Develop an App Like Urban Clap: Models, Features and Cost in 2024

Develop an App Like Urban Clap: Models, Features and Cost in 2024

The journey of developing an app like Urban Clap involves navigating through various models, costs, and features. This is shaped by proper market research to understand user needs. Making a consumer-friendly interface with smooth search is crucial, along with adding robust features. Using modern innovations like AI for service matching can improve user satisfaction. The on-demand app Urban Clap has conquered the ecosystem of service applications by filling the voids and disseminating the best outputs amidst the highly competitive market. Delve into the article to get accustomed to how to design anApp Like Urban ClapApp Like Urban Clappp like Urban Clap. If you are looking forward to developing an app similar to Urban Clap, this piece of content will give you insights on how you can get started in minimal time. 

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What’s the Secret to Urban Clap’s Success? 

It takes immense hard work and more than usual effort to make a successful venture. Urban Clap strived to achieve fame and penetrate the cutthroat competition. Presently, it is leading in India and UAE as the largest home services provider, using which users can avail of many routine services at a single place, ranging from salon to car wash and home cleaning needs. 

Urban Clap was founded in 2014 and has over 1 crore downloads today. Your on-demand application can stand out and mark itself by employing appropriate techniques and picking a suitable mobile app development company or recruiting expert developers. The credit for the business’s success goes to its analytical strategy, job-giving opportunities, and significantly smooth operation of the app that made the user-company relationship stronger. An additional factor that is responsible for its continual success is Advertising. The study models and different marketing methodologies applied by the company were: 

  • Urban Clap showed its ads over the internet whenever a user marked the search using a keyword. Google Ads effectively guides each user to their current needs.

  • The company targeted its client base using organic posting and paid promotion on social media networks such as Instagram and Facebook. 

  • Urban Clap prepared the best videos related to home services and invested funds in YouTube promotion. They post relatable video content that everyone can relate to. 

  • A new method of contacting reputed brands for endorsement was employed. It worked greatly for Urban Clap, and they could observe positive results.         

Benefits To Develop an App like Urban Clap

App Development Like urban clap gives a plethora of advantages, both to businesses and users. Take a look at the key benefits:  

For companies: 

  • The market for on-demand apps is evolving quickly. Software like Urban Clap tailors a range of services, including beauty, repairs, cleaning, and more. Every service is highly demanded in daily life. 

  • The platform is capable of rapidly scaling across different locations, enabling fast expansion of a business. 

  • Such apps can produce handsome revenue through service fees and subscription frameworks for ads and premium listings. 

  • The app can collect data on customer behaviour and trends, which can be used to enhance offerings and target marketing activities. 

  • By offering trustworthy, top-notch services, an app like Urban Clap can create a powerful image in the market, leading to user retention and referrals. 

  • Stepping-in early into the market is a medium to provide a competitive edge and establish the app as a platform of choice for a wide variety of services.  

For customers: 

  • Users can book services with just a few taps, which saves effort and time compared to conventional methods of searching for service providers. 

  • App Development Like Urban Clap is an all-purpose solution for various requirements, ranging from household cleaning to beauty treatments, serving as a versatile resource for customers. 

  • The app verifies the providers, offering a worry-free experience regarding the quality of the services provided. 

  • Users can view the pricing that reduces the chances of hidden costs and makes sure they receive services at a fair value. 

  • Ratings and feedback from old customers help in making thoughtful decisions and assuring they only choose skilled providers. 

  • Adequate customer support improved user experience by promptly and efficiently resolving queries. 

For service providers: 

  • The app is a platform for providers to target a wider audience and increase the brand’s visibility. 

  • Providers can have a more stable workload and income when they receive a steady stream of service requests. 

  • Providers can handle appointments and customer engagement via an app like Urban Clap and track payments, which further assists in streamlining operations. 

  • Providers' reputations are positively impacted when they are associated with an on-demand app, as they have a chance to increase their credibility. 

  • Service providers can observe the analytics about performance that inspires them to 

  • improve their service delivery. 

Business Model of Urban Clap 

Urban Clap runs on a straightforward business model. This model establishes a link between the firm and the users through relevant home services. The organisation helps to hire educators, plumbers, beauticians, photographers, etc. The company occasionally performs background verification of the service providers. The company is growing and successfully gaining customer trust. 

Commissions .

