How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Music Streaming App Like Soundcloud

How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Music Streaming App Like Soundcloud

Imagine a world where the songs of your favorite artists move effortlessly to capture the hearts of souls and minds. Boundaries don't bind music, and creativity is the central point. The perfect symphony is in your hands if you've been dreaming of making Music streaming apps like SoundCloud. Here is the complete guide for you to make your work easier.

We'll discuss the secrets behind creating an application for streaming music app that lovers across the globe enjoy. We'll look at each step of the process, from establishing an efficient infrastructure to creating an easy user experience. We'll examine the potential of personalized suggestions, social interactions, and other functions that bring new life to your app.

Let's join hands with us and build a music streaming application for streaming similar to SoundCloud, which will keep your users in the rhythm. Play to create your musical masterpiece for On-demand Music Streaming app development. 

What is Sound Cloud, and How Does it Work?

SoundCloud is a music streaming and distribution platform that allows users to enjoy millions of tracks in one place and can also showcase their Music. It was created around 2007 by Eric Wahlforss and Alexander Ljung and is accessible via mobile and desktop platforms.

SoundCloud has gained immense popularity in the music industry and has become one of the most popular Music streaming services. The music streaming app has more than 76 million registered users, one hundred million users who use it monthly, 250 million tracks, and 10 million music creators around the world. It has proven that it is a user's most-loved and suggested that it could be a lucrative business plan to get into the market.

The result is that people, including app creators and entrepreneurs, are considering the price of creating apps like SoundCloud and other technical functionalities, which we'll discuss in depth here.

The music app has a search feature that allows users to find content by typing songs or favorite artists. Users can interact with the content by posting comments, liking and reposting on tracks.

Apps such as SoundCloud allow artists to connect with their fans and grow their reach by utilizing features such as sharing links to tracks via social networks or adding "buy" buttons to their profiles that direct users to purchase their Music.

SoundCloud provides subscription services to listeners and other tools for musicians, like specific statistics on-track performance and the possibility of uploading longer recordings. Artists can show their work and engage with an international audience via SoundCloud, which is an online platform for new and established musicians alike.

In all likelihood, Spotify, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Apple Music, TIDAL, Deezer, r, etc. These music streaming applications have seen massive growth in the marketplace. Two applications that have changed the music streaming industry include Spotify and SoundCloud.

Read About: Music Streaming App Development With Major Benefits 2024

Building a Mobile App Like SoundCloud

To support Soundcloud expansion via clone apps, Reactjs is utilized for Front-End user interface growth, and Bootstrap is the choice of Front-End framework. JPLoft, a Music Streaming App Development Company, takes care of all hosting requirements. Stripe handles payments.

Although understanding mobile apps ' technology stack and features has given you the basic fundamental knowledge about the development process, there's more to it. Developers may need help with the best ways to create apps similar to SoundCloud.

Features to Consider in SoundCloud Clone App Development

The Soundcloud application, which has distinctive and captivating features, has grown in popularity quickly. Here's a list of features you shouldn't miss if you plan to develop a music application similar to Soundcloud.


Users might not just be looking to play their preferred tracks but also to discover new tracks. Search features allow active users to discover Music by looking for albums, artists, titles, and genres. Think about offering recommendations to your current users according to their browsing history and personal playlists.

Create a Playlist

A site that offers music streaming should include an option to create playlists. Your users will appreciate the capability to save albums, songs, or playlists on your site.

Record Your Track

This is among the most critical aspects of the SoundCloud application. It lets artists create tracks and upload them to a public or private community. This is how they gain recognition and cash on the market.

Real-Time Streaming

This feature lets users discover popular albums and songs within a particular genre or region.

Play Music

Play Music feature allows users to play any music files. It is one of the primary features of addictive and viral apps. The social media integration feature will enable users to access the music application by using their existing social profiles instead of creating new accounts. Additionally, it allows them to share their top tracks with various social platforms.

Find and Follow Friends

This feature lets users discover other users, connect with them, and then create their community of musicians.

Repost on SoundCloud

This is the SoundCloud app's most prominent feature, making it stand out from the crowd. App users can post content to followers in a way similar to what we do on other social media platforms, such as Facebook.

