charge. In addition, verification of profiles is available to users for a nominal fee to make the verified tag distinguish their profile. Users can expect to see more visibility and more accurate matches through verification.

Rewarded Video Ads

Rewarded video advertisements differ from typical advertisements because they provide an item at the conclusion when the viewer can watch the video-- such as the possibility of a discount or an invitation to join another benefit. These ads are also popular in other apps and ideal for dating apps, too, as the advert could be for a particular product. It is an ideal fit for the intended audience, such as youngsters of a specific age, city, age group, etc.

Games and Quizzes

Dating apps may also provide users with games online, such as video games, chess, etc. These are games that users may like to play with their partner for a chance to "chill out" or converse on a familiar subject or passion and in safe settings and with complete privacy. This could be a distinct paid feature that allows you to purchase this game to play for yourself and your partner. It could include chat and video calls as part of the game. CometChat is the ideal option for secure chat in-app and video calls that can be integrated into the dating app using APIs.

In the same way, dating apps let users create their own tests for an amount they want their partners to complete and whose answers will be visible to the other users. This feature is available on certain apps, such as OkCupid clone app development, but it's not the same format. It is a distinct feature that can be purchased; it could be a feature that is available to free users.

Read About: Bumble and Tinder: Everything You Should Know About Each Dating App


Amid their hectic lives, dating apps give people an easy and efficient means to meet new individuals and find their ideal partner.

The most important thing in making a successful dating application is recognizing that people are occupied and don't have time to spend. Therefore, they are searching for features that can help them save time and quickly find what they're seeking. They are looking for an intuitive, user-friendly, and highly-performing application.

The greatest thing is that the  best dating app developers  needn't create their own inventions because there are numerous existing APIs and pre-built functions that are easily accessible in a matter of minutes.

To begin using a tested SDK framework that is reliable with API integrations login into the JPLoft dashboard and builds a dating app in chats.