App Development Cost in Australia – The Complete Guide 2024

App Development Cost in Australia – The Complete Guide 2024

As with any project, designing your own app may present you with unexpected obstacles and errors along the way - but taking that leap of faith offers many rewards!

Australians now own over 21.6 million smartphones, making mobile apps essential to daily life. Companies increasingly recognize the significance of having an online presence and have increased demand for mobile app development services Australia, but costs vary substantially across regions like Australia.

Smartphones have quickly become part of our everyday lives and app development is an opportunity worth seizing. You have come to the right place if app development services are essential to your company's journey.

In this article, we'll outline the primary factors affecting the cost of developing mobile applications in Australia and provide essential knowledge that will allow you to understand its financial implications.

What is Application Development?

The term could refer to developing an application (for iOS or Android devices), a web-based application, and wearable tech apps such as the ones found on smartwatches. Also, developing apps is the method by which standalone software is created with the help of another program to develop applications for mobile devices, including tablets and phones.

The development of applications can be completed with different tools and programming languages based on the app's platform. For instance, iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads are usually created using Objective-C or Swift and Swift, whereas Android devices are made with Java.

Developing an app typically involves a team of developers working in tandem to create it from beginning to end. After an app has been developed, it must be presented to a store (such as Google Play or the App Store) for approval before it is made accessible to the general public. Some popular apps are Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook.

How To Determine The App Development Cost In Australia?

In the context of development of applications, the expenses vary widely based on different aspects.

In Australia, the cost of developing an app is approximately $5,000, whereas more complicated applications can cost as much as $100,000.

The cost of creating an application in Australia depends on the kind of app and features, the platforms supported, the level of polish, and the geographical location of the team. On average, it's been reported to range from $50,000 to $250,000 by 2022.

Developing a proof-of-concept app is a costly endeavor, ranging between $15,000 and $50,000. Smaller apps typically cost between $50,000 and $75,000, whereas a medium-sized app could cost between $75,000 and $125,000. More feature-rich and more extensive apps will be priced at least $150,000.

The kind of app that you'd like to create will have the most effect on the cost. For instance, a simple utility or game is less costly to develop than a more complex eCommerce or social networking application.

Here is the information for the cost of App Development by Region

According to's statistics, the median annual salary of app developers working on mobile apps within the US has increased to $105,000 by 2021 and $120,000 in 2022. This indicates a continuing demand for talented developers in the US.

Australia and Germany have the second and third-highest average annual pay for app developers working on mobile devices, respectively. The average salary in Australia is $94,000, while that in Germany is $65,000.

Factors Affecting Mobile App Development Cost

Find out about the major aspects that impact the price for developing mobile applications in Australia. From the complexity of your app to team expertise and regulatory conformity, you need to know the impact these factors have on your budget.

Platform (Android, iOS or Cross-Platform)

The selection of the mobile application development platform (whether it's Android, iOS, or cross-platform) can impact costs in general. Developing various native applications for Android and iOS takes longer than normal time and requires resources.

This is in contrast to cross-platform development, which uses Flutter and React Native. Native apps provide superior UX (User Experience) and performance. Cross-platform apps are affordable if you want to target all platforms simultaneously.

Functionality and Features

The number and complexity of functions and features built into the application significantly impact the development cost. The most common requirements for apps include push notifications and payment gateways.

In-app messaging. Integration of advanced features may take more time to develop. Therefore, it could increase the total development cost by providing advanced features like offline capabilities and augmented reality. In addition, machine learning algorithms and geolocation are added.

Complexity and Category of App

The complexity and type of mobile applications play the biggest role. They decide the costs of app development. Calculators or other informational apps are simple applications with basic capabilities. The development costs are not as high as those of more complex applications.

Advanced apps include features such as E-Commerce, social networking, and real-time communication. The development cost is also dependent on integration with third-party services, the UI (User Interface) design, and the complexity of the application architecture.

Design of The Mobile App

The development cost also depends on the level of complexity of the design. This includes graphics, animation, and custom-designed visual effects. It incorporates design elements that are part of UX/UI (User Interface/User Experience).

Applications with complex features and designs may require duplicate designs and development efforts. The result is a more expensive cost. The investment in a high-end design is crucial. It's for creating applications that are visually appealing and easy to use. Remarkably, they must be able to meet the target audience's or users' needs.

Third-Party Services Integration

A majority of mobile applications use this. Also, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are used for functions such as integrating social media platforms and cloud storage. Payment procedures, geolocation services, and analytics are part of this set—the difficulty of integrating these services into the application's structure.