Urban Clap generates a large portion of revenue through a subscription fee. They leverage a commission model, where a percentage of the total cost is charged to the owner. This concept guarantees dependable service for the client base. Urban Clap sets individual commissions for each vendor or service provider depending on the tasks they perform. Therefore, the rewards they receive for offering home services increase as they perform more services.

Lead Generation 

Urban Clap earns significant revenue via commission fees, lead generation being the secondary source of income. In the procedure of generating leads, users state their needs clearly, and the platform recommends service providers. Customers are allowed to contact the experts directly. This builds a connectivity bridge between users and the service providers. As a consequence, professionals and service providers are charged by Urban Clap for the chance to generate leads.

Reverse Auction 

Service providers can invest a certain price in skill promotion through the company’s official platform. In response to this investment, the firm guides the providers to enhance their conversion rates and produce leads. 


Additionally, another highlighted avenue for getting monetized is via ads. Various organisations running on a big scale operate the ads through the platform they own. Thus, Urban Clap receives a fixed fee for this. Urban Clap has safeguarded a funding amount of $470 million by conducting 12 rounds worth $2.18 billion. As per FY23, Urban Clap witnessed an annual increase of 45% in revenue operation that reached the mark of INR 637 crore. 

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Popular apps like Urban Clap

The economy of an on-demand app like Urban Clap has taken over the old business models at a quicker pace than expected. Because of the convenience these apps offer, they have become well-known with time, as users value time above anything. Read out about some of Urban Clap's top competitors today. 

1. Housejoy 


Housejoy managed to raise funds of $4 million via Matrix partners. As the Indian people favoured the company, it successfully made 4000 orders regularly that contributed to its growth week by week. To date, Urban Clap has earned good funds from famous investors such as Matrix Partners, Vertex Ventures, and Amazon. The on-demand app development company is not just remarkable in delivering services to users but also provides other perks, such as free insurance. You can recruit them for services like carpentry, plumbing, painting, and fixing electrical gadgets. 

2. Zimmber 


This is another famous Handyman app development company that competes with Urban Clap. It is an accurate platform for searching for electrical repairs or household cleaning. It extends its services to regions including Bangalore, NCR, Pune, etc. Apart from basic services, it offers training to fill the void in any service.

3. Mr Right 

Mr Right 

Mr Right started with an idea to solve the regular issue of finding a local expert for repairs and to introduce a change in the lives of several people who are sitting unemployed at home. This mobile app development  aims to transform imagination into reality by assigning you skilled experts in your nearby region at minimal prices via mobile app, making your way of living smarter. 

4. Timesaverz 

Mr Right 

Timesaverz is an on-demand services company offering different kinds of services to its users. If you are seeking offerings like repairs, car washing, pest control, painting, and more in your local area, this app is another reliable platform. It is called out for its commendable experts and money-back guarantee. By employing a consumer-friendly interface and seamless delivery of services, Timesaverz eases the process of searching for and booking certified artisans. 

Essential Features of App Development Like Urban Clap

Urban Clap is a well-known platform for booking home services and beauty services. Its reputation is based on its diverse range of services, accredited experts, and simple booking system. Take a look at these distinctive features: 


  • Individuals seek convenience and expect applications to offer easy access for logging in. A convenient single-step login assists customers in logging in without any wait.

  • Enabling login from social media saves time at the time of login, and users need not register via credentials. 

  • As customers are expected to fill in information like address and contact number, safety is a key feature that is a must in any app like Urban Clap. 

  • Ensure that your app can receive payments from various platforms instead of being restricted to only one or two methods. 

  • The chat option allows users to contact the concerned providers and receive assistance with queries related to payments or services. 

  • Allow the app to request feedback and reviews post every service they get to enhance and make them feel valued by counting their opinions. 

  • Receiving a push notification post-booking will serve as a confirmation for customers, providing them with a summary of their online service booking. The booking details, including the date, time, location, and cost, will be displayed in the push notification. 

Service Providers: 

  • Service providers can save time with time-saving logins, where they don't face problems while registering with the app. 

  • The providers should be permitted to set an hourly fee per service. They must also have the capability to provide a precise cost for the services outlined. 

  • Service providers should be able to select the times they are available for work. Your app should seek permission from the providers before sharing the details with users, as they may not always be accessible. 

  • In-app calling initiates a call within the app itself. If a user wishes to interact with the app, this is a great and easy option. 

  • Service providers need to be able to control their earnings with trustworthy payment management tools. It will also aid them in handling time, fees, and services.  

