How Much Does It Cost To Develop Mobile App in Australia

How Much Does It Cost To Develop Mobile App in Australia

With more than 21.6 million smartphone owners in Australia, Mobile apps are an integral aspect of daily life. As a result, more and more companies are joining the bandwagon and launching the apps of their choice.

But fret not! If you've got a fantastic app concept and are wondering what it would cost to build a mobile-friendly app in Australia, we are here to assist you. Don't let financial uncertainties hinder your progress!

For a quick idea, the typical price to develop an application in Australia could range between $25,000 and $300,000 or more, based on many aspects (details will be provided later).

In the following blog, we'll concentrate on the urgent issue, "What is the cost of mobile app development in Australia?" We will look at the significant factors directly affecting the cost of mobile app development services in Australia and provide professional suggestions for developing a cost-effective yet premium mobile app for your business.

Mobile App Development Cost in 2024

The cost to develop an app depends on various variables. We'll examine these in depth in a few moments. I'm able to give you an estimate.

A simple business app can take 3 to 6 months and cost between $30k and $60,000. However, a complicated and feature-rich app requires more time, effort, and money. Some applications can even cost more than $2000. Mobile app development services in Australia involve multiple phases that include Business Analytics, Development of UI/UX, Project management, and programming.

Considering the development costs for mobile apps from this angle is beneficial. Business Analysis is a Crucial Part of Application Development: A thorough analysis is carried out to ensure that your idea for an app is worth the time and money it requires. An analysis of the business needs of the application creates the basis for an app that attracts clients and generates revenue for the company. Save approximately 10% of your budget for the app's development in the first phase.

UX/UI Development: The Development of user interfaces is an additional essential factor in calculating the development cost of mobile apps. Once the Requirements document has been completed and approved, it is time to create an effective UX for your application. To make a lasting impression on people's minds, you must create an app that has a flawless user interface/UI. Making these decisions correctly can cost you around 10-15 percent of your budget for development.

Testing and Development: In the latter stage, you develop your app using well-maintained and clean code. Development and QA account for the largest portion of the development costs. You can spend 60-65% of your budget on coding.

For the highest ROI for this process, you must work with an app development company that has been in business for many years and has a track record of implementing methods like Agile, DevOps, and DevSecOps. Engaging a developer partner who has created apps identical to the ones you want to make is also beneficial.

Management of Projects: It's an additional crucial aspect in the process of mobile app development services in Australia. Project managers ensure that you are successful in your project development by keeping track of progress from the beginning to when the project is finished. The cost of project management is typically 15% of your development budget.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Making a Mobile App


Developing an app can be an exciting endeavor, but before diving into it, it is essential to understand the cost-related factors. In Australia, where app development costs are higher than in other countries, It is crucial to consider the factors that affect the cost. Here are a few key aspects that can have a significant impact on the price:


We all know that Android and iOS are the most popular platforms of today's apps. However, the fact is that they have distinct programming languages. If you choose just one platform for your application, the development process will cost less than the launch across both.

Also Read: Key Factors To Consider As You Hire Mobile App Developers

However, here's a clever technique to reduce costs using cross-platform frameworks like React Native. With React Native, developers only write code once, and their applications can be used simultaneously on Android and iOS. This will save you money and help keep your app operating, providing users with an affordable solution.

Modules and Features

Features are essential in determining the costs of developing apps. The principle is straightforward: The more options you require, the higher the price. Applications with complex functions, like social feed algorithms, IoT device sync, or AR, tend to be more expensive than simpler ones.

Furthermore, modules are key elements in app development costs. Consider modules as a set of features that comprise an application. Do you want to add more modules? You'll need to pay more cash. To reduce costs, consider creating the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) application or opting for agile approaches.

Programming Languages

When choosing the programming language to develop your application, it's essential to consider its cost. Some languages are "pricier" to use than others. This could be because the people proficient in those languages are in short supply, the language is complicated, or the developer requires specific tools to create it.

Also Read: Hire Android App Developers for Your Mobile Apps

In the case of hiring, for instance, an iOS app developer proficient in native Swift may be more expensive than hiring a developer who is adept with native Kotlin for Android. Additionally, suppose you wish for the app to function seamlessly across iOS and Android. In this scenario, the developers must build the front end twice, using Java and Swift, which raises the cost.


Mobile app developers in Australia usually choose to use more sophisticated programming languages to protect their applications. Implementing data encryption and using advanced authentication methods are crucial. Furthermore, periodic penetration tests are necessary for an app with sensitive data. These measures all add up to the total expense of developing apps.