Additionally, subscription or licensing fees are associated with it, contributing to the overall development costs. In addition, it requires rigorous validation and testing for compatibility and security in third-party systems.

Stages of Mobile Application Development

Here are the steps for the  mobile apps development in Australia:


The brainstorming stage is the basis of a mobile app's success. It involves brainstorming ideas, assessing users' needs, and then creating the app's key attributes. This requires creative thinking, market research, and collaboration with all stakeholders to ensure that the app can solve an actual problem and provide the best value.

Application Development:

The development stage is where the application's functionalities are developed and integrated. This requires selecting the appropriate stack of technology in order to write clean and efficient software, applying security measures and making sure that the code is the compatibility of different technology platforms as well as devices. Developers work in close collaboration with stakeholders and designers to translate the app's concept into an actual product.

UI/UX Designing:

User Interface (UI), as well as User Interface (UI) and Experience (UX) Design, play an essential role in the development of mobile apps. This phase focuses on creating an appealing, intuitive, and user-friendly interface that improves the user experience. Designers look at navigation, typography, colors, and usability to develop seamless and enjoyable interaction.

Quality Testing:

Quality testing is an essential stage in the development of mobile apps. It requires rigorous testing of the app's performance, functionality, usability, compatibility, and performance with different operating platforms and networks. This process helps find and eliminate any glitches, bugs, or issues before the app's launch, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Mobile App Launch:

After successful testing and finalizing the application, it is ready for release. This is the process of submitting the app to respective app stores (e.g., Google Play Store, Apple App Store), implementing marketing strategies, and preparing for feedback and assistance. A well-planned launch could significantly influence the app's popularity and success.

App Maintenance:

After the app's release, it is vital to maintain it to ensure its durability and success. This includes monitoring users' feedback, addressing any complaints, fixing bugs, and releasing updates that include new features or enhancements. Regular maintenance keeps the app secure, current, and up-to-date with the latest technology and users' expectations.

How Much Did it Cost to Build the Most Used Apps?

In the present digital age, mobile apps are a key factor in company growth. To understand how much it costs to develop apps, we will look at the development costs of the top companies in the world. This study will give valuable insight into the variables that impact the overall costs of developing apps and help businesses prepare and budget for this crucial investment.


Augmented Reality technology, a computer application that lets users snap photos and create 3D models of any item and display the items in a virtual setting, is revolutionizing the furniture retail industry. Apps such as IKEA Place lead the way with new revenue streams and business opportunities.

However, creating an AR application like IKEA Place requires considerable time and investment. The design phase alone may cost between $15,000 and $20,000, and app programming costs between $25,000 and $30,000. Testing the app costs about $10,000. The total cost could range from $50,000 to $60,000.


The cost of developing a dating app such as Tinder could range between $25,000 and $120,000. Many factors, including the complexity of the app, its features, the hourly rate that developers charge, and the location of the mobile application development company, can affect the price of the application.


The development costs for an app like Uber could range from $67,000 to $150,000 for a user app based on your iOS and Android platforms. It is crucial to remember that this expense only covers the user application, and the creation of an administration panel could require additional costs, beginning at $14,000.


Airbnb is a social online platform that lets local homes be advertised and rented out worldwide.

A similar app to Airbnb could cost approximately $50,000. This figure includes factors like the app's design, coding, testing, and launch. The time to launch is thought to be between 3 and 4 months; however, it could vary depending on the app's complexity, feature list, and development time.

Although less complex than Uber, The Airbnb application may require additional website development. Additionally, aspects like the design of the website development, coding, testing, and maintenance can affect the cost.


A social media app such as TikTok could cost anywhere between $35,000 and $300,000, and many factors can affect the final price. These include the developer's hourly rate and designers, the design of UI/UX time for development, and regular maintenance.

Depending on the app's level of complexity and features, it could take 3 to 9 months or more. The more complicated the app, the more resources and time it requires, increasing the total price.


A simple application could be built for between $12,000 to $70,000. Social media applications with an easy UI design cost between $12,000 and $30,000. However, the degree of difficulty in the design determines the price of creating an app for social media, such as Twitter.

Additionally, it depends on how large an app you're planning to develop. The development price ranges from $30,000 to $40,000 for a simple app with some advanced features. In contrast, for a social media app with a complex UI layout and sophisticated features, the costs could be anywhere from $40,000 to $70,000.

