The Cost of iOS App Development. What to Expect from a Development Company

The Cost of iOS App Development. What to Expect from a Development Company

It's no surprise that startups prefer the iOS platform to their first app development venture, given that iOS users tend to spend more on apps and make more in-app purchases than their Android counterparts. Understanding the cost of iOS app development is important. It is often the first question clients ask when they come to us with an app idea. The cost of creating an iOS app is dependent on many factors. No formula can be used to calculate the cost. Included in this are:

  • App complexity
  • The size of the development team
  • The geographical location of the development teams
  • Functionalities required

To determine the cost of iOS app development services, it is common to multiply the number of hours needed to develop each feature by the hourly rate for the development team. What is the cost of an iOS app? We'll examine each factor in more detail to arrive at a more accurate estimate.

Collecting Values from iOS App Market

How much does it cost to develop an iOS app? The average cost of developing an iOS app ranges between $30,000 and $40,000. The cost of iOS app development project is dependent on a number of factors, including the type of application, the number, and features of the app, as well as the number and types of devices. Type of iOS app is the most important factor in determining the cost.

Native Apps

Apps that are designed specifically for a device or operating system. These apps are more expensive than other types because they take more time to create.

Hybrid apps

Apps that are compatible with multiple operating systems and devices. These apps are usually less expensive than native ones because they can be developed using existing code and frameworks.

Web Apps

Apps that run on a web browser are called browser apps. These apps are usually the least expensive to create because they don't need to be designed specifically for a device or an operating system.

How to Develop an iOS App? A Quick Guide

It takes several steps to build an iOS app. You will need a solid understanding of iOS app development Tools and programming languages. Here is a general iOS App Development Guide to build an iOS app:

Define App Idea

You need to know what you are going to build before you begin. This includes the features you will include, your target audience, and monetization strategies.

Select a Development Approach

Native and Cross-Platform are the two main ways to build an iOS app. Native app development is done using iOS-specific tools and programming languages like Swift. You can write your code once and then deploy it across multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android.

Designing the User Interface

Create an interface that is user-friendly and adheres to the principles of iOS design. Use tools such as Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD for your app's layout.

Create the App

Use Swift, Objective-C, or another iOS-specific programming language to write your code. Xcode is the official iOS app developer tool. Use it to test and debug code.

Test out the App

Test your app thoroughly before releasing it to make sure that there are no bugs or malfunctions. Test your app using tools such as Xcode Simulator and TestFlight.

Submit App Store

Submit your app to the App Store once it has been tested and is ready to go. Create an App Store listing for your app, set pricing and distribution options, and upload your app to the App Store.

Update and Maintain the App

You need to update your app regularly after it is published on the App Store to fix bugs and add any new features that are needed. It takes a lot of time, energy, and resources to build an iOS app. To build a successful Swift app, it's important to understand your app idea clearly and select the appropriate development tools and approach. To ensure the best results, it's important to work with a team of developers who are skilled and experienced. Hire experienced developers

Factors Affecting the Cost of iOS App Development

Features, functionality, location to hire remote mobile app developers for iOS app development, complexity are some of the cost-affecting factors will ensure that your app can meet the needs of your customers as well as your business. Your iOS app should have more features that are business-oriented, such as payment gateways and navigation.

App Design Complexity Level

Cost of iOS app development can be affected by the design, which includes the user interface (UI) and the user experience (UX). The cost of iOS app development will be higher if the design is complex with custom graphics, animations, and transitions. Let's explore the key factors that influence the complexity of an application:

  • User Interface

Simple apps with a simple UI might only need a few screens with visual elements such as text fields and buttons. A complex app that includes advanced animations, custom graphics, and complex flows for users will need a more complex and intricate UI. It's a necessity to optimize UI designs for a variety of screen sizes and orientations. This increases the cost of iOS app development.

  • User experience (UX).

The user experience is the sum of all the aspects of a user's interaction with an application. This includes its functionality, performance, responsiveness, and ease of use. The cost of developing an iOS app is increased by the time and resources required to create a great UX.

