How to Create a Social Media Strategy for Your eCommerce Brand

How to Create a Social Media Strategy for Your eCommerce Brand

Are you looking to refine the social media advertising plan? This is the ideal opportunity to get it done. In a world crowded with more competition in content, networks, and channels than ever, a clear strategy will give you the focus required to declare "no" to efforts that do not meet your objectives.

This is why we've put together a complete guide to creating an effective social media marketing strategy. Whether you're brand new to social media or would like to review your goals in 2024, the guide will have everything covered.

Social Ecommerce Tips: How to Build a Social Media eCommerce Strategy?

Here are essential tips for effective social media eCommerce marketing. Whether you're new to the world of social commerce or seeking to develop your strategies, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to build your online business with the help of an ecommerce web development company Sydney.

How to develop a practical strategy for eCommerce:

Begin With Social Media Goals

Setting goals for social media can help you concentrate your resources and efforts on the most important areas. The goals will determine the purpose you are doing, impact your choices, and serve as an objective to measure your improvement.

  • Social media marketing objectives are:

  • Grow followers

  • Help build brand recognition

  • Generate leads

  • Increase sales on the internet

  • Drive website traffic

  • Provide customer support

These goals can be applied to the SMART criteria, a method that ensures that every article contributes to your business's overall goals and allows you to grow your online presence purposefully and measurably.

  • Particular: Pinpoint specifically the goal you're trying to achieve. Instead of stating "increase engagement," say "boost Facebook post interactions by 20 percent." %."

  • Measurable: Add numbers to your goals to check your progress. For example, "gain 500 new Instagram followers within a three-month period ."

  • Achievable: Set achievable goals that will push you but remain within reach. If you're starting with X, reaching millions of followers in a month could seem over-ambitious.

  • Relevant: Ensure your goals align with your brand image and the larger business goals. For example, if you're launching a brand new product, your goal on social media could be to boost product awareness.

  • Time-bound: Set yourself the date. This increases urgency and helps you remain focused. An example is "increase LinkedIn shares by 15 percent in the next quarter”. Although goals can shift over time, an initial foundation is essential to establishing your social media plan.

Audit Social Media Presence

An audit of your social media site is a great starting point to understand your web presence, should there be any. Audits can help inform your social media objectives by determining what's working, what's not, and how you can make improvements.

In the course of an audit of social media, there are a few crucial aspects to examine:

Profile Info: Review the contents of your profile, bios images, and cover photos. Are your profiles up-to-date and uniform across both physical and online platforms?

Content Performance: Examine your content's performance by analyzing the number of people who engage and how many reach and conversions. What kinds of content will bring you the best outcomes?

Audience Demographics: Examine the gender, age, location, and preferences of your customers. Are you able to meet their needs and preferences?

Follower Count: Keep track of how many followers are on your social media platform and note any significant changes or decreases. Which platform has many followers?

Referral Traffic: Determine how many visitors your social networks drive to your store's website. Which social media platform is driving most of your customers?

Posting Frequency: Check the frequency of posting to each platform. Do you have a pattern of posting concerning the engagement level?

Collecting reviews, comments, or messages from your followers that offer insight into their experiences and opinions regarding your business is also essential. Be aware that while high levels of engagement may suggest that your content is connecting with your customers, a social media audit will help you dig deeper to determine which strategies are driving significant results beyond mere engagement.

Check Your Target Audience and Competition

If you understand who your clients are, what they're looking for, and what they do so that you create content that resonates with them, select the appropriate platforms to interact with them and ultimately generate more sales. You're doing nothing without this knowledge and trying to hit the right spot.

Making a comprehensive picture of your customers isn't something that can be done in a single day. It takes time and effort. However, you can begin by learning the basics and building a deeper understanding of your clients and their motivations.

To gain insights from the audience, You can check:

Social Media Analytics: Use the data from platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X to understand your audience's demographics, followers, and behaviors.

Customers' Surveys: Directly inquire with your customers to share their habits, preferences, and opinions. Send surveys via email, SMS, or newsletters.

Web Analytics: Website analytics tools such as Google Analytics reveal valuable data on the people who visit your website and what's happening.

Customer Feedback: Comments, reviews, and support requests can provide insight into what your customers are most satisfied with and what they would like to have improved.

Live Q&A and Webinars: These events provide clear insights into your audience's interests and needs.

Keep in mind that it's the same as a relationship. The more you know about them, the better you'll help and connect with them.

To research your competitors, it is best to ask these types of questions:

  • Who are my most formidable rivals? The most significant competitors aren't always giant companies that sell similar products but ones with similar sizes.

  • Which platform are these social platforms? Check if they're selling directly through social media or particularly driving traffic customers to the eCommerce website.

  • What kind of posts do they share most often? Keep track of the most popular posts you can copy or improve. Check whether they're posting Reels, Shorts, Stories, or Reels.

  • Are you using social media to provide customer service? The ecommerce web development agency Sydney is using social media to provide support after sales. Check if competitors are also doing this.

Ideally, you'd like to review your competition every quarter.