Why Is Australia A Booming Hub for Mobile App Development?

Australia is full of technological advances, including continuous mobile and digital app advancements. With the constant growth in smartphones and mobile apps across different industries, businesses today seek to create revolutionary apps that meet various applications and business requirements.

There's been a significant increase in the number of mobile app development companies and mobile app developers Australia. Today, developers are using new technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality wearables, blockchain IoT, blockchain, and more to develop cutting-edge mobile apps that satisfy users' ever-changing needs.

The country is getting international attention with its tech-driven mobile applications and digital services that appeal to smartphone users and allow companies to profit from market opportunities. There is a need to discuss why this nation is becoming a center in mobile app development worldwide. Here are the main reasons

Thriving Tech Ecosystem

Australia is attracting the world's attention due to its rise as an innovation hub. Popular cities such as Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane are home to numerous innovation and tech hubs and centers, which help to create a more collaborative setting for startups and tech firms.

Government Support and Policies

The Australian government offers various grants, funding programs, and tax incentives for tech companies and startups to encourage the development of mobile apps. Numerous policies encourage research, innovation, and development to provide the right conditions for businesses in the tech industry to grow.

High Smartphone Penetration

The country is home to a high level of smartphone usage. It is renowned for its technologically savvy populace, eager to use the latest mobile apps. If a country has a high need for new mobile applications, it will surely increase the demand for Australia's mobile app development industry.

Highly Skilled Workforce

Australia has world-class universities and technical institutes that produce expert graduates in engineering, computer science, and related disciplines.

It boasts a diverse team of developers and experts up-to-date on the most recent technologies and the best methods.

Strong Economy and Business Environment

Australia's robust and stable economy is a solid base for business growth and investments in technology. It is a business-friendly environment governed by a friendly infrastructure that attracts local and multinational tech companies from around the world.

Emerging Technologies and Innovation

App developers and the best custom mobile application Development Company in Australia quickly embrace and incorporate the latest technologies like AI, IoT, blockchain, and AR/VR into mobile apps. The country hosts regular hackathons, tech meetups, and conferences, all of which encourage collaboration and sharing between the dev community and tech enthusiasts.

Top Emerging Trends in Mobile App Development Australia

Trends in Mobile App Development Australia

It's time to examine the latest trends forecasting the next steps for mobile apps in the United States.

Increased Demand for Cross-Platform App Development

The need for cross-platform apps is growing in the quest for businesses to reach out to a larger public with minimal development costs and lower development costs. Australian app developers use the top cross-platform frameworks including React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin in order to build apps which run on different platforms such as Android as well as iOS.

Because this method lowers costs and reduces the speed to market, acceptance will grow more among startups and large enterprises alike. Thus, in Australia, this change, triggered by market demand, will affect market demand and users' preferences.

Implementation of AI in Mobile Apps

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming the mainstay for mobile app development. Its unique capabilities, such as personalized recommendations, predictive analytics, and sophisticated user interactions via bots, virtual assistants, and chatbots, enable industries to develop cutting-edge apps.

The most reputable company that develops mobile apps in Australia uses AI to develop smart, intuitive apps that can be tailored to the user's preferences and habits. The application of AI improves the app's functionality and allows businesses to make more informed choices. Therefore, in the coming years, the use of AI in the development of mobile apps will increase.

The integration of VR and AR across Industry Verticals

Virtual and Augmented Reality are both widely utilized technologies in the Australian industry. The ability to interact with mobile applications allows for greater commercial possibilities. Thus, the fusion of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) is revolutionizing various industries, including real estate, retail healthcare, education, and more.

The growing tech ecosystem in Australia contributes to the growth of AR/VR. This, consequently, results in the creation of apps that offer an interactive and enjoyable user experience.

More Need for Mobile App Developers in Australia

The need for smartphone app designers in Australia is increasing. The number of business as well as startups are seeking to make use of mobile technology. Businesses are searching for mobile app developers from Australia with experience in the most recent programming frameworks, languages, and tools.

This has created an environment of competition in the job market and also encouraged institutions of higher education to provide specific courses and programs of instruction in the field of mobile app development.

Growing Importance of Security in Mobile Apps

As cyber-related threats become more prevalent, the security of mobile apps cannot be understated. People are worried about the security and privacy of their personal information.

Therefore, it is imperative for companies that develop mobile apps in Australia to put security first and adhere to laws like the Australian Privacy Act and GDPR. It is imperative to ensure that secure apps are of top importance.