The measures also implement eight mitigation strategies suggested by the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD). For more information, visit their website here.

3rd Party Integration

Third-party integrations connect your app to a different platform through an API. If you want your app to interface with third-party applications like the Google Maps API and Stripe to process payments, the development cost will increase.

What is the reason an app requires third-party integration? Mobile apps usually require third-party integrations to improve functionality and give users a seamless experience. These integrations permit features such as login to social media and payment processing, access to location services, and access to outside data sources that extend the app's functionality beyond its primary functions.

So, developers can save time and money by using third-party tools and services. They can also provide users with the most comprehensive and rich experience.

Timeline and Target Launching Date

Your custom mobile app development company in Australia could determine the success or failure of the budget for your app. In general, more developers translates to more expenses. If you're looking for quick deployments with strict timeframes, you'll probably require a larger team to manage the load and meet the deadlines. Therefore, it will increase the cost of development.

Different Types of Mobile Apps and the Costs (with examples)


Mobile App Development Services Australia is crucial for businesses that thrive on expansion and growth in the current digital world. Thus, constructing an app with a strategic approach is an essential step.

Now you know that mobile apps are available in many forms, each serving a particular purpose and catering to different users' requirements. Let's now look at the different types of mobile apps together with some examples and estimates of cost ranges:

    • Basic Content App-$15000 to $30000

    • eCommerce App - $40,000 to $500,000+

    • Social Networking App- $50,000 to $1,000,000+

    • Messaging Apps- $50,000 to $500,000+

    • Health and Fitness App- $40,000 to $300,000+

    • Augmented Reality (AR) App- $80,000 to $1,000,000+

Basic Content App

They are designed to be simple by providing an easy-to-use experience centered on providing relevant information. The principal goal of the apps is to supply users with information efficiently. Whether blogs, news articles, or educational content, essential Content Apps aim to deliver the information you want to read seamlessly.

Examples: BBC News—A news application similar to BBC News focuses on delivering news and other content to users in an appealing and easy-to-use way. BBC has created a basic mobile application for content with minimal web pages and layers to provide news feeds to their users.

Cost: $15000 - $30000. They typically need less development time than more complex applications, which makes them a good option for individuals or businesses seeking to distribute information quickly.

eCommerce App

Developing an eCommerce mobile application is essential for businesses since it offers the entire shopping experience at the customer’s ease of use, providing convenience, personalization, and an effortless journey from discovery to purchase. eCommerce Mobile apps have emerged as essential tools for changing how customers shop, and businesses run. The apps are focused on convenience for customers while increasing their engagement and sales conversions.

Examples: Amazon—A global company, Amazon's mobile application offers users various goods, a customized shopping experience, and effective order tracking.

Cost: $40,000 - $500,000+—Factors influencing pricing include the number of options, payment integrations, user authentication, and the option between a native or cross-platform approach.

Social Networking App

Social Networking apps have become essential to our daily lives, changing how we communicate, connect, and share information. These apps function as virtual hubs that enable users to communicate with their family, friends, and even strangers, creating a vibrant online community.

Developing Social Media Applications allows individuals to set up profiles and provide users with a personal space to share information about themselves, their interests, and their activities. Users can make friend requests for connections with friends and follow other profiles, creating an online network of connections.

Examples: Facebook—The pioneer of social networks, Facebook connects people globally with various features, including news feeds, profiles, and groups.

Cost between $50,000 and $1,000,000. The price for simple or advanced media applications can be divided based on how they integrate features such as user authentication messages, messaging systems, media sharing options, and the option of an integrated or cross-platform development method.

Messaging Apps

Messaging apps have revolutionized communications by providing instant and seamless communication in real time. These apps are now essential instruments for connecting people across the globe in everything from intimate chats to business collaborations.

They provide instant text, multimedia, and voice message transmission, allowing users to talk in real-time. The focus is on security, and end-to-end encryption safeguards messages and ensures security and privacy.

Examples: WhatsApp is a globally well-known messaging app known for its ease of use, security features, and huge user base. Utilizing WhatsApp, users can experience live chat, multimedia sharing, voice and video calls, group chats, and more, all in a safe environment.

Cost: $50,000- $500,000. Other cost factors include video and voice calling features, end-to-end encryption, multimedia sharing capabilities, and choosing between an open-platform or native development method.