Select the Right Social Media Platforms

All platforms are not equal, so being thoughtful in the way you spend your time and money can be crucial to the outcomes. The most effective platforms are in the places your customers are. This makes it simpler to interact with them, market your product, and drive sales.

The following are the most popular social media platforms used for E-commerce:


With over 2.8 billion active monthly people, Facebook offers extensive coverage of its vast users. It's perfect for creating an online community and delivering targeted advertisements. Facebook Shops' robust eCommerce capabilities allow you to build a fully-fledged, customizable online store using the platform. You can also use Facebook ads to target specific groups and people with particular interests.


Instagram's visual-focused platform is excellent for showcasing products. It's trendy among younger people and has an established shopping culture. Instagram Shopping enables you to tag your products in posts and stories, resulting in an effortless shopping experience. In addition, the Explore option on the app can help your products be seen by new users who could be potential customers.


TikTok is quickly becoming the preferred choice for brands who want to attract Gen Z and Millennials. The platform's focus on video short-form content is ideal for creative demonstrations of products and viral marketing. TikTok's algorithm is powerful and helps your content be seen by a large audience and TikTok Ads provide targeted advertising options. TikTok for Business features also include shoppable advertisements and affiliate marketing.


Pinterest is an online visual exploration platform where people actively seek inspiration and new ideas. It's an excellent tool for bringing people to eCommerce websites, especially in fashion, DIY, home decor, and many more niches. People also visit the site to find new products. Pinterest Shop Ads and Product Pins let users discover and buy products through the site.

Other eCommerce social media platforms:

X: Previously, Twitter was great for real-time updates on company news, customer support, engagement, and keeping up-to-date with the latest trends. It is not about direct selling but about developing relationships and establishing a brand presence. While it's not as focused on eCommerce as other websites, X's promotional cards and posts could aid in bringing relevant customers to your store.

YouTube: YouTube is the perfect platform for businesses that use videos to promote tutorials, product information, and user-generated content. YouTube Shopping lets you include items in your videos and live streams, and YouTube ads can advertise your products and content to a vast market.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a different platform that you could explore, but it is primarily for the top executives in your organization, mainly when you're operating a small or new eCommerce company. LinkedIn can present opportunities for partnerships between brands and their decision-makers, something LinkedIn is brimming with.

E-commerce features to Look for in a social media channel:

  • Facebook and Twitter-like stores with built-in shop functionality permit customers to search and purchase items without leaving their websites.

  • Organic promotion via rich media content such as videos, images, and shoppable posts can improve organic engagement.

  • Engagement with your audience and robust community features allow your brand to engage with your customers and create an unwavering following.

  • Paid advertisements with strong targeting capabilities can help you reach your targeted audience, promote product discovery, and increase traffic to your website.

  • Customer support functions help you quickly respond to customer questions and problems, enhancing your overall customer experience.

They are essential social media marketing tools from which eCommerce businesses gain.

Set Up Your Social eCommerce Profiles.

After you've selected the best platforms that align with your intended audience and objectives, it's time to create your social presence.

Here's what you'll need to focus on:

  • Correct Information: Keep your company information up-to-date and current on every social media platform.

  • Professional Presentation: Present your company's image with professional images of your profile and a cover image.

  • Work Link: Allow customers interested in exploring your services and products through your website shop.

  • Captivating Bio: Write an introduction to your business that briefly outlines your background, the products you do, and how customers can benefit from your services.

In your strategy for Ecommerce web development Sydney, it is essential to maintain consistency to create a seamless and trustworthy experience for everyone who interacts with your brand, regardless of how they discover your website. Therefore, your web pages and social media profiles must be consistent and reflect each other using the same logo, color scheme, and tone.

If you already own social media accounts, This is the ideal moment to make them more efficient. Check and update any old or unprofessional information and pictures. Most often, your social media accounts are the first touchpoint prospective customers will have with your company, so make sure they're welcoming with a professional and polished appearance.

Create a Content Marketing Plan

A content plan will outline the kinds of content you'll produce when you publish it and the platforms on which you'll post it. There are various content types that you can use on social media platforms, each of which serves different functions. This includes product photos, behind-the-scenes videos, rated content blogs, infographics, blog posts, or live streams.

Your success with your strategy for social media marketing in eCommerce depends on understanding how various platforms will favor different types of content. It would help if you discovered what is most effective for your brand's image, and therefore, you should strategically test your content. You can examine the results of your competitors' studies on the kinds of content that work well for them and consider ways to incorporate identical strategies into your content strategy.

  • For every post you make in your calendar social media, you'll usually be required to define the following:

  • The social media networks you're posting on.

  • This is the date, time, and hour at which each post is made live.

  • Any images, videos, or audio clips included.

  • Notes, comments, or the approval of Team members.

If you plan, you can ensure an unstoppable flow of information that engages your customers and brings visitors to your online store.

There's no reason to be pressured to fill your schedule with every type of content. It's always possible to begin with an introductory article.

To inspire you, here is a straightforward, static example that still conveys the message. Emojis were used, which are much more than acceptable on social media.