More Interest in Gaming and Social Media Apps

There is a huge demand for social media and gaming apps available on the market. The growing demand for entertainment and social connections has pushed the demand for more well-designed gaming and social media apps. In Australia, games are flourishing, with developers creating new and exciting games.

A recent study revealed that 83% of the Australian population is interested in playing games on mobile devices. Because of this growing popularity and demand, the Australian mobile gaming market is estimated to grow to $0.93 billion by 2024 and $1.12 billion in 2027. Similar to social media, apps have also caught the attention of users and presented huge opportunities for companies to profit from lucrative markets.

Why Choose Australia for Mobile App Development Services?

Australia offers a variety of advantages that it can have to offer, but with a particular emphasis on the excellent service offered by JPLoft an acclaimed Mobile application development firm that is based in Australia.

Thriving Tech Ecosystem

Australia has a flourishing tech sector that is driven by talent, innovation, and an entrepreneurial spirit. With bustling startups and established clusters of tech, Australia is an ideal environment for the development of technological advances and the fostering of the digital revolution.

The vibrant ecosystem offers the perfect setting for app development firms like JPLoft to flourish and grow. With a large pool of highly trained professionals with cutting-edge technology, as well as policies from the government that help it, ​Australia is a great location for businesses looking to make use of the advantages of mobile technology to their operations.

High-Quality Standards

Australia is known for its dedication to excellence and quality in every sector, and mobile app development is no different. Businesses that operate in Australia follow strict guidelines for quality and the highest standards to ensure every project is executed in a manner that is precise and attentive to even the tiniest minute detail.

Whether it's complying with industry regulations, implementing robust security measures, or maximizing your app's performance, Australian mobile app development firms are focused on high quality at every stage of the development process. At JPLoft, the pursuit of excellence is embedded in the company's culture, and a constant determination to achieve perfection propels every project forward.

Exceptional Talent Pool

One of Australia's biggest assets is its extraordinary talent pool of highly experienced designers, developers, and technologists. Focusing on research and education, Australia produces graduates equipped with the expertise and skills needed to excel in mobile application development.

Furthermore, the country's multicultural environment fosters creativity and diversity, allowing teams to bring their distinct perspectives to each project. At JPLoft, the diverse talent pool is utilized to create innovative and custom solutions that satisfy the various requirements of clients from different sectors.

Proximity to Asia-Pacific Markets

Strategically located in the Asia-Pacific area, Australia offers unparalleled access to a vast and fast-expanding market. Because of its proximity to emerging markets like Southeast Asia and China, companies located in Australia can profit from the region's enormous potential.

This strategic advantage makes Australia an ideal destination for companies looking to broaden their reach and access new markets via mobile application development. At JPLoft, our access to markets in Asia-Pacific is used to develop localized solutions that resonate with the target audience and increase engagement.

Robust Regulatory Environment

Australia has a strong regulatory environment marked by transparency, stability, and adherence to legal requirements. Companies that operate in Australia have access to clear and precise guidelines, strong intellectual property protection, and a business-friendly environment that encourages investment and innovation.

This favorable regulatory environment provides security to customers who entrust the development of mobile apps to Australian businesses such as JPLoft. By committing to ethical conduct and compliance, JPLoft ensures that every project is completed in compliance with legal requirements and industry-leading practices.

Embrace of Emerging Technologies

Australia has a proven track record of adopting new technologies and fostering technological innovation across a variety of sectors. From healthcare and fintech to logistics and retail, Australian companies are on the forefront in embracing modern technology in order to compete with competitors.

This innovation-driven culture extends to the mobile app development market, where firms such as JPLoft use emerging technologies like AI, IoT, and blockchain to develop innovative solutions. By staying on top of the latest developments and trends, JPLoft ensures clients get future-proofed solutions and remain relevant in a changing digital environment.


The costs for developing mobile apps in Australia will vary greatly depending on various factors. Knowing these aspects is essential in planning and budgeting an app's development. When you consider factors like the complexity of your app, the platform you choose, and the expertise of your development team, you can make educated choices to reduce expenses and create a successful mobile application.

If you have the right plan and development partner, you will be able to navigate the maze of app development costs for mobile devices in Australia and develop a high-quality application that will meet your business's needs.

If you're looking for Australia mobile app development agency, consider JPLoft. We are a highly-rated mobile app development business in Australia and have developed over 100 mobile applications for more than 100 clients worldwide. Begin your journey to app development with us now.