  • Brand Identity

App design should reflect your brand's identity. It is important to understand your brand, its values, and how they relate to the app. This will ultimately increase the cost of iOS app development.

Cost Based on Size

As your iOS app grows, the number of features and screens will increase, which in turn increases the cost of iOS app development and time. You can use different processes and methods to decide the features and functionality you want. So, you should start by validating your app idea and following mobile application security tips before you begin the app development process. Conduct thorough research of the market, including competitor analysis, and focus on specific areas such as devices that users use, features that they value, and elements that inhibit a great user experience.  Check out the cost breakdown of iOS app development based on app size.

  • Small app development: $8,000-25,000
  • Medium app development: $25,000-50,000
  • Complex app development: $50,000+

Development Team size

The size of the development team can be affected by factors such as scope, budget, timeliness, and complexity. The rule is that the bigger the team, the more expensive it will be to build an iOS app. A small team of developers would typically consist of 2 to 3 developers. However, larger teams could include 5 to 10 developers. Other key roles may be included in the team, such as a UX/UI Designer, Quality Assurance Tester, Technical Writer, or Project Manager. The overall cost of iOS app development can be significantly increased.

iOS App Development

The design and animation of an app is another important factor to consider when determining the "cost" of developing an iOS application. Here are the top three iOS app design processes you should be familiar with. #Wireframing Wireframing creates a map of the user experience and its features. Photoshop, Balsamiq, and MARVEL are used to accomplish this task. #UI design Apps for iOS are designed with flat design to provide clarity and depth. Material design is preferred in Android to showcase creativity and bold simplicity. #Animation Animation is a crucial but additional feature in some apps, such as social media, gaming, restaurants, and restaurants. #Development team Location The hourly rate charged by iOS app development companies in different regions can make it more affordable to develop iOS apps in certain areas. Here are the hourly rates of developers in different regions:

  • North America: $100 to $250
  • Latin America: $25 to $80
  • India: $20 - $100
  • Australia: $80 - $200
  • Western Europe: $80 to $200
  • Eastern Europe: $30 to $100

iOS App Development Team size

The cost of iOS app development is largely determined by who you hire to develop your app. Check out this list of iOS app development costs based on the size of your talent:

  • iOS App Development: $20 to $100
  • UI/UX Designer: $15- $50
  • Scrum Master: $50-$150
  • Project manager: $12 to $40
  • QA Engineer: $30-$70

Business analyst: $60 to $150 Partner with JPLoft

Hidden App Development Cost Associated with iOS Applications

There are some costs associated with the development of iOS apps that are obvious, but there are also hidden costs. Here's a quick look at the costs:

App Store Charges

Apple charges $99 a year to publish an application on the App Store. This fee is charged whether or not the app generates any revenue.

Quality Assurance & Accessibility Testing

Your app must be thoroughly tested after it is created to ensure it provides a great user experience for everyone, including those with disabilities. Some of mobile app development company charge extra for accessibility and quality assurance services.

Maintenance Schedule

It's vital to maintain and update your app to keep it compatible with the latest iOS devices and updates. These costs typically represent around 20% of the total app development cost per year.

Growth Marketing

Even the best iOS apps won't succeed if no one knows about them. You must use growth marketing strategies to promote your app and acquire users. These include social media advertising and search engine optimization.

Follow These Steps to Reduce of iOS App Development Cost

There are several ways to manage and reduce the cost of iOS app development for startups while still ensuring that it is high-quality. Here's a look at some of the ways to effectively manage and cut iOS app development costs for startups while ensuring a high-quality app.

Create a Minimum Viable Product

You can save up to 50% on your overall cost of iOS app development by building an MVP. The MVP has the minimum essential features. By prioritizing the most important features and ignoring unnecessary development, you will be able to significantly reduce your costs when compared with building an application from scratch. You can also release a working version of your application faster by using this approach.

Select a Cost-Effective Approach to Development

Cross-platform development is the best option if you intend to target multiple platforms. Native app development offers superior performance, tailored experiences for users, and enhanced security. However, it requires a separate codebase per platform. It increases the development time and costs. A cross-platform approach allows you to create code only once and then deploy it across multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android. The development time and costs are reduced significantly.