Invest in Paid Social 

Paid Social media is a highly effective method for e-commerce businesses seeking to increase their online presence and revenue. It uses paid advertising on the most popular platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Pinterest, to reach a large customer base.

Paid social ads allow you to focus on specific segments of the population (beyond the people who follow you) in terms of interests, behaviors, and preferences so that your content reaches the right people at precisely the right moment.

Paid social media is fantastic for eCommerce shops, offering the possibility to announce new special sales, product releases, or special offers. Facebook advertisements can show off your latest offerings, while Instagram advertisements provide striking pictures to entice potential buyers quickly.

Paid social is a strategy that can bring many advantages to the strategy of social media for eCommerce:

Instant Engagement: Paid social can generate instantaneous engagement. While organic reach might require longer to grow, Pay-per-click ads usually generate shares, likes, and comments immediately after going live, generating buzz around products rapidly while increasing interest quickly - to boost sales for companies and increase sales and brand recognition quickly. Instant engagement generates instant excitement while increasing interest, generating enthusiasm speedily, and increasing the brand's visibility quickly, leading to rapid sales and brand recognition for companies.

Create a Custom-Tailored Advertisement for a Specific Audience and Lookalikes: Advertisements can be explicitly designed for particular areas, demographics, or interests to reach the most likely to react positively and increase efforts to acquire customers. Lookalike audiences enable advertisers to get buyers like their existing customers while increasing their acquisition efforts.

Increase Sales and Traffic: Opportunities Paid social ads may bring targeted customers directly to your site or online store by appealing calls-to-action (CTAs) and attractive images, causing potential buyers to visit, browse your offerings, and buy.

Use the Meta Ad Library: To evaluate the ads displayed by competitors on any platforms on which advertisements may exist, even if they do not.

Paid Social Media Campaigns: Paid social media will ultimately boost sales for your business and convert customers into paying customers.

Partner With Influencers 

In this context, Influencer marketing is an approach that involves brands who partner with social media influencers who are well-known (people with a significant following across various platforms, such as Instagram as well as Twitter) to build credibility that's established between their followers and the influencer to increase the recognition, engagement, and sales for the products or services.

Influencers can provide eCommerce companies with an additional tool to produce captivating product showcases, like unboxing videos and product critiques, that entice their followers. This could result in the purchase of products for skin care they sell, too. Beauty companies could collaborate with Anders to demonstrate how effective their products for skin care are while growing sales by leveraging their followers.

It takes work to make the connection. Partnering with well-known influencers may seem attractive, but prioritizing influencers aligned with your brand's values and your target market is more critical than those selected purely for popularity itself. The ideal influencer partner will be genuinely interested in what your product or service offers. At the same time, their followers comprise an ideal customer profile that is perfect for your product or service. Such collaborations allow for genuine content creation while delivering more outcomes!

Micro-influencers have Distinct Advantages

Influencers with smaller but highly engaged audiences, generally between 1,000 and 100,000 subscribers, are more likely to form closer bonds with their following than larger influencers and, therefore, have more excellent engagement rates.

Monitor Performance

Monitoring performance over time will ensure that every effort is in line with the corporate goals while making the most effective use of social media's presence and engagement.


Engagement rates like comments, likes, and shares are crucial indicators, but your analytics should go even further by revealing conversion rates, click rates, and demographic breakdowns.

Trend and Pattern Analysis

Trend and pattern analysis can help you determine which content resonates with your intended audience and adapt your plan to meet it. Video, for instance, generates higher engagement than static images, so you should consider adding more videos to your marketing plan. Analytics are crucial tools to determine the best time to post performance metrics, campaign effectiveness, and ROI numbers for social media-related initiatives.

Social media has built-in analytics tools designed to provide accurate and precise information. These easy-to-use analytics permit monitoring performance without the requirement of advanced technological expertise.

Integrate Social Media Tools

Social media tools can help efficiently manage accounts, schedule posts, and execute ads that appeal to your intended viewers. You can save time and offer vital business information that can further enhance your company. Incorporating appropriate tools into your business plan could help you save time while increasing efficiency and delivering valuable knowledge that can help propel your business' growth and progress.

Tools for managing social media can be crucial in managing several accounts and interacting with people on different social networks. They are helpful for small-scale eCommerce businesses. Using tools for scheduling posts on various platforms to establish a presence without manually posting each time is possible. Some tools have analytics capabilities to help you understand the performance on these social media platforms.

Here are some examples of handling social media as well as listening instruments:

  • Hootsuite is a service that automatically automates the administration of several social media profiles and posts.

  • Buffer allows for the scheduling of content and analysis.

  • Sprout Social provides superior social media management capabilities. Mention gives insight into the mention of brands.

  • Canva is a powerful tool to design attractive social media images.


E-commerce is constantly evolving, and the social media strategy your ecommerce web developers Sydney implement in your marketing strategy must be able to keep up. In this chapter, we discussed every aspect of creating an e-commerce-specific and flexible social media marketing plan, explicitly setting SMART goals, identifying target audiences and reviewing social networks, selecting platforms with the right amount of engagement, creating content strategies to reach your audience, and using influencer marketing to increase your reach and evaluate the performance.