These features will be a hit with those in the Music streaming business, but what makes them select SoundCloud instead of 8tracks, Amazon Music, and other Music streaming SoundCloud apps is their UX strategy.


If you wish your audio streaming app users to upload their Music, this feature is one your website should have. Take an advantage of Music Streaming App Development Services

to create an app similar to SoundCloud is essential.

Offline Download and Access

If your users have access to the internet and can connect to it, they'll likely utilize the online streaming option. Users can browse their music library offline when they cannot access the internet, which can benefit people who want to cut down on their bandwidth consumption. It is also possible to allow users to download your favorite songs.


Your customers are likely to love personal features that identify their individuality. Users can custom music streaming app development by changing the palette's colors and the arrangement of the elements. Music suggestions can be included by mood, location, weather, or other elements.

When you create a website like SoundCloud, make sure you integrate the right controls to give the level of personalization you want. The recommendations should be based on the user's preferences.

Event Calendar

A concert calendar is helpful for those who attend concerts. It can be used to keep track of upcoming concerts or fan club meetings. Your users can connect and have fun by incorporating the option of a discussion forum on your website.

Push Notifications

Push notifications are another method for keeping users engaged with Music. Not only do they inform your customers of updates, but they can also inspire them to be more active with the streaming website. For instance, use push notifications to inform your customers of the latest songs released by popular artists.

Social Sharing

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the most popular social media platforms, increasing your site's visibility and getting more people to visit it. Mobile users are active on social media networks. Users are likely to post their playlists and tracks through social channels. This is especially the case if you have enabled social authentication on your network. Social sharing is a great method for increasing your number of customers and also for advertising your services.


When you launch the SoundCloud application, give musicians and artists the option of advertising. This will provide them with an additional promotion opportunity, which is a great way to generate additional revenue for your Music streaming website.

Read Also: How to Create a Music Streaming App like Spotify or Apple Music in 2024

Framework to Create Mobile apps like SoundCloud

music streming app development cost

As a seasoned mobile app development company, we develop music streaming apps built on Ruby on Rails, which is a framework that generally provides the highest-quality results to developers and project managers.

The major benefit of using the Ruby on Rails framework is that it enables businesses to integrate more functions at reasonable costs. We have experienced hands who can accomplish amazing things using Ruby on Rails.

SoundCloud UX Strategy: An Analysis of Elements Shaping its Growth

Faster Login

The team is aware that long and complicated forms to set up an account could hinder users' retention. Therefore, they provide social media login features and require the minimum information when creating an account.

Clean Interface

SoundCloud The SoundCloud team has adopted the card-based layout as its User Interface (UI) layout, which has minimalist aesthetics. This allows them to display app elements effectively.

For instance, on the Music Player screen, the length of the track is displayed in bigger fonts and album art is blurred to make it easier to read. This allows you to tap the waveform, which is more extensive than the conventional seek bar.

They also use soft fonts and warm colors to make the users feel at ease. Additionally, they have eliminated the standard of putting the search icon at the top. It is positioned in the menu bar at the bottom of the application - making the most effective use of space.

Higher Gesture Controls

SoundCloud Application has substituted skip and back buttons with horizontal swipes and added the ability to use gestures to provide the best user experience.

These features let SoundCloud dominate the minds of users worldwide. But these features can't operate independently. Diverse libraries, programming languages, and frameworks drive their operation. So, let's discover the SoundCloud app's tech stack prior to examining the cost of app development.

Tips to Create Your Successful Music Streaming App

Offline Mode Accessibility

There's nothing to worry about regarding the availability of the internet for music streaming applications. However, many users have difficulty listening to their preferred tracks when boarding an airplane or traveling in a region where the signal is inadequate.

If you have an offline access option, your app's usability will increase impressively. Users will stay longer within your app and eventually deliver more benefits than you anticipated from the initial investment in SoundCloud, such as the development of audio apps.

Better Artists-focused Options

One of the most significant issues with the SoundCloud app is when musicians leave the stage. Therefore, if you think of this issue as a fresh source of possibilities, you should improve features and functions in the app that inspire artists to keep coming back and staying.

Lyrics Availability

Last but not least, introducing the ability to obtain the lyrics of every audio track playing in your app could also increase its success rate.

