Cost To Develop An App Like Deliveroo: All You Need To Know in 2024

Cost To Develop An App Like Deliveroo: All You Need To Know in 2024

Food delivery companies have proliferated, dramatically altering culinary experiences for millions. Busy lifestyles require various food options, while an increased emphasis on contactless services propels growth in this field. With customers increasingly favoring at-home delivery as an innovative service option, those in food delivery become the cornerstones of innovation and opportunity.

Deliveroo is the one food delivery service capable of successfully adapting to an ever-evolving landscape of food delivery services, meeting consumer tastes, and responding quickly and flexibly. Through abundant menu offerings on an accessible platform, it has created its own identity while satisfying users.

Imagine you want to enter the lucrative food delivery sector by Food Delivery App Development similar to Deliveroo. One primary consideration is how much development costs incur: an estimate is between $40,000 and $300,000. Knowing all aspects of an app similar to Deliveroo's development process ensures well-informed decisions, leading to success for your business venture.

This article will help you understand Deliveroo development costs, the factors affecting budget allocation, and other important considerations when creating food delivery apps for companies. 

So, let's get started.

Also Read : Best Food Delivery Apps To Satisfy Your Food Cravings 

What Is Deliveroo?

Deliveroo, an innovative UK-based food delivery app, offers food at convenient times throughout the week and year. The on-demand food delivery mobile app is the UK's most famous food service app for downloads and reviews. Deliveroo boasts over 10 million downloads through Google Play and Apple app stores and has also earned a 4.6/5 score.

Customers can choose the most suitable restaurant from a selection of popular brands and order their favorite meals. The application's "Takeaway" feature also allows consumers to pick up and order their food from local establishments within moments.

Additionally, because many foods, such as Chinese, Cuban, Sushi, Salads, Pizzas, and other food items, are available, Deliveroo is ranked as the most popular food delivery service for Android and iOS within the UK and in other major markets. It offers fast food delivery services in around 200 cities throughout the UK, UAE, Kuwait, Australia, Netherlands, Belgium, and other nations.

Food Delivery App & Its Market

Food delivery is an enormous industry. In this regard, Deliveroo is well-known. It was launched in 2013. Deliveroo is now a global phenomenon and has been a formidable competitor to big names like Eat Doordash. Alongside the increase in users who use the app to deliver food, profit figures also indicate room for growth. For more information, take a look at a couple of numbers:

The internet-based food delivery industry currently stands at $160.3 billion and could reach 483.9 billion in 2032. This means the online food delivery market is expected to grow by 12 percent. This market is currently in an upward direction, which could be due to various motives, such as the increasing use of the web, integration of payment gateways into Food Delivery Application Development, increasing the number of cashless transactions, and food delivery on demand at your door.

As consumers seek speed and convenience, the food delivery business is poised to expand, which means expanding options for Deliveroo is possible. If you'd like to launch an app for food delivery, now is the ideal time to start investing. 

Understanding The Cost Of Developing An App Like Deliveroo 2024

The development costs for an app like Deliveroo could range from $3000 to $400,000. Numerous factors affect the total development cost of food delivery apps. This includes the application's complexity, the elements to be integrated into the app, the developer's location, and the timeline for delivery of the app. In simple terms, an application with a complex user interface and a lengthy feature list will likely be more expensive than a simple app with a limited feature list.

Costs associated with creating an app like Deliveroo can also differ based on where your location is. For example, if you hire an Android or iOS developer in the USA, they'll be higher priced than those from other nations.

Factors Impacting The Cost Of Developing Food Delivery Apps Like Deliveroo

Food Delivery App

A variety of factors work together in the creation of an app similar to Deliveroo. The complexities involved in every one of them will give you an estimate of the costs involved in creating an app identical to Deliveroo. We'll look at the elements more in-depth in the following paragraphs:

UI/UX Design

Investment in a user-friendly UX/UI design that is visually pleasing is vital to the effectiveness of a food delivery app. The complexity of design components, like interactive elements such as intuitive navigation and engaging images, will significantly impact the total Deliveroo costs for developing an app. If these factors are given priority, food delivery companies will be able to ensure higher customer satisfaction and retention rates.