Use open-source libraries and frameworks.

Open-source frameworks and libraries are available to the app development community. These libraries are available for free, saving you money. Open-source frameworks and libraries can also help you to create mobile apps that are more user-friendly and engaging. Flutter and React native frameworks, for example, can be used to create native mobile apps on both iOS and Android.

Test Early and Thoroughly

Early and thorough testing can reduce the cost of iOS app development and improve the final product. Implementing a robust QA strategy and testing early in the development process allows you to detect and fix any bugs before they turn into major problems. We can also accelerate the time-to-market for your app with this approach, giving you an advantage. Automated testing tools allow you to automate repetitive tasks, reducing manual effort and allowing you to concentrate on other important tasks.

Outsource App Development

Outsourcing is a great way to reduce costs. According to Deloitte's research, 63% of companies view outsourcing as a cost-cutting strategy. This is because the hourly rate of app developers varies significantly by region. In North America, for example, developers earn between $100 and $250 per hour. Developers with the same level of proficiency earn $20-$100 an hour.

Partner up with an App Development Expert

App development can be expensive, especially for startup companies that lack the internal capability to create an app. A reliable app development company can help you reduce development costs and ensure the quality of the final product and that it meets your audience's needs. Working with an experienced development team will reduce the cost of iOS app development and save time. They can use agile methodologies such as Scrum to increase flexibility by eliminating the challenges in mobile app development, improve feedback loops, and identify issues early. Hire Skilled Mobile App Developers

The Key Takeaway

iOS is the most popular mobile OS in the world. Businesses and startups can increase their customer base by investing in iOS application development. The cost of iOS app development is only determined after discussing project requirements and scope. JPLoft's iOS app developers can provide you with an accurate estimate through discovery workshops. We deliver scalable, secure iOS app solutions to drive sustainable incremental growth in your business.


What factors influence the cost of iOS app development?

The cost of iOS app development can vary significantly based on several factors. The primary factors that influence the cost of iOS app development include the complexity of the app, the features and functionalities you want to incorporate, the design complexity, and the hourly rates of the development company. To get an accurate estimate for the Cost of iOS App Development, it's essential to provide a detailed project scope to the development company.

What is the average cost of iOS app development?

The average cost of iOS app development can range from a few thousand dollars to several hundred thousand dollars. It depends on the project's complexity and the specific requirements of your app. Simple apps with basic features tend to be more affordable, while complex apps with advanced functionalities will have a higher cost of iOS app development. It's crucial to consult with a development company to get a customized quote based on your project's unique needs.

How can I reduce the cost of iOS app development without compromising quality?

To reduce the Cost of iOS App Development without compromising quality, consider the following strategies:

  • Focus on essential features that are crucial for your app's core functionality and user experience. You can always add more features in future updates.
  • Hire an experienced development company that can efficiently handle your project, reducing development time and cost.
  • Incorporate pre-built components and libraries to save development time and costs.
  • Streamline the app's design to make it visually appealing without excessive complexity.
  • Developing for multiple platforms simultaneously can be cost-effective, especially if your app has a similar functionality on both iOS and Android.

Are there ongoing costs associated with iOS app development?

Yes, there are ongoing costs associated with iOS app development. These costs include maintenance, updates, and hosting fees. After the initial development, it's essential to budget for ongoing support and improvements to ensure your app remains compatible with new iOS versions and continues to meet user expectations. The ongoing Cost of iOS App Development can vary depending on the frequency of updates and the complexity of the app.

How can I choose the right development company for my iOS app project?

To select the right development company for your iOS app project while managing the cost of iOS app development, consider the following factors:

  • Review the company's portfolio to see if they have experience in developing similar apps.
  • Ask for client references and reach out to them to gauge their satisfaction with the company's work.
  • Ensure the company provides a clear breakdown of the Cost of iOS App Development, including hourly rates and any additional expenses.
  • Choose a company that maintains open and effective communication throughout the development process.
  • Inquire about their project management approach to ensure deadlines are met and costs are controlled.