Health and Fitness App

If your product or service is in healthcare, you should hire a custom mobile app development company in Australia to create a functional mobile healthcare application for your company.

The apps are designed to cater to various health-conscious people, offering customized solutions, tracking capabilities, and a holistic fitness method. They let users keep track of various health metrics, including exercise, nutrition, sleep patterns, and more.

An example: Fitbit - A pioneer in wearable technology, Fitbit's application is a perfect complement to its devices, providing specific information about sleeping patterns, physical activity, and general health.

Cost: $40,000 to $300,000. Other cost-influencing factors include nutrition tracking, activity tracking, customizing a workout plan, AI-driven suggestions, and wearable integrations. Other factors, like including gamification features, virtual coaching, or integration with specifically designed devices, can affect the overall cost.

Augmented Reality (AR) App

Augmented Reality (AR) applications have led to a paradigm shift in the way we see how we interact and experience the world. By overlaying digital data onto the physical surroundings, AR apps can enhance the real-world experience, giving users a mix of the real and the virtual.

AR applications seamlessly integrate digital elements like 3D objects, text, and animations into users' real-time surroundings. Users can interact with augmented content using gestures, touches, and voice commands, which can increase user interaction.

Examples: Snapchat—A well-known application, Snapchat uses AR features, like filters and lenses, which overlay virtual objects onto the users' faces or their environment in real time.

The cost ranges from $80,000 to $1,000,000+. Factors such as complex 3D modeling, complex interactions with AR technology for tracking, and choosing between an integrated or cross-platform development method influence the cost.

Exploring App Development Costs for Popular Applications

Here's a breakdown of the estimated costs for the most popular apps across different sectors in the Australian market:

Cab Booking Application (e.g., Ola): AUD 20,000 - $70,000+

Developing a cab booking application requires features such as GPS integration with real-time tracking, motion payment processing in-app, and users' profile laxity rises with features such as the driver-matching algorithm, various payment options, and loyalty programs.

Food Delivery Application (e.g., Swiggy): AUD 40,000 - $120,000+

Developing Food delivery apps must-have features such as menu listings, restaurant listings management, real-time tracking, and payment options available in-app. Other features, such as integrated orders online for restaurants and driver delivery management and loyalty programs, may dramatically increase the development cost.

E-commerce Application (e.g., Flipkart): AUD 30,000 - $250,000+

E-commerce application development includes features such as product listings, secure payment gateways, user accounts, shopping carts, and order management. Features like inventory management, sophisticated search options and filters, secure payment gateways, and integration with third-party logistics providers can be complicated.

Financial App (e.g., Pocketguard): AUD 30,000 - $200,000+

Financial apps can range from basic expense trackers to more complex investment platforms. Essential tools include budgeting, transaction categorization, and linking accounts (with the user's consent). More complex features like investment management, stock trading, and integration with financial institutions demand an additional development budget.

Travel and Booking App (e.g., Airbnb): AUD 120,000 - $200,000+

Developing Apps for travel booking requires features such as location-based search, booking functions, secure payment processing, user reviews, and tools for communication. Integrating different travel services (flights and hotels) and coordinating user calendars will further increase the development cost.

Social Media App (e.g., Facebook): AUD 100,000 - $200,000+

Making a complete social media website is a complex task. Key features include profiles for users, sharing of content and message boards, feeds for social media, and notifications systems. Adding features like live video streaming, chat, and content moderation requires considerable development resources and experience.

E-learning App (e.g., Duolingo): AUD 20,000 - $200,000+

Online learning apps range from simple vocabulary trainers to complex online courses. Primary features include delivery of content along with quizzes, as well as tracking progress. More advanced features like gamification components int, interactive learning modules, and customized learning paths need more development efforts.

Healthcare App (e.g., Doctor on Demand): AUD 30,000 - $200,000+

Healthcare apps offer an array of functions, including appointment scheduling, online consultations, and appointment scheduling. The most basic features are appointments, patient portal booking, and secure message messaging. Advanced features such as video conferencing capabilities con, connection to medical records, and real-time health data tracking need greater security and knowledge in managing healthcare data.

Real Estate App (e.g., Zillow): AUD 80,000 - $180,000+

Real estate apps typically display the properties on display, including virtual tours and agent contact details. Additional features include search filters based on location, price, and property type. Integrating with real estate databases and mapping APIs can help reduce the development cost.