  • Service providers need solid GPS navigation to know the exact location where they need to go to provide their services and prevent any delays.  

  • After accepting the booking, providers should receive push notifications related to the booking, such as the venue, time, and date. 


  • A committed admin control panel should monitor all application information. Having a distinct area allows the management of both customer and service provider information. 

  • A CMS allows effortless handling of content through an app like Urban Clap. Integrating CMS helps the admin in unique ways. Whether it is user data management or executing an advertising framework, a CRM is the best buddy of the admin. 

  • Admins find RMS essential for managing, creating, and maintaining all necessary application data. 

  • A smart view saves time and assists in creating plans for the app. Deeply analysing every task can help resolve old and future issues. 

  • An admin is responsible for managing profiles. Admins must be able to ban or suspend any account engaging in fraudulent behaviour.

  • The backup feature can be a saviour for admins, as they can retrieve what they lost or removed by mistake or because of the machine's fault.  

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Stepwise Process to Build App Like Urban Clap 

Developing a service market app like Urban Clap, which links users to professionals, requires a series of critical stages. Below is a comprehensive guide: 

Market Research 

Before getting hands-on with this, it is mandatory to analyse who the target audience will be—service providers, users, or both. Extensively study the comprehensive apps to recognize the positives, negatives, and gaps in the market. Also, determine the primary functionalities like service listings, reviews, payment gateways, user profiles, and booking systems. 

Come Up With a Detailed Plan 

Select the necessary MVP traits to release swiftly and receive reviews and ratings. Rely on reputed technologies, such as backend, frontend, hosting, or database. It is crucial to remember to fix realistic deadlines or time limits and allocate resources for every stage in the development process. 

Design User Interface 

Generate wireframes to illustrate the layout of the app like Urban Clap. Make use of programs like Adobe XD, Sketch, or Figma. Provide a simple and intuitive process for users to follow from account creation to service booking. Create captivating and consumer-friendly interfaces guaranteeing high responsiveness on multiple devices. 

Frontend and Backend Development 

Structure the database in such a way that it becomes capable of managing user information, bookings, payments, and other related aspects. Hire mobile app developers to create RESTful APIs to manage requests from the front end to the back end. Employ strong security norms to shield user data, including authorization, authentication, and encryption techniques. Make sure the app functions flawlessly across a range of screens and devices. Link the frontend and backend via API. Moreover, Embed real-time information and notifications regarding reservations and service status. 


Test each component individually and the features of the final software. Make sure that all modules work collaboratively and smoothly. Test with real users to gather feedback and make required modifications. Examine how well the app performs under various stress and load scenarios. 

Release and Post-Release tasks 

First, adhere to all the guidelines to prepare the app for submission to the App Store or Google Play Store. Yet it is the last but an important step in mobile app development solutions. Then, create a marketing plan that comprises partnerships, social media, and SEO to reach your intended audience. Get user input, monitor the app's usability, and release updates frequently to address bugs and add new features.  

How Much Does it Cost to Create an App Like Urban Clap? 

A Handyman app development solution needs to take into consideration numerous stages, spanning from the early stages of planning and design all the way through to development, testing, and deployment. The overall cost to develop such a handyman app is driven by numerous aspects, such as the complexity of the application, location of the software development team, tech stack employed, and extra features. 

The total price of app Development like Urban Clap is influenced by factors like desired features, target platform, and team size. In general, anticipate spending tens of thousands of dollars on development, with costs potentially reaching up to fifty thousand dollars. But you must be thinking about why such vast variations lie in the pricing part. Well, the most straightforward logic behind this is that complicated apps are time-consuming to create where extra feature integration is requested. Therefore, you should hire mobile app developers with expertise in coding and trendy technologies. This will pave the hourly rate determined by the experience and quality of work. Look at the breakdown of cost estimations stated below: 

  • A comprehensive research is demanded before diving into actual developmental phases. Target clientele and competitor analysis assist in designing a refined and well-functional product. The audience research can be carried out through interviews, surveys, and focus groups to gain insights into user wants. The competitive analysis is performed to analyse apps of similar type and their pros, cons, and marketplace. Be mindful of the revenue model, whether it is subscription commission-oriented or a blend of both. The estimated cost range for this phase is $5000-$15000, varying as per the scope and depth of the research.  