To support SoundCloud as an app development platform, Reactjs is used for front-end UI development, and Bootstrap is selected for the front-end framework. Laravel 5.2 is preferred for Back-end development, and MySQL is used for managing databases.

In the same way, JP Loft Server handles all the hosting requirements. Stripe handles payment processing, SMTP offers real-time email services, and Nginx Server streams audio files.

Other technologies and frameworks, APIs, and frameworks needed to create an app similar to SoundCloud comprise REDIS Server and Queue Concept, Google API, BitBucket, GreenDao, JPlayer, Firebase Cloud Messaging, Facebook API, and AFNetworking.

Although understanding the technology stack for mobile apps and features will provide you with the fundamental details about the development process, there's more. When deciding how to create SoundCloud applications, development companies confront many problems.

To help you become more acquainted with the fundamental technical aspects and assist you in putting forward the right demands for your entertainment app development firm, We'll look into the most common problems that Music streaming apps develop they'll face.

What Are The Benefits Of Developing An App Like Soundcloud?

Boost Online Visibility

Music creators must have an online presence to reach larger audiences and succeed. They need to learn how to build a branded, music-related application and utilize tools to make themselves visible and easily discovered on the web.

Premium Charge

Today, many famous musicians and record companies charge higher prices for streaming online content. So, when you develop your own OTT streaming platform, you can raise or decrease subscription fees to compensate for the revenue loss, which can lead to higher earnings.

Deliver Originality At Its Best

Streaming services have begun investing in original content, thanks to the top music streaming services such as Spotify and YouTube. The music-independent artists of the future can freely design, create, and distribute content without having to think.

Activate Live Streaming

Live streaming can be used primarily by musicians when creating Music streaming websites and establishing an intimate relationship with their fans to provide an authentic rendition of the Music they play.

Also Read: How to Build a Music App: Features, Revenue & Business Model 2024

How Much Investment Is Required To Create An Application For Music Streaming App Such As Soundcloud

Figuring out the exact cost of developing a Music streaming app is impossible depending on different factors, including complexity, developers' experience, features, frameworks and other stacks of technology chosen, compatibility, and many more.

The best method to find a clear and precise SoundCloud-like music app price breakdown is to call the best Music streaming app developers to get an estimate of the cost.

If you're looking for an application specific to a particular platform that includes basic functions and features, it will cost between $10,000 and $30,000. If you are looking for iOS App development, the price may differ.

If you're looking for a cross-platform app that runs seamlessly across all platforms and devices, the development time will be upwards of $60k to $80k.While this is about the amount you'll need to spend to create an app, we'll examine how much you can make.

Challenges Faced During Music Streaming App Development


The most challenging issue Android app developers may face when developing an application similar to SoundCloud will be licensing.

Because the application has to be liable for paying royalties to music creators and other rights holders of every song streamed, licensing is mandatory. It is a matter that falls under two names:The copyright to the song's lyrics is the property of the song author or the agency publishing it.


Offering a personalized experience for users via suggestions of songs similar to theirs is a different challenge, which is part of the development process.

If your team of developers isn't based on top technology stacks, like those we mentioned earlier in this article, providing highly individual and precise advice could be challenging.

Speed and Convenience

SoundCloud Application has taken over a lot of the functionality that requires clicking with gesture-based controls. This is a new challenge that mobile app developers have to overcome when creating applications for multiple platforms and OS versions.

Social Media Integration

Because SoundCloud is a music-related social media app, i.e., an integration of social media and music streaming platforms, maintaining its reputation is a problem for developers.

This is because each type of mobile application has its own set of functionalities, features, technology stack, and ideologies. Thus, deciding on the best elements and ensuring they are in harmony with the two sides of the application can be extremely difficult for every iOS or Android app development company.

After we've examined the issues encountered during the creation of a music application such as SoundCloud, we can now examine the advantages of such an application.

music streming app development

Ending Note

The best music streaming app, such as SoundCloud, requires extensive market research, extensive documentation, a clear plan, and a well-trained group of programmers. The selection of technology stacks and other resources plays an important role in determining the development cost of an app for streaming music like SoundCloud.

With our staff of mobile app developers, you'll have a feature-rich app that utilizes the most recent technology. Contact our team to discuss your application requirement for audio streaming and request a no-cost quote to find out the price of development for a music streaming app for your app.