Logistics App (e.g., Flexport): AUD 15,000 - $30,000+

Logistics applications require features such as shipping monitoring, optimization of routes, and real-time updates. Complex features include warehouse management, light quotations, and integration with transportation companies. These capabilities require an efficient back-end design and managing supply chains.

Optimizing Your Development Budget: Cost-Saving Strategies

Making a mobile app could be thrilling; however, understanding the costs is essential to making informed decisions. Here are some ideas to take into consideration for reducing the costs of mobile app development services in Australia:

Cross-Platform Development

Instead of creating separate applications to run on Android and iOS, consider a cross-platform approach using frameworks such as React Native or Flutter. This will allow you to create one code base that works on both platforms, cutting development time and cost. However, there are minor limitations in performance and flexibility compared to native applications.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Only attempt to integrate some of your app's features in one go. Commence with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) focused on the app's fundamental functions, which should provide the best value to its users. This lets you try out your idea with real users, collect valuable feedback, and then iterate according to their requirements before investing in more features. This approach helps reduce development costs and ensure you're developing the app people want.

Outsourcing Remote Teams

Hiring remote developers from countries with lower developer fees could decrease your overall development expenses. However, thorough screening of prospective outsourcing partners is vital to ensure high-quality and effective communication.

Agile Development Methodology

Implementing an Agile development method permits iterative development cycles that include continuously tested feedback loops. This helps spot and resolve issues earlier, reducing rework and cutting costs over the long haul.

Cloud-Based Services

Cloud-based solutions for backup infrastructure and data storage could be a cost-effective option. Cloud-based services provide scalability and flexibility, which allows users to pay only for the resources they utilize.

Regular Maintenance and Updating

Although it may appear strange, regular maintenance and updates could reduce costs. Identifying and fixing bugs quickly, maintaining a secure app, and ensuring it is up-to-date with the latest technology help avoid costly repairs in the future.

Mobile App Maintenance Cost

Regular maintenance is required to keep your application up-to-date, secure, and running smoothly. It is vital to ensure mobile applications' long-term stability and performance. But everything comes at an expense.

A rough estimate is that maintenance costs for mobile apps generally vary between 15 and 30 percent of the development expense each year. However, this could depend on the app's complexity, the choice of platform technology stack, the frequency of updates, etc.

Let's examine the key elements of mobile device app maintenance and why it's crucial in developing your mobile app.

    • Bug Fixes and Issue Resolution: Updates regularly to fix and address any bugs or issues found by users or during regular testing.

    • Compatibility Updates - ensuring compatibility of the application with most current operating system versions and different devices.

    • Optimizing Performance - Analyzing performance and optimizations to improve the speed of the application, its flexibility, and overall effectiveness.

    • Enhancements to Features: Add or enhance new features to meet users' requirements and stay competitive in the marketplace.

    • Security Updates: Enforce security patches and updates to protect users' data and the application from potential security vulnerabilities. And updates to protect users' data and the application from potential security vulnerabilities.

Tips to Reduce Mobile Application Development Cost

Reduced development costs for apps while maintaining high quality is a common goal of entrepreneurs and businesses alike. If you believe that the cost of mobile app development services in Australia exceeds your budget amount, follow these tips to control costs:

Choose The Right Development Approach

Consider whether the native, hybrid, or cross-platform development strategy will work for your project. Each process has advantages and disadvantages, and selecting the appropriate option can affect the development timeline and expenses.

Prioritize Features

Prioritize and identify the most critical features to include in the initial release. The minimum viable product (MVP) lets you start quickly, collect user feedback, and improve the app according to current needs.

Reusable Components and Code

Develop components that can be reused and code snippets to simplify the development process. This not only helps save time but also ensures coherence across all apps.

Iterative Development

Develop using an iterative method and release more minor updates or new features frequently. This will allow for a faster time to market and spread costs across time.

Effective Project Management

Utilize effective methods for managing projects to reduce delays and maximize the utilization of resources. Tools such as Agile or Scrum methodologies can aid in controlling the development process efficiently.



Ultimately, finding out the cost of developing apps in Australia requires thoroughly evaluating a range of variables. It's crucial to consider budgetary considerations in conjunction with the desired features and high quality. Collaboration with a reliable developers team, whether an Australian mobile app development agency or experienced mobile app developers in Australia, will make the process easier and ensure the success of delivering the highest-quality mobile app. With technology continuing to develop and evolve, investing in an efficient and well-designed app is a wise choice for companies looking to remain relevant in the current digital environment.