App Platform

Choosing an application platform like Android, iOS, or the cross-platform option is a crucial factor in the decision-making process for developing an application like Deliveroo. Each platform has distinct development needs, and catering to different platforms may make development more expensive.

Team Size

The experience and size of the team that develops it will directly affect the cost of an app similar to Deliveroo. In particular, a more extensive group with various skills comprising app designers, developers, QA engineers, and project managers could require more expenses than a simple group of two to three people. Recognizing that a fully-fledged team of developers can help reduce the time and effort needed to complete your project while ensuring the timely release of updates and delivery is crucial.

Offshore/Onshore Development

Using offshore or onshore development solutions can significantly impact the price of developing apps like Deliveroo. By embracing offshore development, companies can tap into worldwide talent pools, resulting in cost savings without affecting the high-end quality of the final product.

However, offshore development could result in a more expensive cost structure but can also provide better communications. The final decision on offshore development and onshore depends on your specific needs and budgetary factors.

Development Team

To build an app similar to Deliveroo, you must identify an app developer who can help you with the cost. How? Whether you're looking to have an internal staff or outsource the work to a business will affect the price you pay to create an application for food delivery, such as Deliveroo.

Many people compare in-house teams with Outsourced ones. We'll end the debate by defining the difference. An in-house team can consume lots of time, and choosing the right one can take much effort. They also offer access to a variety of benefits. Ultimately, they can run you between $40,000 to $80,000. However, outsourcing provides security and access to knowledgeable staff and other advantages that cost about. $30,000-$60,000. Costs can differ according to your preferences and needs, as well as the location of your business.

Maintenance Services

Your app's launch doesn't necessarily mean that the project is done. The journey continues with maintenance and support services. You don't wish to have an app on the Play Store or App Store that nobody ever downloads. In the end, it is essential to ensure that the app is functional and free of bugs.

Additionally, regular bug fixes, feature enhancements, and maintenance could increase the cost of creating an app for food delivery, such as Deliveroo. The price will generally be between 15 and 20 percent of the cost. The cost can change according to your needs and the changes you make. We believe we've provided some key aspects that could impact the costs of developing an app that delivers food similar to Deliveroo.

Third-Party Integrations

Integrating third-party applications, including APIs, payment gateways, payment gateway geolocation services, and restaurant management systems, could increase the costs of creating an application like Deliveroo. The complexity and the number of integrations needed affect the total budget.

Compliance And Security Standards

It is crucial to follow the various regulations and standards in the industry regarding food delivery. Implementing robust security procedures and ensuring compliance with data protection laws could require further investments.

Tech Stack

The technology stack used to Build Food Delivery App like Deliveroo can also impact the total costs of creating an app for food delivery, similar to Deliveroo. For example, choosing the right tech stack, which includes top-of-the-line technology for front-end and back-end along with an efficient framework and database, can increase complexity and impact the cost of developing apps like Deliveroo. An efficient tech stack will ultimately ensure higher performance, increased scalability, and long-term stability.

Testing And Quality Assurance

A thorough testing process is crucial to an app's success. Investing in quality assurance methods, such as testing across different platforms and devices. This can result in higher costs for an app similar to Deliveroo, ensuring a robust and secure app.

Location-Based Services

Implementing LBS (also known as Location-Based Services (LBS) involves fusing sophisticated geospatial techniques. They greatly enhance user experiences through services that are specifically tailored to the location they are in. Integrating features like real-time tracking of users, personal suggestions, and localized content is a complicated process. These significantly affect the total cost of developing apps similar to Deliveroo.

Features And Functionality

The complexity and scope of Deliveroo's feature sets directly influence the costs of its food delivery apps. Incorporating advanced features such as live tracking in real time, customized suggestions, multiple payment gateways, and customer service functions will increase the development cost.

Location Of The Hired Development Firm

The geography of the company hired to develop apps affects the cost of Deliveroo application development. For example, picking firms located in areas like Asia or Europe, which have lower operational expenses and development hourly rates, could be a good option compared to areas like those in the US or UK, which have a more expensive rate of development per hour.