  • The design stage emphasises developing a user-friendly and visually appealing interface that ensures a smooth user experience. The creation of a basic layout for the screens should be taken care of as a part of the wireframing. Developing engaging prototypes to observe the app flow is counted in prototyping. As part of the UI/UX design, generate detailed visuals that include colour schemes and typography. Making sure users can quickly access the app is crucial. The cost of hiring dedicated developers might be from $10,000 to $30,000. The cost can be modified based on design complexity and the skills of the developers.

  • Creating the core functionalities is the most essential part of app creation. Ensure a safe user verification and management of the profile. A catalogue of services is required with detailed information where advanced search can be performed to find relevant services. Secure payment gateways to support multiple payment options are done to ensure flexibility in paying from the user end. The price of this stage can range anywhere between $50,000 to $150,000, and are driven by complexity and tech stack. In addition, the cost will reach between $20,000 and $50,000 if advanced features are included.  

  • Making sure the app runs smoothly after Handyman app development and rigorous testing. The four kinds of testing applied to the app include usability, security, performance, and functional testing. This phase typically accounts for nearly 20% of the overall development price. 

  • After completion of testing, the software should be deployed to app stores officially. This stage can be divided into three activities, i.e., submission to the app store, marketing, and maintenance. It must be guaranteed that the app meets all protocols before getting submitted. An initial step of promoting the app is fundamental to captivate the audience. Also, regular upgrades and bug fixes should be made to ensure friction-free operation of the app. The deployment cost and the maintenance duration range between $10,000 to $20,000. This involves server costs, updates, and expenses of promotion.   

App Like Urban Clap

Challenges During App Development Like Urban Clap 

Creating an app like Urban Clap, which links customers with different service providers, presents complex obstacles. 

  • A primary hardship in developing a powerful matching algorithm that matches users with the best service providers according to their interests, availability, location, and kind of service is the sophisticated matching algorithm. This algorithm should rely on variables and adjust according to user reviews and dynamic situations, ensuring excellent precision and client contentment. 

  • Urban Clap is accessible in many cities and supports a large volume of concurrent customers. It ensures that the app can scale to regulate peak load without compromising performance. It also involves selecting the accurate technology stack, optimising server operation, and implementing caching and load-balancing techniques. 

  • It is vital to find specific service providers that are dependable and of high quality. This includes creating a vetting process that includes skill authentication, background checks, and reviewing current performance. Putting a strong review and rating system in place within the app is crucial for upholding service quality and establishing credibility with consumers.

  • Designing an intuitive interface is required to retain existing users. The app should provide a smooth experience, from making a booking to the ultimate stage of leaving feedback. Special focus should be maintained on simplifying the process by minimising the number of steps invested in task completion and ensuring the app can be accessed on different environments and operating systems. 

  • Ensuring secure transactions and safeguarding user data are top priorities. To safeguard user information and establish credibility on the platform, robust encryption methodologies, reliable authentication processes, and adherence to data protection laws like GDPR are essential. 

  • Running in various areas necessitates an app like Urban Clap to be compatible with multiple languages and local payment options. Moreover, services must be customised to fulfil cultural desires and regional requirements. This fosters an adaptable architecture that ensures a simple localisation without efforts of redevelopment.       

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Concluding Thoughts 

To sum up, starting the process of creating an app like Urban Clap in 2024 involves exploring a field full of possibilities but also rife with difficulties. By assessing different models of business, keeping a check on the key features, and planning costs, prospective coders can mark their journey towards developing a successful app that revolutionises the sector. Opting for a business model sets the base for revenue generation from the app. Whether it is shaking hands with the subscription or a commission-based model, careful analysis of market dynamics in the competitive environment holds a unique place. Furthermore, investigating extra sources of revenue like partnerships, advertising, and premium services can boost the app’s ability to make money.  

Every aspect must be carefully crafted not only to meet but also to surpass user expectations, from robust matching algorithms and easy booking interfaces to thorough verification methods and safe payment gateways. Looking at evolving innovations such as blockchain, IoT, and AI can distinguish the app and promote innovation within the service sector. Creating an application like Urban Clap cannot be imagined without obstacles. From designing a scalable framework and executing substantial quality control to ensuring data safety and adherence to regulations, coders must navigate all types of complexities to deliver an authentic platform. Additionally, meeting localisation demands and customising for various markets adds another level of difficulty to the development procedure. Success app building is a combined approach of technical skills, strategic planning, constant commitment, and user-oriented design. By leveraging innovation and focusing on ensuring user happiness, developers can design a disruptive application that transforms the service industry and enhances the lives of countless users globally.