Also Read : Food Delivery App Design: Key Features & Examples- 2024 

Tips To Reduce The Cost Of Developing a Food Delivery App

Food Delivery App

Here are a few methods to lower the cost of food delivery applications such as Deliveroo. Numerous costs should not be ignored; however, using these techniques to reduce expenses is possible.

Open-Source Libraries & Frameworks

Open-source libraries assist developers with the ability to reuse code and also provide access to frequently used codes. In addition, they reduce the requirement to begin all over again each time. Tools such as Node.js offer advantages for companies. For instance, they're completely available for free and have an enormous community of users, making it less expensive to develop food delivery apps such as Deliveroo.

UI/UX Design

UX/UI design can be a significant cost aspect of the development of apps for food delivery that may change according to the demand and level of difficulty. In the beginning, when you launch your app, you could be focused on creating a user-friendly and less complicated layout so that your app can be priced affordable and still enjoy high esteem among users.

Use An MVP

Even though MVP is not a mandatory decision, it is a good idea to invest in it. It will benefit you greatly. In short, MVP app development means creating a smaller version of the app using the essential components to gather the feedback you want about your idea. This allows you to improve your final version of the application without introducing the complexities of making it more expensive to develop the app in the future.

Agile Methodology

Choosing between different agile methods to split projects into various stages is possible. This not only improves the speed of development but can also cut costs. This will help the Food Delivery App Development Company focus on more critical work, decrease the chance of spending precious time and resources on aspects that are not worth the effort, and ultimately reduce the costs of developing an app for food delivery.

Competent Project Management

An efficient project management strategy will help reduce the cost of development and time. In this way, you can establish milestones and deadlines so that you don't drag the development process. This will also help you better manage your resources and lower the cost of developing an app for food delivery.

All in all, these are some strategies to lower the development cost. With a thorough plan and methodical approach, you could achieve better customer engagement and revenue for your company.

Also Read : Food Delivery App AI Features Based on App Type 2024 

Revenue Models Adopted By Food Delivery Apps Like Deliveroo

Food Delivery App

The food delivery app uses a variety of monetization strategies to generate revenue. We will look at ways they can further ensure long-term profits for the business.

Commission-Based Model

The business model used in this case is that the app can generate revenues by charging restaurant partners a fee based on the amount of each purchase. The amount of commission may differ based on factors like the restaurant's dimension and location and the amount of money spent on the order. In addition, the app could charge customers a delivery charge to help cover delivery charges.

Deliveroo is a food delivery service that utilizes a commission-based revenue system. Deliveroo charges an estimated 25 to 30 percent on every order placed through the app. The proportion of commission depends on the arrangement between the restaurant's partners and the app that delivers food.

Subscription-Based Model

As part of this business model, app users can obtain premium memberships, which offer complimentary delivery, priority orders, and other perks. The revenue stream is also available to eateries, permitting restaurants to sign up for programs that offer benefits such as priority listing, accessibility to analytics data, etc., all for a fixed annual fee.

Deliveroo's food delivery service offers its customers the option to subscribe to Deliveroo Plus, which offers them extra features and a variety of benefits for a set price.

In-App Advertising

Restaurants may earn revenue through embedding ads directly into the application. The app could also include third-party advertisements to display relevant ads about products or services appropriate for the user.

Surge Pricing

The app can implement price increases during peak times to increase overall revenues. This could mean temporarily increasing the delivery cost, thereby optimizing earnings in line with the increased consumption.


The potential of food delivery applications is expected to have an explosive growth rate shortly. Companies that plan for ways to build online food ordering software will reap rewards by the way they earn earnings. Applications like Deliveroo have been the central aspect of their success in the marketplace and are at the top of the list. But it isn't flooded and still has the growth potential.

We hope this article has provided you with a thorough comprehension of the expenses of creating a food delivery application. Analyzing all these aspects, we design and develop applications with the utmost integrity in line with the users' needs. Therefore, you can get a top-quality app for food delivery from us to take your company to the next level.

Suppose you're a brand novice in the online delivery sector and are considering creating a delivery service such as Deliveroo for your company to make it visible to the right customers. In that case, JPLoft is a leading mobile app for food delivery online design and development company. We can help you develop an efficient, user-friendly restaurant ordering app like Deliveroo.